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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. Oh, now let's not go and confuse the issue with history. Sheesh! - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  2. Why in the world would you trade a very effective form of defense for one that pales in comparison? At what point do you think you'll find out he has gun? Maybe when you're squared off, ready to throw the first punch? By that time it's too late, don't ya think? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  3. I disagree. That was absolutely the perfect time to collect it. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  4. Makes their arrest rate look pretty damn good! - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  5. That's the best you've got? Talk to him? Maybe say a prayer for him while you're at it? Plant a tree? Give him a great big hug? When talking to the sniper yields nothing, then what? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  6. Your sniper didn't comply with the terms of the agreement, and Canada had intelligence from several reliable sources that said he never destroyed the rifle. What do you do? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  7. Still Canada's fault? "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  8. I think the more important part of your original question was this: give(en) the racially charged atmosphere of those times? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  9. All those mass graves they've uncovered in Iraq, how old are they? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  10. "But our shenanigans are cheeky and cute. His shenanigans are sick and cruel." "Which makes them not really shenanigans at all." "E-e-e-e-vil shenanigans!"
  11. Absolutely. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  12. I think he's just stirring the pot. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  13. So tell me, how do you feel about Affirmative Action? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  14. Huh? Can you explain that one? - Jim *chirp* *chirp* - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  15. Yes, God forbid he scare someone. Personally I think that the depiction of someone committing suicide is sick, but that's no reason to condom the man, is it? Where's that tolerance the left is always preaching? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  16. That sicko! - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  17. Interesting. Scott, with the weapons you're using, how long do they last before they start to show signs of wear? How long did the HKs last? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  18. Huh? Can you explain that one? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  19. Tea cup, that's my new favorite. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  20. When I said that I was unfamiliar with the story I meant that I hadn't followed it in depth. Like most everyone else, I"ve seen the headlines. I am aware of that. The church, however, has had a ban on condoms long before AIDS came along and will likely continue to do so long after AIDS is gone (cured). My point was that the continuation of the ban on condoms has nothing to do with AIDS and everything to do with birth control. Your insinuation that the church is keeping the ban on condoms as some sort of plot to continue the spread of AIDS is without merit. It's a mistsake to listen to the radical or extreme sides of any group and then apply their teachings to the group as a whole, don't you think? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  21. I disagree. My home PC, which I pay very little attention to, is running McAfee A/V, a barely tweaked XP Firewall, and Spybot S&D and has experienced absolutely no problems related to software, infections, spyware, etc . . . The time that I spend maintaining this beast is probably a few hours a year. Re: the hardware comment. By good hardware and it won't fail. If this old Unix guy can do it, so can you. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  22. I haven't followed that particular issue, but my guess is that the church forbids the use of condoms because they are a form of birth control and that it has nothing to do with your "gay sickness". - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  23. We live in an age where we're expected to bend over backwards to make sure that we offend absolutely nobody. Are you surprised? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  24. Can I just have a lollipop instead? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  25. I disagree. It seems to me that you know the significance of the states listed above. Why don't you do us a favor and share? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.