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Everything posted by tetra316

  1. And around and around we go. You were the one saying that they are adults and can make their own decisions. You also stated that it's the old farts that keep wanting to stop newbies from progressing. The problem is the less experience you have the less you recognize when something is dangerous. You just think,hey man, those people don't know my skills, I know what I'm doing, **** off. And they will also find some dz at which to do whatever it is they want to do simply because this sport has yet to reach the babysitting stage, which was discussed earlier. And I pray it never does.
  2. Um, both Wendy and I confirmed that he's not a douche. As will I. The only rule there really is, is don't piss off Bill. Which means if he says don't do something, like any turn over 90 degrees now, then don't do it. I'll jump there any day. Just wished I lived closer to take advantage of the lower prices and incredible talent in ALL disciplines that is there.
  3. Yep. I had to provide this info several times this year in order to apply/get on events I wanted to do.
  4. Because newer jumper don't yet know what they don't know They think they are bullet proof and have 'mad skillz'.
  5. I was speaking generically. Aware of the benenfits and risk to any choice or way of operating. As for benefits to non-cut hop & pops, I'm not a pilot or dzo, but I have always been told it saves time and fuel. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. But I do know a lot of people seem to believe there are benefits.
  6. By freedom of choice, I meant properly informed, aware of the benefits and risks, etc. Then make the decision.
  7. I understand your points. I have a lot of hop & pops at different dzs on a non-cut jump run and don't have an issue with doing one. I know it's not for everyone and yes there can be safer ways of doing a hop & pop but I don't think we should go so far as to ban it or ostracize those who participate/allow in it. I'd rather have the freedom of choice and let each dz/jumper decide to allow it or if they can safely do it.
  8. 1. true but the jumper was briefed on how to exit more than once and ignored the instructions. You can't stop stupidity. 2. And just what would those 'rules' be?
  9. I have been as well. The issue is what happens if I have a mal, and try to fix it. The visor fogs up and I can't see my altimeter. No time to lift the visor if you are dealing with a mal.
  10. Thought I would resurrect this thread since this is exactly my question. I bought Mamba this summer and for haven't had any issues with it fogging in freefall, except in Colorado where the air is coolder up top. But the visor is fogging up under canopy as there is no ventilation on the mouth piece per se. I've seen oxygens with a hole cut in the foam on the chin cup to prevent fogging but the mamba has none. So I cut a hole in mine last night but will have to wait till this weekend to try it out. I can't be the only heavy breather here so what have other people done with theirs?
  11. I used to not take my log book either. At Perris, I thought a 4 digit D # would get me on the plane. Wrong. I had to have them call my home DZ. Glad I wasn't the only one. I had just gotten my tandem instructor rating and they still made me show my signed log book. Had to go away and sign a few and then come back and start over
  12. Wow! I'm speechless, I've never heard of a dzo doing that. Everywhere I've been it's always the opposite. "sorry guys but we have to postpone you to catch up on the tandems"
  13. Most definitely! If anyone has a few bucks I'll gladly take them off your hands :) See my sig line on how to donate.
  14. I'm going as well but in and out of Ontario. PM me if anyone want's to share a car from there.
  15. ?? That's not true, I open mine under canopy all the time. Very easily, but it will not come open in freefall.
  16. QuoteI have a Gas. Its AWESOME. The lens however does not flip up as per the Mamba. If thats important to you the gas is not YOUR answer. Quote My mamba NEVER flips open. It's much more secure than any Z1 or any other I've seen.
  17. Well water is much better but I've gotten used to city water now.
  18. Not sure what you two want to do job wise but Oregon currently has the third highest unemployment rate in the US.
  19. With USPA you just have to worry about renewing your tandem or AFF rating and your coach rating is automatically renewed since it is considered a lessor rating. Your highest rating renewal qualifies all the lesser ratings.
  20. I log everything. Mainly as a way of keeping track of the wear on all my equipment. Reminds me when routine maintance is due. Also it's much easier to sell gear if you can say exactly how many jumps are on it and where Plus it's just fun to know I have this many jumps, that many hours of freefall, and how many of each type discipline I have. edit: I don't get them signed though and usually do one day to a page. Except if I'm going to a new dz then I'll have the last entry signed just in case. I learned that the hard way. First time at Perris, I had a D license and a tandem rating and they still required a photocopy of a signed current jump from my log book.
  21. +1 although it's very entertaining to watch bad ass free flyers totally flail trying to belly fly
  22. Not technically true. There are some 182 dzs that use paddles instead of radios for landing. I would say those would count as assitance
  23. USPA does have currency requirements for all rating holders from coaches up. I don't recall exactly what they are but if I do remember correctly the requirments are very little. Something like 10 coach jumps a year, 20 AFF, 1 tandem every three months etc.
  24. They are still there. Must be having website issues though. I do know they just did an extensive resdsign of their site. The phone number I have is 610-285-6994. A friend just spoke with her regarding altering our new suits last week.