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Everything posted by pccoder

  1. I never jumped mine. To this day still have never jumped mine, but never back either. My new gear is in next month and will start packing from here on out. But I anticipate taking a refresher course before doing it. PcCoder.net
  2. I've noticed that what works really good is when one of your buddies videos the jump and then you play it back and time it. That seems to give you pretty good evidence (unless it was edited, slowed down) PcCoder.net
  3. pccoder

    Butter Face

    My brother is doing one of his AFF jumps and he says to me, "Check out that chick over there... HOT!!!". I am like "yea". He says "she sure has a butter face". I am like "what is a butter face?" He says, "You know. Everything about her is hot.... but her face" PcCoder.net
  4. pccoder

    Sky Nectar

    My brother likes this term and thought I would share it with the rest of you. Sky Nectar = Hot Female Skydivers Sounds also like a good Adult Magazine for Female Skydivers. Any volunteers? PcCoder.net
  5. From the results of this poll, it would appear that more than half the skydive community (on this website) can at least use their left hand. Interesting statistics!! Of course, it could mean nothing more than "more than half the skydive community that visits this website can use their left hand" PcCoder.net
  6. dude, get over yourself and quite whinning. consider yourself lucky that you have the opportunity to do it all. should I walk away from the sport I have grown to love??? i'm pretty sure we've all loved it from the first jump. PcCoder.net
  7. Sounds kind of dumb to do it at all, but I am sure it was a rush. I'm jealous, I don't push it that far. PcCoder.net
  8. Come on people. Let's remember this is an extreme sport, not shooting a gun or driving a car. The more we allow stupid things to happen, the more likely this sport becomes governed and regulated by the federal government. I don't know about the rest of you, but I would much rather it stay the way it is today. Let's all quit coping out and saying we don't have any responsibility for who we sell to, cause eventually you'll have to give a piss test, donate some semen, get bloodwork, have your credit checked and provide proof of citizenship before you're even allowed on the plane. So, let's try to be realistic. PcCoder.net
  9. My first jump was a tandem, 2nd and 3rd the same, then finally commited to AFF. The rest is history. Oh well, here are few pictures from that first tandem jump. PcCoder.net
  10. Very good idea! Also, try to get some time in a wind tunnel if you can't start now (Not cheap either though). You've got plenty of time, enjoy having money now while you still can. Sounds like you are 17 and already commited to a life of poverty. Good for you. PcCoder.net
  11. We are all responsible for our own actions. However; with that being said, I would feel a personal responsibility to ensure I am not expediting someone on their trip to the grave. PcCoder.net
  12. I totally agree. I've found when people even attempt to give any level of advice they end up being slamed by some many. Great post. PcCoder.net
  13. dude, ouch, you should be certain before responding. If it is the picture I am thinking about, she is right, it was in an ER. and it was pretty friggin gross. PcCoder.net
  14. Skydive Space Center, one of the best DZs in the world!! Great load organizers, superb landing area and plenty of sky nectar (hot female skydivers)!!! PcCoder.net
  15. jeff, I personally like to have goals. that is one of the things that has always excited me about this sport is that there is always something to strive for. so, be it a new license or rating, manuever in the air, canopy flying style, etc. I tend to have more fun when I am trying something new. PcCoder.net
  16. I don't feel down, but I start to get sort of sick, sore throat, feeling achy, then I jump and feel great, then of course feel achy as hell two days later.
  17. I feel so much better now.
  18. pccoder

    My Sit is Shit

    as far as the jive thing is concerned..... uh.....ok PcCoder.net
  19. pccoder

    My Sit is Shit

    Thanks for the pep talks. I jump in Titusville and usually have some really good "help advice" from some great free flyers (Joao Tabor, Fabian, etc.), so if I can take my head out of my ass for just a minute I should be able to get it right. Thanks again. PcCoder.net
  20. Steve!!! Nice to see that our skydive celebreties are using dropzone.com too. How's the tunnel camps going? PcCoder.net
  21. pccoder

    My Sit is Shit

    I have been sitting for quite some time, but just today I did a 2 way (with someone I don't nornally jump) and a video guy went too. Well, we never got together, the exit wasn't much better and we fought the whole time standing then sitting, etc. and constantly finding ourselves too far away now matter how hard we tried. Now, I have though all along my sit was fine, I can control up/down left/right direction. But today, after seeing the video and thinking it was the other guy; nope, it was me. I was back sliding the whole time. What a shitty way to end the day knowing that you suck. Oh well, it's time to hit the tunnel again and if I can keep off the wall and stay in the middle; then I am ok to return to the sky. PcCoder.net
  22. Yea, I did a tandem once, and now I am a licensed skydiver, so that is 1 for 1 for me. PcCoder.net