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Everything posted by harryskydives

  1. I am going to be in Orlando the end of the month. Maybe we can drink a beer and talk about Skydiving. ____________________________________________ Sorry I mean, to all: We are going to be in Orlando March 27 & 28th. Maybe we can get together Saturday for dinner. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  2. Hey Hans: I am going to be in Orlando the end of the month. Maybe we can drink a beer and talk about Skydiving. On the attachment i am the one that forgot to smile. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  3. I'm sure if it was one of your family members lifes she took,you just might have a different opinion. _____________________________________________ Huum: people might start coming into the US illegally and committing serious crimes just to go to our compassionate jails to get a free transplant. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  4. I am unemployed, / we can afford to be magnanamous. ________________________________________________ I am Employed. Perhaps that is one reason we see these issues from different perspectives. My health insurance has gone up %42 in the last 2 years. I just wrote my quarterly property tax check of $764.18, up from last year. The School teacher just approves a new contract, if we agree to an State income Tax increase. The Highway Patrol will lay off 300 State troopers if we do not approve an increase in either gas or auto insurance Tax. While your reply is very persuasive, I am the one of the two of us being Magnanamous. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  5. I would be very careful in making distinctions between law and non-law obiding citizens. There is only one kind of citizen in this country: US Citizen. ______________________________________________ We all ready ration health care . Remember Michael and her eye problem? Check you health insurance policy. Individual polices have limits and exclusions. A convicted Murderer gets better care than a self employed contractor with a pre existing condition. I think This woman should be lower on the list than some one that just left the bent prop. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  6. Joy, 49-years-old and drug free for nearly 20 years, said she is not surprised that others object to her possibly getting a liver. ______________________________________________ drug free for nearly 20 years. Duh, She been in prison for 20 years! _____________________________________________ The way we treat our prisoners is one of the things that distinguishes us from savages. ______________________________________ Ture, but we are back to that line that someone must draw. At what cost does society pick up this murderers bills? Does some one else go without a transplant so a criminal can have one? Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  7. Terrorism hasn't increased or decreased noticeably as a result of Saddam Hussein specifically. Let not forget that Saddam makes a $25,000 payment to the family of homicide bombers Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  8. plan is working perfectly. Am I the only one who sees this? Heck Chris: Over 70% of the US and most of world see this. They don"t need to make a big deal out of the obvious. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  9. There are several tunnels being planed Elsinor, Perris. One In Maylasia already going. We are Off to Orlando end of the month and most of our time is + or - midnight. I am happy that they are treating us well. Building one is a hugh project. Land, permits, noise, power, money, enviromental impact ect. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  10. staring at another man's eyes for 60 seconds.... and then smiling at him... may be taken the wrong way. Our IC center is a woman. It creeping on those hot days when we are wearing shorts and Oh you get the picture. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  11. Of course that depends on the next point. We usually try to build along the long axis drawn between the center points of the point and tail. I personally prefer to build A-slot when possible. We donot get a lot of training jumps in the NW (very cloudy now, that is why i am surfing and not trying to get my work done so i can head out to theDZ.) I beliive a familiar formation is fast. Cheats are great if you do not over do it to the detriment of the next point or flow of multiple pages. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  12. Actually....most of us are 100% American. American is not a race! It is a culture, They want to get the benefits, but sing praises about all the nostalgia of the old country. -- Exactly: Borders, language, culture. Back to the original post. How would you like it if you found some one stealing stuff from you home?? Just because they need it, That is all right?? If the goverment does it: That is the primis of communision. And we know how well that works. ( N korea!) Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  13. I believe everyone should have the right to required medical care, even if I have to pay some of the cost, Mexico population 90+ million South America 200+ million Africa ?? I would like to see a workable Health care system for the good old US of A. Then we could start sharing with the rest of the World. Of course they would just call us arrogent and refuse help like Mandela refusing corn seed from us because we could not prove to them that the seeds might have some genetic engineering. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  14. Dude that is soo true. Of course some of my army buddies would not bother with the 6 pack first. Their motto was " go ugly early" Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  15. Airspeed used to have weekends where they would divide everyone into 8-way groups. You had a day of skills camp. Then a meet on sunday. Pretty cool. Now their camps are very sophisticated. The last time i went to one of the 8-9 day camps we did 4-way skills stuff for 4 days then 8 way stuff for 4 days. Contact Dan BC for info. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  16. A)I don't think that we should foot the bill for the world or bring the entire world to a single standard of living. B) But, if someone has access to medical care (while we are footing the bill to bring them to our standard of living), I don't care where they are from or their legal status Which is it please pick A or B? Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  17. You're almost implying that those who can't afford healthcare be denied while the rich get treated. .There are many hard working Americans who can't afford health insurance at all and if they get emergency care we still end up paying for it. There are certainly no clear cut answers. The way insurance works is a large group of people pay small fees to off set the large unexpected costs. There has to be lines drawn. With technology advancements, Law suits, and every one thinking they should have the best Dr, best Hospital, best treatment, best drugs (all pronounce most expesive) the cost could out weigh the gross national product. The more that take without putting into the system the less services there are to go around. ie how many teams, orginizers, skygods can you DZ sponsor, until there is no fuel to fly the otter. I don't want to be the person drawing those lines, but my opinion is if one pays nothing, is illegal, they get minimum treatment. And if they sue and win, the money goes to pay their bills and other peoples bills without health insurance. Its not a lottery. No free ride, buy a blue ticket. (no I am not knocking sponcered teams, or load orginizers) Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  18. Basically you're saying that you would not agree to higher taxes if it would save human lives. That's kind of cold IMO. NOt Basically: i am saying it outright. As taxes go up more people find ways not to pay: lie, cheat, ect. Once the tax rates get too high you get massive inflation,and less desire to work. then higher taxes still untill the goverment get everything, that would be called socialism, Humm that doesent work. no movation. So inforcing it becomes communism Lets see: how well is that working? No clear answers. Many of my best friends (er packers) do not pay taxes or for health insurance. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  19. Wow Suz I hope this works out for you Mum. In the U.S. homeowner insurance policies don't cover wear and tear, insets and vermin. I recently dropped my Treminix policy for Carpenter Ants (similur but not as destructive.) they were charging me $37 a month to come out for 2 minutes and spray + warranty. I figured i can spray myself, but have not found out what to use. Here we also no longer build on posts, the house must have a concrete foundation. The ants can still drop out of trees or just crawl up the side of your home, at night. Does anyone know how to treat against termites and carpenter ants???? Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  20. injured party was an illegal immigrant, or a U.S. citizen for that case, I should have gotten back up on my ambulance and head back to my station Are you implying an American tourist in Mexico is considered illegal immigrant? Here in the U.S. they do not check ID's before admintering emergency care to someone injured in an accident. I am upset about people that do not pay into the health system and tax system but get free health care. The answer is not an easy one. But everyone on the planet can not get free health care at my expense. So the people that are paying get in line first. The cost of Malpractice insurance is running Doctors out of many state and specialties. I wonder how much a tandem would cost if we were insured with no waivers? Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  21. >I just want one of those cars where I can stop by McDonald's and put their used vegtable oil in it. Let me get this straight: after an afternoon of sitting around in my $500 leisure suit drinking $50 bottles of french wine. I can fry up a mess of catfish in the fuel vegetable oil in my VW rabbit diesel. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  22. That's a non-sequitur. His own people were unable to strike back, the rest of the world is very capable of punishing him most severely. Humm depending on who you listen to the "rest of the world" has no stomach to punish him. I would like to hear from some Gulf War Vets on: Depose saddam or let he alone?? The one question everyone has to ask themselves is would I give, or even risk MY OWN LIFE for this? I spent time in the military and combat. But my 16y/o nephew just got his drivers license and a new hot girlfriend. I suppose the last thing he wants to think about is sucking gas in a desert 10k miles away from home. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  23. OK, I am a little confused: What tax dollars are you talking about??????? About half of Duke u buget comes from government and patient payments. A very lage part also comes from investments. Hence no pay no investment. I am sure i would try the samething if it was my child. But my personal insurance costs have gone up by 50% in the last few years. Hence fewer jumps. I am sure we could all put all of our incomes into other peoples health care and still not fix everyone. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  24. I like the analogy. 2 people also died that did not receive transplants instead of this illegle. At what point do we ignore our laws and give away to people that wont give back. Read the book Invasion. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...
  25. Wow!! has any one jumped a shuttle. I know they have a pole to slide out away from the ship. Has any one actually made the hop from a shuttle. Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...