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Everything posted by pccoder

  1. pccoder

    Freefly Suit

    This is my 1st freefly suit, but not my 1st suit. I used the DZ's suits for a quite a while before purchasing this one. It took about 3 weeks to get this suit. I was able to download the bitmap that Mike uses on his website www.michigansuits.com and used MS Paint (keep it simple) to color the suit the way I wanted. Did my self measurements, emailed the bitmap, etc. to Mike. Called them that day and verified the measurements, etc. He was very helpful and had no problem taking time to discuss with me how I wanted the suit to fit and look. The suit was $250 plus shipping. Overall, I am totally satisfied as this suit looks, feels and flys great. I even took the time to call Mike and let him know. Great suit, quick turnaround, good price.
  2. I placed my order at ZHills on a Sunday, got measured, picked my material and colors. Called several times over the next 8 or 9 weeks. Finally received my pants around 9 1/2 weeks after my order. I am satisfied with the pants, but I probably will not purchase another pair of them because I really wanted them for summer and didn't get them until summer was practically over. Speed things up at the manufactoring plant. Especially for $190 !!
  3. My DZ considered me student status until I received my A license. PcCoder.net
  4. If I lived near you, I would totally jump with you, and you wouldn't have to pay. COME ON PEOPLE!!! Let's help the guy out! Let's not forget we are all in this together. Woo hoo, rah rah, etc.
  5. If suddenly the DOT all across the country said, you must sign the same waiver we sign to skydive in order to drive, would we all stop driving? Probably not, we'd just stop talking on the phone while driving, pay closer attention to our vehicles maintenance, be more cautious behind the wheel, etc. Shit happens, and people need to start manning up (sorry ladies) and start taking responsibility for their own actions. Yea, if someone gives you a shit pack job, they are probably negligent. If the pilot is drunk behind the stick, the same. But we are all adults here, we should pay attention and look out for these things when OUR lives are on the line. Life isn't a cake walk where we can disregard all worry of looking out for ourselves and then get to blame someone else when we get hurt (even though we should have been looking out for it). I wish it could be easy, but life isn't. At least me get to enjoy what time we do have (most of the time), so let's stop bitching about who we should or should not sue and just be responsible. Noone is perfect, we can't keep blaming humans (who are very involved in this sport) when they make mistakes. We all do it. Sometimes it's just a matter of luck. And hopefully we can manage to all make it through another day without harm. OTHERWISE, every time someone mentions a chest strap done wrong, pilot chute hanging half way out (jeez) or something else of that nature, you better start paying them some money cause they just saved your life becaue YOU were negligent. PcCoder.net
  6. Ron, just read your post and you had me laughing. The spelling like shit thing Dude, the harsh remark wasn't about being scared, it was about slamming the original post's spelling of SKYDIVING vs SKY DIVING. Have a good one, if you're jumping today you are lucky. I am at home with the kids. PcCoder.net
  7. I think if you dropped a wind tunnel just about anywhere, skydivers will flock to it and use it. Wind Tunnels are the next best invention to the internet and penicillin. PcCoder.net
  8. Were they planning on dropping the insurance? PcCoder.net
  9. I have never jumped a solo without a helmet yet, kind of forgot from the days of no-helmet wearing tandem jumps that I could even do this. I can imagine it might be worth a shot to try it this way, to really get a good sensation of wind speed picking up around me as I fall. Might just do that. Can I assume on heli jump that they just drop you pretty much right over the holding area? Also, if it's going to be running all day along side the regular jumpers from the Caravan and King Air, I would imagine that's another level of safety that the DZ is going to have to manage (something that this one plane in the air at a time DZ never has to worry about) PcCoder.net
  10. Thanks everyone. Sounds like a look of really good advice. Overwhemling majority says I need to pay good attention to the safety briefing at the DZ that day from the helicopter pilot. I am really looking forward to it. The111, I'll see you there!! PcCoder.net
  11. Living in Florida I always suffer from sinus problems, trouble breathing from my nose, etc. I always seem to breathe better after jumping. Maybe more after SCUBA diving though.
  12. Anyone? Somewhere in Florida would be most helpful. PcCoder.net
  13. You want to contact Joao Tambor or Fabian (cant' remember his last name) at Skydive Space Center. Both of them are involved in teaching some of those camps. I'm sure Patty at SSC can give you their contact info. PcCoder.net
  14. go for it!!! you'll be fine. PcCoder.net
  15. if you are associated with www.skydivingmovies.com .. what has been up (or should I say down) with that site lately? PcCoder.net
  16. Is that true that the heli doesn't stop? I figured it would be stationary on exit, show's what i know. PcCoder.net
  17. Thanks alot. It will be at SSC, so I will tell Greg and Patty what you said. PcCoder.net
  18. Going to do my 1st heli jump next weekend. Anything I should know, consider, etc.? It's going to be 5000ft jumps. PcCoder.net
  19. OK, I guess most of your last few explanations have made more sense to me. Thanks for the clarification. PcCoder.net
  20. That makes sense. Good explanation. PcCoder.net
  21. sue sue sue, everyone wants to sue someone, I think I am going to see the farmer who raised the cow that got slaughtered, whose skin was dried out and use to make a belt, which was sold in a store which my mom purchased and then used to spank my butt when I was child which caused me emotional turmoil, which in turn caused me to not like belts, which I CHOSE not to wear in the car crash where I broke my arm. (hypothetically), while I am at I think I might sue the car manufacturer as well, I am sure he screwed me somehow too
  22. doesn't it know which direction it is blowing in the air? and my question had nothing to do with the speed of air on the ground. PcCoder.net
  23. I don't think so. I have never heard of a double mal in base. Everyone is so specific in these forums, I think I knew what he meant.
  24. Definatly not the past month. It's been raining all the time over here in Melbourne (near Titusville, Skydive Space Center) PcCoder.net