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Everything posted by pccoder

  1. well said plus, another thing is that the grass is always greener. right now you may feel you need a life again and not jump all the time, then once you aren't jumping you'll wish you were jumping instead. people who have this drive to learn, excel, etc. are never satisfied. we live for the hunger. PcCoder.net
  2. Yea, these forums make me sometimes want to take a break from participating in them. But, I still feel it's valuable and worth it. PcCoder.net
  3. I want to respond to my original post in this thread. My point was that skydiving's danger's are way over exagerated in the non-skydiving world compared to other activities. Who gives a flying shit if my EXACT specific example was not dead on accurate. You have to be so perfect in these forums with you information or everyone and their sister wants to let you know how wrong you are. Jeez. PLEASE, sometime try to convince me now that motorcycle racing is less dangerous. Come on now, I am sure someone has some remark to make about that one. My goodness, let's not get all caught up in the details all the time. Edited...
  4. I hear ya. They should make it very clear so this no misunderstanding. PcCoder.net
  5. That sux, sorry to hear that. I think something the host meant by saying no more than 33% of the site's traffic can be non-html is to specifically keep large downloads of files from occuring. If you get all kinds of traffic moving from page to page, etc. that is alot easier on the servers than serving up a 200mb stream of data to one user at one location at one time. Who knows how many other customers the host had, and depending on what web server he is using, he might not have the resources to accomodate that kind of traffic (i.e. it was affecting his other customers??) PcCoder.net
  6. excellent, that makes good sense. thanks for the info. PcCoder.net
  7. I wasn't hassling anyone, just offering constuctive criticism. Those numbers aren't really as "big" as you are trying to make them sound. Finding someone to host 20 gigs of storage space isn't difficult, just a little costly for an average joe. Perhaps a better plan would be to try to use some file sharing software like the old napster or morpheus, however it could be a "skydive specific" version. This should help alot with the cost (there would be none) and people would be able to get their videos, not quite as effeciently or always when they wanted them; however it's not like they are getting them right now. Again, not trying to say anything bad about the site. I loved it when it was up months ago. Just think there could be a different solution that would provide the same service to all the fellow skydivers who want to download videos/pics/etc. PcCoder.net
  8. Just curious if I am spending too much.... Is that even possible???? Edited... I spent under $5000, but pretty close, and I have still not purchased my own gear, still using rental gear. But I probably spent about $1500 on tunnel time alone. This sport is like heroin.
  9. Yes, this is right. I think sometimes they wish I would just shut up about skydiving. In fact, I think today someone said it, "Chris, shut up about skydiving"
  10. You are right, but I was right too. I just checked again, it was one in every 40,000 drives, not drivers. Yes, driving is still more dangerous statistically than skydiving. PcCoder.net
  11. This is too bad. Perhaps the domain name owner needs to find a host, agree to the terms and stick with them. I can't imagine that this site is going to get "that much" traffic once the novelty of a central skydive video download location has passed. Perhaps the host should be told up front that this site is going to get alot of traffic at first, but will seriously calm down in a few weeks after going live. PcCoder.net
  12. Looks as if someone is using more bandwidth than his provider has agreed to allow for the specific domain name PcCoder.net
  13. Not only is it important that you use a video player that recognizes the .mpg format (windows meda player is a good choice), but sometimes you will not have the correct CODEC in order to play the video. If you use Windows Media Player (recommended) you can go to the microsoft website and find an entire library of CODECS which can be downloaded and attached to the player. A fairly easy way to do this automatically is to run Windows Update, from Internet Explorer you can chose from the menu bar at the top "Tools" and then "Windows Update". It may take some time as you will quickly find you are more than likely very much in need of many critical and recommended updates. It's worth it in the end and you should probably be taking these updates anyway, regardless of your problems with videos. Hope this helps. Chris PcCoder.net
  14. Also, good man for running into the house, we can't let that shit go unanswered. Don't go out like that. PcCoder.net
  15. Hey, at least your head is pointed in the right general direction.
  16. Where did you hear this? There is no link or anything in your message. PcCoder.net
  17. That totally pisses me off. As if skydiving is any more dangerous than driving a motorcycle. Or a car for that matter. A buddy of mine did a research paper in college and statistically it was something like 1 in every 40,000 drivers will die from a car crash; while 1 in every 140,000 skydivers will die from skydiving. I may not be right on accurate with those numbers; however the point to be made was that its so less dangerous than alot of the things we do as regular people every day. But there still is this stigma and prejudice against us. Really ticks me off. Oh yea, anyone playing basketball these days?? Try driving the lane on any pickup basketball game and tell that's less dangerous than skydiving. PcCoder.net
  18. Yes, I have already done this in the past. And, I have considered doing this again to express my passion for skydiving, maybe I'll do it. PcCoder.net
  19. I remember during AFF my instructors always said after pulling to look over each shoulder quickly to ensure the bag and canopy have left the container and not bobbling around on my back?? (or potentially pilot chute in tow) PcCoder.net
  20. I've never jumped a Sabre2 but always hear really good things about it. I did jump a Sabre 170 once. It stung quite a bit on opening, I had always jumped a Spectre 170 prior to that, and whoa what a difference. PcCoder.net
  21. I was really scared too. If you look back in Safety & Training you'll find my thread on this story. I detailed thoroughly my experience that day. I learned alot too, and the people in this forum offer a lot of really helpful information. You made a good decision to turn around. With me, I came up short of where I really wanted to get to, but was able to make it to a small field on the extreme north side of the DZ. However, my landing pattern was NON EXISTENT. I flew straight in from the time I opened till the time I landed, winds were really strong and right in my face. PcCoder.net
  22. I think the USPA will allow 16 yo + to do solo and 18 years old and up for tandem. So, I would guess it's up to the DZ. As far as the price, for the money, paying in advance for the static lines and the AFF for around $1100 sounded really good. I paid $1300 up front just for 7 AFF jumps. PcCoder.net
  23. I don't recall ever doing this. But, heh, I must have. Have fun, do your thing, then get stable. It's really easy and you'll be pleasantly suprised when you see how easy it is to get stable. PcCoder.net