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    Freefall Photography
  • Second Choice Discipline
    Formation Skydiving
  1. I made my first jump at Sunrise in 1978 as well.John Rich,you were on that load,the jumper after me.Dan Steeger (awesome jumpmaster and instructor!!),was JM that load. Shall,thanks for sharing those pics,dude,they brought back some wonderful memories when I was young and had no kids,mortgage or ulcers and grey hair.That's me coming down under that red,white and blue PC at Palatka.Ah,the skydiving cuties Janice Oliva (my dad thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen),Diane Pound,Peggy Fleming and Penny.You could do a pin up calandar with those, shall. I got back into the sport in '99 and jumped Amelia Island again after a 15 year hiatus from the sport.It was run by a really nice South African dude named Johann and BK,Both gentlemen were excellent instructors and I felt that I learned more about the sport in the short time I had been there,than I had in the 150 some odd jumps I had made years before.It's a shame they couldn't keep the center open. I too am contemplating getting back into the sport,too shall.I made some 15 or so jumps in '99,hadn't jumped since.It's a $$ matter.
  2. My first square jump was a Strato Cloud,then a Crusair and then a Strato Star and finally a 5 cell Parafoil.Who's jumped a 5 cell foil and how many times did you have to cut away from it.I had to chop my foil 3 times over about 90 jumps.
  3. Because they abducted my ex wife once.
  4. I have recently been presented "Undisputable Evidence" Aliens from outer space are abducting people. What is your opinion? What's the evidence?I believe about 92-97% of the reported UFO incidents are hogwash,but that leaves the8 to 3% that could be legit. My personal opinion is that the phenomena is more akin to encounters from beings in the spirit realm more so than a visitors from space.
  5. I've heard differing stories on this one.The center is loacted at Herlong Airport in Jacksonville,Florida,but I'm told they train there and actually jump over Palatka.Anyone know the real deal?
  6. I have stretched out the heavens, and I allow skydivers to fly there.(Isaiah 45:12) Which translation is that?
  7. Returning to the sport after a hiatus and noticing an overwhelming majority of folks prefer to pro pack.Just want to know if this is indeed superior as I don't remember ever seeing this back in the day.I hadn't heard of it till recently.Any tips here for an old flatpacker?
  8. My ex wife never skydived yet she would probably say skydiving was better than sex,in fact she could've made a down wind landing and broke both of her legs and still said skydiving was better than sex.
  9. [Nothing is free everyone ends up paying more for goods and services. It seems as if everyone forgets this. Right,nothing is free of coourse.I have a friend who argues that since she pays for all medical care outright,she saves money because a doctor will cut a private individual a break and really pad a bill out for an insurance company. You see this when you look at an itemized statement and see things you never saw,like medications that were never prescribed,equipment never used,procedures never done,etc.Like 4 dollars a piece for a tylenol in the hospital. This is what I find appalling.I like a free market economy,but this is abuse.Jacking a price for a service or item is fine as long as we're dealing with designer shoes,but not peoples' lives and health.
  10. I posted this on another site and got a myriad of opinions.Most agree with me that US health care is lacking. It seems that over the years I've been paying more and more for benefits and getting less and less.I've been needing an MRI on my shoulder now for over a year and the decision to get it done lies not with my attending physician,but a bean couter from the insurance company whom I have not met. My fiance from Canada says our medical coverage here sucks,compared to there because Canadians don't pay for anything.The employer pays an amount per employee and what isn't covered such as prescriptions,dental and eye care is picked up by your work benefits which cost less than half what most working folks pay for iin the US. Opinions?
  11. I suffered 4 ruptured discs at c3-4 and c4-5 as well as L4-5 and L-5-S1.All from a car accident.The latter disc is pretty well shot.I went through every imaginable modality of pain relief to no avail and since this involved a lawsuit ( a construction company truck hit me) I was in litigation for 4 years.I finally had surgery.I wasn't active jumping at the time, although 3 years after the surgery I took up jumping again.Since my work involves alot of physical labor,I suffered a small setback after I started jumping again and had to lay out.Now jumping is more a money and time problem now.As for how long,it just depends on the individual.Whatever the case,just be sure you're well off of the pain meds before you start jumping again. Marty
  12. oldfart

    MT1 XX

    I posted a question a couple of weeks back about military rigs on civilian DZ's and I got a response from a fellow who sadi that he used one for his AFF training and he sent me some pics of it in use.I accidently deleted the pics so if it's not too much trouble I would like to get that nice person to email me those agains to my personal addy at [email protected] want to send them to a friend of mine who was Special Forces and used to jump an MT 1 XX. Thanks
  13. QuoteWhile on the topic of B & W, a couple of rolls of infrared film might also be very interesting to shoot. As long as you can load the film in complete darkness, etc. you could get some very interesting shots. Infrared rocks!Ilford makes a pseudo IR film that simulates the effects but isn't quite so touchy to handle.It's also a good idea to remember that with IR film,your focal plane will be different so your focus scale will be off.Some older lenses have a separate witness mark on them for IR film.Forget about auto focus and you will need a manual wind camera.Since built in auto wind cameras use an IR light to read the perfs in the film,it will fog IR film.Also it's a good idea to keep the film in dry ice in a cooler before you shoot it,and load in complete darkness.I shot IR motion picture film a few years ago and I had to keep the camera's magazine covered at all times and had to make a few modifications to the camera. Black and white also offers alot of creativity with color filters.Red filters will bring out a blue sky,green will lighten foliage,etc.
  14. Years ago, I wore an Ankh on a silver chain.I was doing delayed freefall student jumps and at the time,we used the old ripcord deployed chutes.We were jumping paracommanders then. When I pulled, I stuffed the rip cord into my jumpsuit and felt the chain break and the Ankh and chain fell down the leg of my jumpsuit and I watched it bounce off my boot and fall toward the ground 2500 feet below.I knew I would never see it again.About 10 minutes after I landed someone came up to me with it in their hand and asked me if I had dropped it.
  15. QuoteWe used to call it "no visible means of support" when a guy with no real job started driving a fancy new car, bought land, started a busuness, etc. I was approached once back in 1981 about making a smuggling jump.I politely turned it down.I'm curious, though about how much smuggling is really done by parachute and how much gets caught vs. how much is gotten away with.Seems like a very innefficient means of smuggling to me.