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Everything posted by Unstable

  1. I'm very interested to see what the folks at Jumpshack brought ~ I'm waiting for DSE to do their interview. =========Shaun ==========
  2. No, but I would like at least 2 heavier than normal ones to help control the crown of a round reserve ~ just a personal preference... =========Shaun ==========
  3. That's what I ran into ~ I asked the shopkeep told me that more than 1/2 the price (each bag was about $49 USD) was shipping and handling. Thats a Bingo! Thank you! =========Shaun ==========
  4. I made some with sand ones once, but found that as they wore out (used a double needle machine with about 12 Stitches per inches the sand started dribbling out the sides ~ which I wasn't thrilled with. =========Shaun ==========
  5. Hey Folks, I'm making myself a new set of packing weights, and designing them how I want them. a. Obnoxious Orange with exaggerated tails to be impossible to miss.... b. Short and fat, to help control the crown of a round canopy better than the standard dimensions So I build them, and then take my crisp clean $20 bill to go buy some lead shot. Get to the reloading store, and come to find that lead shot is apparently made of Unicorn Blood or something because it's damn near the price of gold. Does anybody have any good ideas for packing weight alternate fillers? =========Shaun ==========
  6. See, this concerns me. I've seen at least 1 rig nearly destroyed because the manufacturer kept insisting "YUP IT'll FIT" when it was well oversized according to the charts....But I guess this may be an extreme case. =========Shaun ==========
  7. I really enjoy packing Racers (I've owned 3 2k3's) and for me, they take way less effort than any other rig. A good bud of mine has a weird trick where he substitutes T-bodkins for A few rubberbands chained together, but I could never get the hang of that. I use 4 t-bodkinsa and ta-da! =========Shaun ==========
  8. I think I had 3 ~ 2 genuine saves and one guy pretended to have a malfunction because he didn't like the rig a friend lent him. =========Shaun ==========
  9. I got a 15 first time. Not bad ~ My rule of voting them fake if the nipples look all stretched out seems to work pretty well... =========Shaun ==========
  10. Yeah, and All Racer 2K3's comes standard with them. =========Shaun ==========
  11. I've bought and/or referred quite a few AAD sales Through ChutingStar. They always have the best prices on AAD's, hands down. Mad props. =========Shaun ==========
  12. Agreed. I flew this fall and I was just in shock at what morons were trying to carry on. I saw a family with an entire luggage set just walk right on the plane. What is a real bother though, is they load the plane back-to-front, so if you are sitting in the mid to front of the cabin, by the time you get on, all the overhead space is full of crap because everyone has so much crap they can't fit it above their seats, and it all gets pushed forward. =========Shaun ==========
  13. True Story~ I worked under a professor for Graduate school who did consulting work for the Airlines. So one of the projects was to simulate aircraft loading procedures based on how full the plane was and the type of aircraft ~ They would simulate various solutions ~ front to back, back to front, left side, right side, then middle, et cetera. Basically we showed one customer that back-to-front was the most efficient (15 or 20%, I can't remember off the top of my head) but they still didn't implement the solution because they wanted to keep the perks of flying first class. =========Shaun ==========
  14. Interesting video, but I would be scared that an unstable turn might bend my dick in half. =========Shaun ==========
  15. Srsly?!??!?!??! For the love of God, WHY arn't we trying to buy one. BRB. Do you think I can buy missiles for it? =========Shaun ==========
  16. Ok. This may not be so bad? When do you think used ones will start filtering into the Army Surplus Market? Lets buy one. =========Shaun ==========
  17. .....Just throwing it out there, but could it be because the cost to build and operate those new-fangled things outweighs the demand? I mean, if it were not the case, then all the tunnels that are on 'hold' would be well under construction. =========Shaun ==========
  18. - Putting the Cypres Loop through the Cutter. =========Shaun ==========
  19. Wait outside the changing room. I refuse. I love my wife to death, but she takes like 20 minutes to try on a shirt. I don't know what she's doing in there. I mean, last black friday, I was outside a waiting room for about 2 hours as she choose out different outfits. =========Shaun ==========
  20. Energy Drink. And I won't be doing this crap beyond tomorrow ~ I'm doing with finals week!!! =========Shaun ==========
  21. Dude, have you notice how it's always you and me past 2am? What, are you a student to? If you just can't sleep, you know they have pills for that? =========Shaun ==========
  22. Hmmm, Given the fact that a good number of tunnel projects are currently on hold, well, I think you choose a hard project. Good luck on the MBA though ~ getting one of those is on my 'to do' list. =========Shaun ==========
  23. Excellent Question. If I start making them, then we can have Arts and Craft Time at the DZ on rainy or windy days. =========Shaun ==========
  24. Unstable

    Cheap AFF

    Why is it every time I watch something on Youtube that has to do with any of the following a. Japanese People b. Game Shows Japanese People do I just end up thinking WTF? =========Shaun ==========
  25. I packed a 1997 Navy back about 2 weeks ago for an aerobatic pilot and the container had a duplicate card in the container ~ and I've never seen that piece of tape to hold the seal away from the pin ~ that's actually a pretty good idea! =========Shaun ==========