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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. Apparently some people did, otherwise they wouldn't have had to take them away. Do you speak on behalf of all your countrymen? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  2. Does that include city and state owned B's? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  3. Pop a cap in someone? Somebody's watching too much TV. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  4. Alec Baldwin - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  5. I find it amusing that the first question you ask ANYONE who disagrees with you is "Did you serve?" as though anyone who does or had should automatically share your viewpoint. Has there been a single response in this thread supporting your viewpoint that the soldiers should collect the reward? I don't think so. Rhino - for what it's worth, I never did serve though now I wish I that I had. I just didn't understand the obligation that one owes to his country, especially in times of crisis, back when I would have been eligible. I do however have an awful lot of respect and admiration for those who have, those who do, and those who will. Even you. Thanks guys. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  6. What a schmuck... He has his beliefs, you have yours. Why do you need to criticize his? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  7. Of the concealed carry holders --I-- know, that's the last thing they want to do, also. My guess is that the majority of those with a carry permit feel the same. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  8. This is based on your firsthand knowledge of the situation? As far as the "I was merely saying . . .", you'd do well to say exactly what you mean the first time. This is Speaker's Corner, after all. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  9. And what does that tell you? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  10. The total population of Iraq is irrelevant, after all, we can't have babies voting, right? What is relevant is the number of elegible voters, the % of elegible voters who registered, and the number of registered voters who actually voted. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  11. It 'fools' the remote web server into thinking that you are IE, but that doesn't do a thing for the browser that can't interpret code written specifically for MSIE. End result: you're still out of luck. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  12. You mean sites like dropzone.com? There is functionality available to IE users that isn't available to Mozilla/Firefox users right here. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  13. That's better than any of the recent US elections. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  14. Mommy, mommy! GQ Jumper called me a bad name! Cry me a river. We've got moderators who will determine what is and what isn't a personal attack. Why don't you focus on the argument at hand? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  15. Do you go through life wearing shit colored glasses? Is there anything that can make you happy? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  16. Do you think that we're just planning on packing up and leaving tomorrow? We'll (or another overseer) be there for years, or longer if that's what it takes, monitoring, helping, guiding until there is a STABLE democracy in Iraq. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  17. You're only including gross sales, and then only at the dealer level. For a true number you'll need to take out at least the following from your calculation: * Markup at the dealer as the manufacturer won't see any of that. * Business costs at the manufacturer: + R&D + Normal operating expenses such as: - Salaries/Hourly wages - Rent - Equipment costs - Utility costs . . . I'm sure you get the idea. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  18. Sure! Have her send it. I won't pay it, but you're more than welcome to have her send it! EXCELLENT - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  19. Amen! - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  20. You can dye almost anything with food coloring. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  21. Fucker. It's cold here. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  22. And what did YOU do today? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  23. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/bethstewart40/album?.dir=e52c&.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//photos.yahoo.com/ph//my_photos Feeling a bit rough around the edges this morning I decided to head on over to a friends place and help dye her cat. - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  24. More news about Weyers here Health Care Company That Fired Smokers Also Targeting Fat Weyers Won't Fire Employees For Obesity POSTED: 7:20 am PST January 27, 2005 A Michigan health care company that fired four employees for smoking is also targeting fat. Howard Weyers, the founder of Weyco Inc., said he wants to tell fat workers to lose weight or else, Reuters reported. Weyers brought in weight experts to speak with employees, according to Reuters. The company also offers employees a $35 monthly incentive for joining a health club and $65 for meeting fitness goals. But the company isn't planning to fire employees for unhealthy lifestyle choices, according to a Weyco news release. "Anyone concerned about limiting employers' rights to specify terms of employment should know that federal law protects people with conditions like obesity, alcoholism and AIDS. But there's no right to indulge in tobacco," the news release said. Four Weyco employees were fired after the company enacted a new policy this month, allowing workers to be fired if they smoke, even if the smoking takes place after hours or at home. The four employees were fired for refusing to take a test to determine whether they smoke. Weyers said the company doesn't want to pay the higher health care costs associated with smoking. An official of the company -- which administers health benefits -- estimated that 18 to 20 of its 200 employees were smokers when the policy was first announced in 2003. As many as 14 of them quit smoking before the policy went into effect. The company's Web site states: Weyco Inc. is a non-smoking company that strongly supports its employees in living healthy lifestyles. How can anyone there believe this? Isn't that exactly what they did with the smokers? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
  25. Does that mean that those who served under Hitler, or hell, even Saddam, are not responsible for their killings? - Jim "Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed.