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Everything posted by pccoder

  1. Hey, did my out landing there 10 days ago. Titusville doesn't have too many choices does it? Glad to hear you did well. PcCoder.net
  2. I knew you'd say something about my comment about flying well under canopy. I was thinking I would hear something the momment I wrote it. I'm not bragging, don't want to. Just saying a fact, I don't have a lot of trouble with canopy flying. It's been one of the more fun aspects of skydiving for me. Thanks for all the info; was just curious. And like I said I won't be doing it anyway. PcCoder.net
  3. AFter touching these public items it would be a good idea to wash hands before they get near your face. That would probably help more and be less of a burden to your clothing. PcCoder.net
  4. This is an excellent idea. We should consider getting the DZ.com owners to start a petition on their homepage for something like this. We get enough votes, etc. and they can send this petition along with a request to ESPN. PcCoder.net
  5. That seems like a really sad reason. I've found that people who don't jump have no clue what it costs. In fact yesterday I was talking to a non-jumper about it and he said, "What does the gear cost? $300?" I wanted to laungh. PcCoder.net
  6. Thanks for the advice on being careful under canopy, but I wasn't asking for that. I just wanted to know how it is done, the physical act, so I can better understand the equipment. I fly very well under canopy and land very close to where I want most all the time. I don't attempt high performance landings and have no intention. Just trying to better understand the gear. PcCoder.net
  7. Anyone interested in getting a skydive tag for their car in Florida? I did some research late last year and remember it was pretty costly (for an individual) and then you had to put together a petition with like 15,000 people's signatures on it saying they would be interested in purchasing the tag if it were made. However, I was just curious if this idea has ever come up in here and if anyone has ever tried to do this? PcCoder.net
  8. Anyone know of any channels on cable/satellite that show any skydive competitions when they are happening or after the fact for that matter? PcCoder.net
  9. Yes, do, I can't wait until the time when we start seeing skydiving on ESPN instead of just Football, Basketball, NASCAR, etc. PcCoder.net
  10. Me too, I am finding this is one of the best resources for skydive related information. PcCoder.net
  11. Sorry to hear about your landings. From what I have heard, take the Canopy course. It's going to help you more than anything else. Take your time on landings, sounds like you have taken to some hard landings so many times you are expecting it, which is probably helping to cause it. In the air practice your flares, pull down on the toggles just to where you feel that you are planning out and not dropping or rising. Just keep trying this high up, then when you get down to the ground do the same thing. I think if you practice it enough up high you'll get more confident and get a better feel for how the canopy flies with your inputs. Be safe. PcCoder.net
  12. So far, it all seems to be about beer. Is there anything else we do when we are on the ground? Perhaps this tradition of beer for all new things shoud be changed to sex for all new things we do???? I know with truckers, they have this concept of prostitutes who hang around truck stops called "Lot Lizards", how about we start something called "DZ Lizards"?
  13. Ok, what is involved with pulling down the slider to even out the plane of the canopy? What are the effects? Why would/would not I want to do this? PcCoder.net
  14. I remember when I was in the middle of AFF and even a little after I would constantly ask advice of other experienced jumpers; they would always give me that same answer (speak to the instructor) and occasionally offer a little more about what they experienced. I'm not so sure that giving a little advice is bad. I figured at the time they were being both careful abot the information they would share with me and a little standoffish sometimes. Now I know better, they just didn't want to interfere with what the instructors were telling me. But, as a student you can sometimes get that feeling that experienced jumpers are being a little snobby by offering the canned answer of "speak to your instructor". I guess it's all part of the experience. PcCoder.net
  15. Is your boyfriend giving you shit from kissing everyone??? PcCoder.net
  16. true, I did a number of solo jumps after AFF where I just spun around in circles just to see how fast I could spin, would do several front or backloops in a row, etc. No real plan, just wanted to swim around a little and see what it would feel like. it's expensive, but not a bad way to figure it all out. PcCoder.net
  17. Yea, I did too. Was always asking for advice from my AFF coach who was always at the DZ jumping (is a videographer as well). Yoshi, ya the man!! PcCoder.net
  18. Yea, I used the DZ's suits for a long time, then got some freefly pants last summer, ended up "falling like a rock" some told me.
  19. Yea, probably some rudimentary ground school followed by at least one check dive. BTW, nothing but respect for you guys in the military who get deployed. PcCoder.net
  20. Yes, I normally jump in my freefly suit, so thanks for that bit of advice. That should come in handy. PcCoder.net
  21. Just a mistype, I know the difference.
  22. All 3 days, $35 jump, first come first serve. Starting at noon on the 1st day and then all day on Sat/Sun. Also they will be taking up loads in the 182, Caravan & King Air, $17 to 15K, $22 to 18K. PcCoder.net