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Everything posted by Unstable

  1. I'm curious, does anybody know what happened to the fellow who packed this rig? License suspended? If such an issue was shown by simply routing the seal thread incorrectly, why didn't we see some sort of circular advisory? =========Shaun ==========
  2. p.s. ----- I have a letter in my rigging folder from Furry that you can close the bottom reserve flap one of two ways... a. Bottom Flap UNDER the reserve pilot chute, as you have b. Bottom Flap ON TOP OF reserve pilot chute, just like a Javelin/wings Personally, I usually close Dolphins with the reserve PC under the bottom flap. I think it makes it tighter and more able to handle the speeds of modern skyjumping. I actually called Mike Furry and asked him about that ~ he told me the reason for putting that flap under the Reserve PC was so that it didn't look too much like a Javelin.. =========Shaun ==========
  3. No, seriously thank you. I've been giving folks advice at the DZ based on the assumption that the reserve pin flap was merely held on by 2 slits of velcro ~ With their current configuration, how is it any different than a Javelin? It's not. Maybe it just costs less.
  4. I don't see why he wouldn't... =========Shaun ==========
  5. I think it's really neat how RC Airplanes have gone from being toys for enthusiasts to real-world applications. On the same note, I think we need to develop RC (or done) seeking model missiles. =========Shaun ==========
  6. Dear sweet lord, I love Family Guy. =========Shaun ==========
  7. They had one of those at Wally-World out for display to play with ~ man that is a cool toY! What did they have when I was a kid? Pogs? =========Shaun ==========
  8. Here is An idea ~ Usually you can sell a good AAD Cutter ~ and 2 pin cutters always go for more. Sell the two pin, buy a 1-pin, and keep the extra change. =========Shaun ==========
  9. Thank you for the Pictures. I'm convinced that the correct material must be made out of f*@king unicorn blood or something ~ I tried a. Wally World b. Walgreens c. Hobby Lobby d. Home Depot e. True Value And finally found the right stuff at Pet Co For approximately $9000 Per yard. Monday I'll hit up some of the small medical supply stores and see what they have. =========Shaun ==========
  10. Hmm. If it's Lawn Mowing Day, then it is defiantly not Saturday. If it is Jumping day, then it very well may be Saturday. =========Shaun ==========
  11. really? When I first saw a seal, I thought, 4.75 pound thread, little piece of lead, Someone must have to really try to fuck that up. My feelings were also correct. =========Shaun ==========
  12. I think that happened with League of Extrodinary Gentlemen. =========Shaun ==========
  13. **If we can wait until Wednesday or Thursday, I'm going to try to recreate this malfunction with a rig I have. =========Shaun ==========
  14. Every Now and then I'll pack a reserve where the rigger before me put stupid loop ~ you know, where the loop is 1/2 length of the closing loop itself? (I don't consider that a big no-no as more I consider it just generally bad form). If you made a "stupid-loop" as I have described, I can actually see it being pretty easy. =========Shaun ==========
  15. I'd agree. I think maybe some rigger thought that the Seal would stay in place better that way... (Well, I guess they were right about that..) =========Shaun ==========
  16. I am searching now. You'd better not be bluffing.... =========Shaun ==========
  17. NOT The same thing as Steak fries. =========Shaun ==========
  18. Hey man, Screw you! Do tots come with a layer of delicious delicious seasoning? I don't think so. You sir, just got owned. =========Shaun ==========
  19. I formally Disagree and based on your statement, I question your reasoning ability. The Steak Fry Is the superior spud. Mods, can we move this to SC? =========Shaun ==========
  20. Bummer Man ~ where do you call your Home DZ now? =========Shaun ==========
  21. Wow. I took a few business trips up there to MN last summer. I called my wife "WE GOTTA MOVE UP HERE, THERE ARE LAKES EVERYWHERE, IT'S WARM AND SUNNY, BEAUTIFUL!" Glad she told me to shove it. =========Shaun ==========
  22. Here in KS, it's cold, the clouds are spitting out some sort of cold, sticky white substance, and I'm in the library getting ready for finals next week? What's your pathetic excuse? =========Shaun ==========
  23. ORLY? Thank you Sir, I stand Corrected. =========Shaun ==========
  24. Yeah, we learned that the hard way. Type V on rigs with spring loaded pilot chutes. Pull the ripcord........NOTHING! Kick the rig......IT OPENS! I brought this up to an older rigger and I got "We learned that the hard way in the 70's!" I think there are mistakes that every generation is going to repeat. =========Shaun ==========