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Everything posted by tetra316

  1. Uhhhhh....Fred please re-think that. It used to be that S turns were exactly the response to being too high on final. Preferably the S turns should be braked, flat turns. The problem with S turns these days, especially at turbine drop zones, is that the jumpers behind you don't necessarily know how to fly their canopy and can't adjust to someone making S turns on final. Can't be touching your brakes if you want to have a high performance landing. Quite true. During AFF I was taught to do small s turns if I was too high on final. But that was at a small 182 dz with only 4 jumpers in the air at any one time. Which meant that the AFF students were always the last one down and had the sky to themselves by the time they entered the pattern. I would hope people are not teaching this now at turbine dzs and probably not 182 dzs anymore either since traveling to other dzs to jump is so common.
  2. Interesting. When I tore my ACL, my therapist recommended I NOT wear a brace when returning to sports. He stated my grafted ACL is now stronger than a natural one. I did the cavader router, the hamstring one might be different. He said I could use a brace if I wanted the security but that by not using one I would only strengthen my ACL even more.
  3. I suppose you could tell them they need to accept responsiblity or they cannot jump. I highly doubt any dzo would go that far though.
  4. Lots of things. I had knee surgery two years ago so took about 6 months off. That messed with me mentally as well since it was a skydiving injury. I started jumping again and even did some cross over training to Sigma since I moved and was jumping at a different dz. Then I got addicted to sequentials and bigways. I'm starting to do more coaching and am really enjoying it. Thinking about going for my AFF rating. Also the new dz is quite different than my old one and has different philosophies about everything. In additionn I started a new career and no longer need the tandem money to continue my own jumping. With all this I just realized I didn't want to do tandems bad enough to make it happen either here or elsewhere. So now I'm concentrating on getting on the next WT and an AFF rating.
  5. Two 182 dzs. Ralph's place and Central Oregon Skysports. Although I wouldn't be surprised if both closed soon. Their owners are both older and I think wanting to get out of the dz business (at least that's the unofficial vibe). Both are still alive and well. That's good. I'd hate for them to close before I get a chance to visit them. Any word if Eugene Skydivers is allowing fun jumpers again (they told me no in March). My parents live about 10 minutes from there. I don't think so. At least that's the rumor mill. Give them a call. I have heard some encouraging news on the airport access though. Hopefully they will be back on sooner rather than later.
  6. I don't think it's undone. Just some excess strap from either the chest strap or shoulder strap that came out of the keeper.
  7. You are showing us a very good example of how skydivers want to interpret a document to the benefit of a certain viewpoint. By all means do not believe me! I'm just some knucklehead on dropzone.com. Ask your USPA Regional Director for an interpretation. Ask the tandem manufacturer about their requirements. Tara, do all of your tandem students wear altimeters? I no longer do tandems so it's a moot point. But I will say the vast majority of dz's, if not everyone I've been to DO NOT equip students with altimeters (aside from progression training). This is what the SIM says: 2. All students are to be equipped with the following equipment until they have obtained a USPA A license: a. a rigid helmet (except tandem students) [NW] b. a piggyback harness and container system that includes a single-pointriser release and a reserve static line, except: [FB] (1) A student who has been cleared for freefall self-supervision may jump without a reserve static line upon endorsement from his or her supervising instructor. (2) Such endorsement may be for one jump or a series of jumps. c. a visually accessible altimeter [NW] d. a functional automatic activation device that meets the manufacturer'srecommended service schedule [FB] e. a ram-air main canopy suitable for student use [FB] f. a steerable reserve canopy appropriate to the student's weight[FB] g. for freefall, a ripcord-activated, spring-loaded, pilot-chute-equipped main parachute or a bottom-of-container (BOC) throw-out pilot chute [FB] In reading this both b and c (and the rest) should be applied in the same manner. I'm not interpeting this. However, since b is not applicable to tandem students (and yet it does not distinguish this like a does) how can you say whether or not c is also applicable? See my point? I believe this BSR is not clear since you seem to be saying b does not apply but yet c does. All I'm saying is this is confusing language and therefore imho this is why the majority of dz's do not give tandems altimeters. Along with the mindset of the tandem factories.
  8. What about the BSR's? Does his mean you violate a BSR whenever you do a first tandem jump with a student? If you continue reading that section it also states students must be equipped with a piggyback harness and container system. So in effect every tandem violates the BSRs then since the student does not have a container system. In reality I wouldn't be surprised if the dz's that have ALL tandems wear altimeters are very much in the minority.
  9. Two 182 dzs. Ralph's place and Central Oregon Skysports. Although I wouldn't be surprised if both closed soon. Their owners are both older and I think wanting to get out of the dz business (at least that's the unofficial vibe).
  10. I've only seen it done if they are using the tandem to AFF training progression.
  11. Please remember your altitudes for downwind, base and final are ONLY for your landing area. There are NO generics that will work everywhere. A landing are that is a square will have different initiation points for the pattern than a landing area that is long and narrow.
  12. Arch. At least for newer jumpers. The idea being that if you are arching you are not tracking. De-arch for more experienced jumps who are more aware of their bodies to be able to do so.
  13. Skydive: 1 & 2 totally depend on how much separation you are comfortable with and fast/far you can track. 3 Me personally I have never heard of this. Just track, then wave off, arch, reach, pull. If do this sequence you should have stopped your track and be falling relatively straight down. Approach: Totally depends on the landing area/size. I can give you what we teach but that is only for our landing area. Talk to an instructor for your landing area generics.
  14. I did my second jump 30 minutes later! Helps to be at a cessna dz.
  15. What? There is only one manufacturer, just different locations. Can you please provide the name of the rep who said they are made differently?
  16. How does where the canopy is manufactured then play in? Meaning a New Zealand Icarus canopy is much cheaper than one made in Spain. The difference can't all be due to foreign currency changes, right?
  17. True, however in the event of a crash, do you really think the passenger will have the presence of mind to undo the chest strap, belly strap and leg strap. I think not. Not to mention most places I've seen do not teach the student how the harness works, they just suit them up.
  18. To each their own ... I prefer no helmet or an open face helmet. The feeling is freedom! +1 If you dont like wind, maybe skydiving aint for you? I would rethink such a blanket statement. So you're saying maybe skydiving ain't for Airspeed since they all wear full face helmets
  19. Let me take a wild guess......maybe it's because this thread is from 2001
  20. I would wait to buy one until you are done with AFF. Most places will require you to wear their helmets due to radios anyway.
  21. I would say you should wait a lot more than just 2 seconds. That was almost a normal delay for me out of an aircraft. I would say 5-10 would be better when you actually have some airspeed to prevent the drogue from just flopping around on your back.
  22. I had an open face, Bonehead Mindwarp, for 1700 jumps. Loved it and the feel of the wind on my face. I just recently bought a Mamba. It felt very uncomfortable for the first 15 or so jumps. But once I got used to it I can't imagine why I waited so long to get a full face. Much more peaceful and quieter. I can focus more. Even works great for freeflying! But different strokes for different folks.