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Everything posted by pccoder

  1. I was pulling at 6K in AFF (jumping from 15K) Now I throw at 4K (same 15K jumps) I agree with the person who said it gets uncomfortable to open any lower than 3500, I just want to have as much time as possible to fix any problems I might have (well, without doing 15K hop 'n pops) PcCoder.net
  2. oh yea, you're right, I did. sorry. i guess i should proof read sometimes.
  3. I probably wont check back on this post, but having been through a "straight" marriage that ended in divorce my opinion about marriage is that it has nothing to do with relegion and everything to do with money and control. And I don't mean "he" is controlling her or vice versa. It is the "State" controlling its people and making them do exactly what they want them to do. I don't want to get into a lot of "show up reasons for what you think", I don't think there is enough e-paper to write that one down. Just thought I'd make my statement and move on. If gays, straights, black, white, yellow, alien, whatever want to be together, if the state won't accept it, fuck the state. Do we really need acceptance from the state to know how we feel in our hearts? If its an argument about "fair rights" and not getting the same "breaks" as straight couples, well the grass is always greener. while straight couples ended marriages have their own problems to deal with (alimony, child support,
  4. Has anyone seen this yet? I saw it last night and was very dissapointed. I was really ready for a deeply emotional movie, etc. and all I got was 2 hours of beating this poor guy down with whips, etc. and then tacking him up on the cross to bleed to death. I believe if you are going to pursue a movie such as this (especially this) you need to bring something new to the table other than just gore. Good effects, etc. but nothing new, same thing only hollywood. I don't see what all the hype was about. PcCoder.net
  5. Could be, but I remember someone mentioning on the plane that it was the stall warning. But, they could be wrong.
  6. no sarcasm at all, i was being completely honest. I am happy that you think like I do. I'll stick with the 170 for quite a while. PcCoder.net
  7. bravo!! you put a whole new perspective on canopy flying. glad to hear that I'm not the only one rushing out and getting the smallest, fastest canopy I can get my hands on. PcCoder.net
  8. Is that why the strong blast of air? PcCoder.net
  9. The111 - Yea, that is a bad ass plane for getting to altitude, just group exits blow. michaelmullins - I have experienced that real strong blast of wind feeling that some other's have mentioned on this thread in the King Air at Titusville too. At the same time I was hearing the stall warning going off in the cockpit before stepping out the door. What was going on there? Everyone - all this complex math is making me feel like I am at a Physics seminar PcCoder.net
  10. Please provide details of your accident. PcCoder.net
  11. small price to pay, considering alot of us are probably using DSL/Cable it shouldn't be too bad a hit; and you could always shut it down if you needed to. PcCoder.net
  12. sorry dude, appreciate the response though. PcCoder.net
  13. I think I am going to completely stop making any kind of opinions in this forum, as someone is always going to let me know how I am wrong. I should have just kept my thoughts to myself. Thanks for correcting me. PcCoder.net
  14. My home DZ (Skydive Space Center) does 18K jumps whenever they have enough jumpers that want to go up. It's $22 per jump ticket. Not bad considering the extra freefall time. They provide little O2 masks that you wear from 15K till jumprun. Done it twice last year and well worth the extra $, just find it hard to get enough people to go all the time. Those poor skydivers. PcCoder.net
  15. Not sure if there even are 10,000 active professional motorcycle racers. However, I would think that at least 1 in 10,000 active motorcyclists will die each year. Aren't statistics fun?? We can make them look however we want to. PcCoder.net
  16. Hey dude, I know you can do it you want to. I am about 160 (6'0" tall) and perfectly fit. I'm not small, not big, just in the middle. I'm sure if you want to lose some muscle weight you can easily get down to about 200 lbs at 6'2" and look totally healthy. Best of luck. PcCoder.net
  17. Must have been fun putting on the harness, eh? oh yea, boobs are good. PcCoder.net
  18. Angela, after reading that you were part of a 16-point 4 way at 29 jumps I was like "WOW". Who cares if you are having trouble docking a sit or flying head down. I'm impressed, you have mad skill obviously. I look forward to hearing more about what you do in the future. Please be careful.
  19. ok, I think I might have started high or something, cause I did the 1st jump on a PD260, then a couple on a PD Navigator 240, then about 20 on a PD Navigator 220, then about 10 on a PD Spectre 190, then have been jumping the Spectre 170 ever since. I feel the most comfortable on the 170. PcCoder.net
  20. Something else that crossed my mind; as this sport pretty much drives people to poverty, I imagine there might be a very large number of jumpers who have never even logged into this site and aren't putting in their 2 cents worth in this poll. I wonder if their votes would sway the numbers any? PcCoder.net
  21. ha ha ha ha (keeping your wife away from your rigger) too funny. I try to keep my EX wife from even knowing, she'd love to get me bumped off and get the other half that she didn't get in the divorce. PcCoder.net
  22. Was just reading through the CRW incident thread and thought a new thread would be a more appropriate location for my question? Remember, this is educational, not me wanting to go purchase a high performance canopy, so please be gentle.
  23. I'm suprised how many threads have been created lately about this very same issue. PcCoder.net
  24. What really helped me ALOT with my sit was twofold. 1st spending time in the tunnel. 2nd was getting someone to show me how to exit the plane in an easy way which won't require fighting to get into a sit after exiting the plane. Made a big difference for me. PcCoder.net