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Everything posted by muff528

  1. In Rütlischwur it is written: "The triune God is a witness that we have decided to protect our freedom against any foreign power and violence." Maybe the entire citizenry of Switzerland should be arrested for their deriliction during 2 great wars while Americans and others were spilling blood to protect their freedom against a foreign power and violence. (I've always wondered how Switzerland managed to escape invasion in WW2. I just can't believe it's only because Hitler respected it's "neutrality". There's something Assange can look into,) Maybe Bush's handlers called off the trip because Switzerland can't guarantee security. Same reason that these same human rights organizations will not challenge China, Iran, ....etc. on their soil because they wouldn't have the protections they get while nipping at the United States' ankles like a chihuahua. Edit to add: I almost forgot my main point ...that Switzerland sat by idly without asserting their self-righteous campaign against human rights violations while they were literally surrounded by one of the most barbaric crimes against humanity in the world's history. Now they are wringing their hands over some BS waterboarding of a couple of really bad guys. All the prisoners had to do to prevent this "torture" is to accurately tell what they knew.
  2. Well, I was hoping to see Lakeland Dreadnaught, Florida Gator, Steelers rookie Maurkice Pouncey get to play. Go Steelers!
  3. On each hand and foot? Yes. One extra finger on my left hand, like a extra pinkey finger. And one extra toe on my right foot At least ya balance out...otherwise you would swim in a circle! HAHA! Now that was funny! Unfortunately they choped them of when i was a baby Now i just keep them in a glassjar with me all the time until me and my extra extremities have figured out a plane to take over the world Too bad would have been able to count 10% higher than anyone else on the planet. With that greater understanding of higher mathematics (and with an alliance with the Minbari) you would have easily been able to implement your plan for world domination and force the conversion of the planet to the undecimal system.
  4. ...or just highlite the URL by scratching through it with the mouse cursor and then hit the URL button once. for the other buttons, too.
  5. That is pretty much what I said. He tells the truth, just to an extreme. I actually really like the guy - it is sarcasm (my favorite) taken to an extreme on video. Yes, he has factual content - glad you pointed that out. And he makes a good point. Your 'propaganda' is another man's 'agenda for change'. If Michael Moore is propaganda, then what does that make Glenn Beck? Touche... The difference (as I see it through admittedly slightly conservative goggles) is that Moore seems to manipulate the presentation of "the facts" (not necessarily the facts themselves) to advance and propagate his world view and to sway his audience's opinion. Snippets of audio and video are edited or taken out of context to give weight to a message he is trying to convey. To me that is the definition of propaganda. OTOH, I have not heard Beck actually misrepresent "the facts" or even take things out of context. He is usually very careful about vetting things. Where he might be a little over the line is in his analysis, commentary and interpretation of events and his apocalyptic predictions. ...not really "propaganda" but maybe a little alarmist. I'm trying to give an apolitical response and look only at how the message is presented, but like I said, a little bias will always color someone's observations. We all seem to hear what we want to hear. Also, maybe unrelated, one of my pet peeves: The ridiculous condemnation of Fox News as "in the tank" for Republicans/Conservatives. There is a very heavy contingent of conservative punditry on "the Fox News Channel" ....but, that's not Fox News. I suppose a weak-minded viewer might mistake the editorial page for news but "the news" itself is not presented by Beck, Hannity or O'Reilly. There is an actual news department that is really quite balanced in its reporting. Some other news sources really do insert editorial commentary in their new broadcasts, ...sometimes editorializing on a story while it is being presented as news. Fox has never pretended that its "opinion section" is reporting the news.
  6. OK - so what if he wins? Well, he will be in the company of similarly self-righteous people who have had just as much impact on the realization of "peace" as his actions will have. Just look at all the Nobel Peace Prize winners who have won for giving lip service to cause of "peace" in the Middle East. The place is on fire. Jimmy Carter? ...really? Arafat? ...gimme a break! O got it for absolutely nothing! Say it again! What is it good for?
  7. BUt we know you and yours would be fine with a religious dictatorship... you almost got there in 2001... too did not work out for you...Pretty good it worked out for the country that it did not happen after all even if he was getting all his ques from GOD... or at least that is what he kept tellin us. Well, he did pick up his stuff and quietly head back to Texas when it was time for him to leave. And the new guy did end the wars, close down Gitmo, and put an end to that evil Patriot Act .....didn't he?
  8. TK, I can introduce you to people right here in Central Florida who are getting health care for free. (Of course, not everyone in Florida gets healthcare for free). Michael Moore is a propagandist and his agenda-driven drivel is helping to drag formerly credible "news" people across the line of objectivity with him. He peppers his pap with just enough factual content to trick people who really want to believe that his BS is true.
  9. Wow! I've never heard anyone express it like that before!
  10. I'd like to think that there's more to this than meets the eye ...but I'd probably be wrong. What ever happened to our educators using common walking-around sense? That BS "zero-tolerance" crappola is nothing more than an excuse to avoid responsibility. That same attitude is why it is a really bad idea to allow some mindless bureaucrat to determine who is or isn't sane enough to assert their 2nd Amendment rights.
  11. Then how do you explain Steve Buscemi? Randomly fluctuating wormhole. He probably don't even know he's here and not there.
  12. "Divide two whole boneless humans into quarter pound portions. Chop 20 onions and 14 large garlic cloves finely. Saute onions and garlic until they begin to caramelize. Transfer to large pan and add human chunks, oriented with fat-side up...."
  13. Of all the things it might be, I'd put 'visitors from another world' pretty far down the list.
  14. ----------------------------------------------------------- +1 sold my last motorcycle 11 years ago to buy my first rig Same here.
  15. You didn't really... let the dog take the blame? Chuck I knew it wasn't me and I suspected that it wasn't the dog. Yep! I think some women keep animals around for just that purpose.... to provide plausible deniability. OTOH, I know a few girls who, right along with the guys, have no problem claiming ownership. (although they don't usually go as far as saying things like "pull my finger" or such.)
  16. ...well, more specifically, the ride to altitude will be outlawed by default. OOPS! forgot the link
  17. is explodin', ...."
  18. I believe Abdus Salam was a co-recipient in 1979 along with Weinberg and Glashow. Something to do with that whole "QED" "electroweak" thing (QED was Feynman's). ...but the point is made.
  19. Sometimes, when I'm in line at the grocery store, I like to roll my eyes while sighing loudly and looking at my watch every few seconds. Then I'll give an exaggerated, animated look over at the other line, noticing how much more efficiently that other cashier seems to be working. Doing these things seems to make the time fly by faster. If I happen to be in the fast lane, I will make a comment to the others in line about how the lady writing a check can't possibly know how to write a check since she can't even read a simple "NO CHECKS, CASH ONLY" sign. The idea here is to see how many of the others you can get to agree with you and then guess which really do agree and which are just humoring you. I am sure that most of them agree with me because they usually move over to the other line with the efficient cashier.
  20. One 14 y/o (Holy crap! When did that happen?!?). He spent just about every weekend of the first half of his life at the Muff Trailer at Zhills. Skydiving and skydivers don't impress him. He likes football and NASCAR.
  21. I thought the movie with Kyle Maclachlan and Sting followed the storyline reasonably well but you still had to have read the book to "get" some of the stuff. I thought the acting was OK and it did a good job of letting that art deco era/machine-age "feel" get through. (yah, I know it was published in the 60s but the book really had that 1930s science-fiction feel). Didn't really care for the William Hurt version.
  22. muff528

    Johnny Gates

    Hard to believe it's already been 4 years. BSBCU