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Everything posted by harryskydives

  1. She's right in that the only place the Palestinians can live is Israel. _____________________________________________ I thought the Palestinians were kicked out of Jordan a few decades ago? lost her footing and fell backward behind it, out of sight of the bulldozer operator. The bulldozer continued moving forward, covering Corrie with dirt and then crushing her. It was not clear whether the bulldozer operator could hear protesters' yells over the sound of the machine. __________________________________________ Is not Israel a UN settled peace aggrement from WWII? Up here in Oregon a logging protester fell out of a tree from about 200 feet killing him. Protesting is dangerous work. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  2. Most Middle Eastern countries start losing their source of income, and fighting intensifies, but the risk of spread is lessened - they no longer have the money to build those WMD's we fear. _______________________________________________ Except the genie does not go back into the bottle easily. No matter what kind of embargoes, inspections, handshakes or TV interviews are tried. Saddam is still a threat. That is why Saddams & his regime has to be removed from power. As long as he has access to money he will keep arming and be a danger to the world. Not just my opinion, even Bill Clinton reconized this, when he was in office. He just decided to let it be the next Presidents problem. Which only empowered terrorists. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  3. if a terrorist wanted to take over an airplane today, .. pleanty of objects to use as weapons. _________________________________________ so right: eye glases, bic pen, (remember the commercal where they shot the pen through a board), neck tie, belt, shoe laces, rings, the list goes on. Yet they took the little bitty finger nail clipers from pilots. Perhaps this is a trick, to make the terrorist think we are very stupid, so they will be overconfident and show their hand. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  4. reasons we shouldn't be sending trillions to the Middle East to buy oil. __________________________________________ The best answer is the simplest. GW, while he is meeting with Spain, Britain, ect, all he has to do is say We are only paying $5.00 a barrel. Then no money for WMD's. But, saddam spends the first dollar on militay, and palaces, kind a like N korea. While the Iraqi people are dirt poor. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  5. we frequently forget ... able to travel freely in this country. The TSA is trying to make that a whole lot more difficult and scares the crap out of me. ____________________________________________ So much of the TSAs screening seems to be for show. Espically Parachute rigs. At Ontario airport. Many girls from the record jump were told they had to go check their rigs. I walked through, with two who were returning from checking their rigs, and the screener just wanted to look at my wrist altimiter. He did not care that i had a parachute. Then, another rig goes through without an additional look. Right behind her they had a 8 person 20 min debate, but then let they rig through. The paradox is: do you screen my grandmother or a person that fits 23 of 25 terrorist profiles categories. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  6. Ten grand... __________________________________________ Wow that would go a long way sponsoring my 4-way team. i suppose we would want to use some of it for help for other lost girls. But my gut feeling is this is a run away, not an out and out kid napping. Here in Oregon last year a 17 yo girl left her jeep abandoned with her dog locked up and her purse, keys ect scattered around to look like an abduction. She was found in Seattle partying with her 25yo boyfriend. She knew she would not have her parents permission to go to Seattle so she faked an abduction. What a dumb ass. Especially since two other girls were missing and had been murdered. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  7. It is partly about Saddam's oil; ____________________________________________ When i say its not about Oil. I mean its not about stealing Saddams oil, for our personal use, without any due compasation. If there was no oil Saddam would be a very bad man riding a donkey and using flint lock guns to kill the neighboring tribes. Where Badgad HAD a fantastic culture, many years ago. Oil is what enabled Saddam to build the large regium of terror that he has now amaseed. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  8. I don't know anyone who has written against the removal of Saddam. A lot of people prefer that it is done right, and not unilaterally. ------------------ Semantics: The French say they are against any Severe consequences. Resolution 1441 was signed by all. IF Immediate does not mean now: the next time you ditter flatlines try debating for another 12 seconds (years) before making any actions. What is this "done right" ?? Even the inspectors aggree that Saddam is not Doing Right. All of the exiles said they knew people who had been killed or tortured by Saddam's Baath Party regime. Is allowing Saddam all the time he wants "Doing Right"?? Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  9. I think the US will stand to profit from this war; Bill i copied you parts of the article you must have skipped over. This is not about Saddams oil. It is amazing to me that people against the removal of Saddam can gloss over the stories of Iraqi refuguees and the total lack of cooperation from Saddam. And just reply: "Oh GW justs wants Iraqi oil." Last June, the Indian government uncovered that Saddam was buying atomised aluminium powder and titanium engine parts made to such a high quality that New Delhi concluded they could only have been for chemical warfare and ballistic missile production. . All this while the people of Iraq starve and the children die of malnutrition and lack of basic medical care. _________________________________________________ Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  10. in the United States, the local authority would have had the legal right to seize that money and keep it. _____________________________________________ could you copy me the documentation on that. I know you have to report cash transaction of over 10k, but free money to local authorities. I guess i better quit paying cash for blue tickets. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  11. family unit, including aunts/uncles/grandparents etc. is "stronger" than over here? _____________________________________________ What about the Arab custom of honor killing. Opium is the #1 cash crop of Middle east countries. The picture you paint is Oil Rich People not mid east culture. The middle eastern culture is very tribal, but i think we have a different meaning of family unit. We include the female members in Dr. visits, voting ect. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  12. Scotts photo tells it all. The main points are every one must present to the relative wind. so front up, rear down. It is easier for the rear to pull down. The rear can not be late leaving and the front can not be early. The inside must not be dragged out. They have to go to their places in the sky on go. Think of a sheet of plexeglass at a 45 dagree angle to the door. every one must go to their own place, so the whole peice gets air, and box it out. Good luck it is easy once you have it, right. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  13. The 400 is the older tape, copy rite 1994. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  14. If you have the mind maps cd there is no need to get the videos also. They are just the natural progression of airspeeds coaching to go. The only reason to go back and get the tape is maybe because you don't have access to a computer at the dz. I have both. i will see witch is the older and let you know. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  15. Actually i think 400 is older, tell me what random f is and i can tell you. But if that is what you have access to fine. Their newest is a cd, mind maps. But the tapes are very good to show you A slots, exit positions and block moves. When i look at the video tapes for the block moves, i stop the tape at the different sight pictures (stops)i want to see. If you want the Mind maps CD go to skyleague.com Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  16. I would like to see a resolution based on Blix's checklist, that calls out specific dates and requirements. _______________________________________________ Good request. I do not believe Hans Blix wants specifics. Job Security ect. They wanted to interview 58 Iraqi scientist, but after 4 months they have interviewed 3. Then after we move 250,000 troops and equiptment to the gulf they interview another 7. Blix says they will not get candid interviews until they talk to these scientist out of country. If Saddam was making any effort to comply: these scientist would have been in New York city on day 2. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  17. I got mine wednesday. Haven't read it yet, but scanned it, no pictures with me in it. i was getting used to seeing me, last two issues and last Skydiving mag. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  18. I am not familiar with the Paraguay 4-way team. Who are they? After all they do have Para in thier name. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  19. What a great PM. Add to the question, Taxes, health care, jobs, skydiving: the differences and advantages. My pick is still the USA.with Texas a close second. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  20. Bill believes that the priest sex scandal has undermined the vatican's moral authority ______________________________________________ I heard it on the radio. My take was the Popes and Upper echelons, failure to take definitive steps to stamp out child molestion by preists has caused many people to question his moral authority. I can see that. Bill made it very clear that the Pope, while wanting no war with Suddam, will not commit or answer any questions about Suddams past bad acts. That is the problem I have with many of the people that cry NO War. To me they are saying no consequents for bad acts. Please read UN resolution 1441. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  21. Don't forget: Admit Nothing, Deny everything, Make counter accusations! Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  22. US is turning into a rogue state. That the US is willing to unilaterally decide __________________________________________________ Please read UN resloution 1441. And No where does it state that every day a New resolution is required!! Humm rogue state: did the US attack iran? did the us attack Kawait? Did the US destroy 6,000 villages in Iraq? Gass the Kurds?? Saddam lost the Gulf War, he must disarm! You should be scared, If your police and armys will not enforce the peace. Remember France sold Saddam a nuclear reactor for enriching plutonium for weapons grade BOMBS Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  23. We jump next time we meet ok? For sure! PS Gary & I are taking a few to the tunnel the end of this month, we have one slot open. Interested? Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  24. Hey Steve: I have been on both sides of this issue. I load organize and have also been cut for performance reasons, in the past. Some examples: If you have 8-10 people doing 12-14 points and you add a couple of inexperenced people that maybe 3-4 points are their ability level. It is not fair to the others. Many organizers are trying to up the level of play. They are saying go do some serious 4 way and up your level of play. Some times some one gets cut becaus they are unsafe, ie low and flailing under the formation. I have cut people that did not understant that which reinforces my decision. Some times it is politices, or just discipline to keep the skydives moving. I have cut people that want to smoke and joke while others are packing, miss the debrief, and then do not understand why you moved on without them. Most of these things can be over come by explaining what is expected to jump on patricular load. Do not take it personally, yeah right, except to find some people that are happy with jumping with you and work to move up. PS i would rather do hot 4-way than to do a big one point skydive any time. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  25. I thought this was going to be one of thoses "Oh no he made me look" 13/16 one guy called girl, one girl caled guy, the blond near the bottom: i hope there wrong, i think i been out with her. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...