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Everything posted by pccoder

  1. Come on Ron, don't you have this information??? PcCoder.net
  2. Well, I guess Im brain dead...Cause I don't lie. OR...It could be I have done this 2,500 more times than you, and I know what I am doing. So am I lying, brain dead, or just more experienced? If you were brain dead you might have trouble typing.
  3. Never....And SKYDIVING is one word. If you know the risks...And how to reduce them. and accept the fact you may die anyway..And really accept that. There is no fear. Kind of rough on him aren't you? I was fairly nervous for the first 10-20 jumps. I had done 3 tandems and alot of tunnel time before starting though, so maybe not quite as scared as others could be. PcCoder.net
  4. Seems like so many skydive deaths are related to bad decisions at low altitudes while under canopy or something of this nature. When non-skydivers (friends, family, co-workers) ever mention a skydive death, their initial comment is always "Did his/her chute not open?" I want to come back and tell them, this like never happens; but realistically does anyone know the actual numbers say over the past 10 years of true double malfunctions which resulted in death? Thanks PcCoder.net
  5. Absolutely, however checking in the plane and then reaching for it in freefall aren't the same "feeling", at least not to me. PcCoder.net
  6. How long does it take for the Cypes to get back from the 4 yr check? I don't own my own gear yet, still renting, but when I am ready to purchase and that 4 yr comes around I assume I will probably own my second rig too, so hopefully that window of time when one rig is down will be covered by the second one being available. I hope.
  7. A couple of months ago it was fairly cold one Saturday when I went jumping a on my first jump of the day I decided to wear gloves for the first time (some real light but thick in the palm leather gloves from when I was riding motorcycles). The jump went fine and when it came time to pull I realized when I reached back to throw out that I couldn't feel the hackey. I lost about 500 feet working my hand up my leg until finding it and throwing out a little lower than I had wanted. Lesson Learned: If I am going to channge my normal jump wardrobe, I need to take into consideration how it will be different for me PRIOR to getting on the plane. Some people have told me to cut the fingers out of the gloves on my right hand. Other suggestions? PcCoder.net
  8. Where is Empuriabrava? PcCoder.net
  9. No. So, just clarify for me. Quite simply, not some huge explanation. If the planes heading is North and wind is from the North, does the plane have to use more fuel to maintain the same altitude as if the wind is from the South? Or is it the other way around? PcCoder.net
  10. Regardless of speed, doesn't the plane have to worker harder to maintain altitude if going with the wind than against it? PcCoder.net
  11. Here yee Here yee, sounds like a good idea!! PcCoder.net
  12. I could be wrong, but I would imagine it has more to do with the plane than the jumpers. It's probably for the same reason that the plane takes off in to the wind, to get more lift without as much effort. Since the plane is slowing down it can use all the help it can get to maintain the proper altitude without having to work so hard. ??? PcCoder.net
  13. Well, since I came into this sport, Cypes has been around, so I don't know of jumping without one. Therefore, as it DOES exist and I DO use it... hard to say if I had ever had to jump in a time where it was otherwise. It's a great security blanket for the time I decide to have a seizure or pass out or who knows.
  14. I haven't taken the time to read this thread yet, but right off the bat it just seems to me like that is one extra thing that the tandem master has to deal with, which sounds like it adds at least at some level a bit more danger to the situation. Maybe like driving and talking on the cellphone PcCoder.net
  15. I hear ya. 7 secs separation on the Caravan and > 5 secs on the King Air. I guess there will be the time where the winds, etc. can cause that to be a problem. But, I don't see myself busting out the scientific calculator at the door to compute all that.
  16. 3 & 3, that is what I was taught too. Still manage to mess up the chest strap every once in a while PcCoder.net
  17. I cannot be certain, but I feel fairly confident I am starting my flare before I am only 6 feet off the ground. Maybe closer to 10. I'd rather have a little drop at the end than to flare late and smack my butt into the ground ( did that a few times) Hey guess what? Sometimes crap happens. Glad you are ok. PcCoder.net
  18. Thanks for getting my back PcCoder.net
  19. To clear things up... YES I jump with a Cypres. PcCoder.net
  20. I am very lucky to live within an hour of the tunnel in Orlando. I have been able to spend over 1 1/2 hours of flight time in the tunnel last year. What an amazing and wonderful tool that has been in helping me learn more quickly different skills that would have taken so much more time in the air. Wind Tunnels are one the best inventions of all time!!!!!! PcCoder.net
  21. I honestly don't know about the early Cypres. I just haven't heard from anyone I have jumped with about their AAD misfiring before. I guess it's happened, but that kind of thing is scary. We have enough to deal with doing this sport, the last thing I want to worry about is my gear creating these kind of problems also.