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Everything posted by ryoder

  1. Heather Cox Richardson has a good explanation of why the SVB failed: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/march-12-2023 So, rather than balancing deposits with loans that fluctuate with interest rates and thus keep a bank on an even keel, SVB’s directors took a gamble that the Federal Reserve would not raise interest rates. They invested in long-term Treasury bonds that paid better interest rates than short-term securities. But when, in fact, interest rates went up, the value of those long-term bonds sank.
  2. But I don't think he would fit in there, now that we have just learned even the Fox talking heads aren't dumb enough to believe their own bullshit.
  3. Republican legislator arrested after he’s caught on video swearing at snowplow truck driver clearing road Jeffrey Greeson, of Wentworth, 51, was arrested Friday and charged with disorderly conduct, criminal threatening and simple assault, the New Hampshire State Police said in a statement. Greeson was released on personal recognizance and ordered back to the Plymouth District Court on May 18.
  4. Tennessee Lt. Gov. Randy McNally (R). This is the site that broke the story, but major sites are also carrying it: Anti-LGBTQ Tennessee Lt. Gov. McNally Comments On Racy Instagram Pics of Young Gay Male And he appeared on SNL last night to defend himself. ;-)
  5. ryoder


    Some news has come out that may explain why Russia claims to have destroyed more HIMARS systems than the US actually sent: AP: Inflatable tanks, missiles: Czech firm makes decoy armaments
  6. His portrayal of "strength" was totally undermined by his groveling to Putin at the meeting in Helsinki.
  7. Trump shyster Jenna Ellis admits lying: Politico: Trump 2020 lawyer admits misrepresenting stolen election claims
  8. Exactly what popped into my mind; God: Get some wood and build it 300 cubits by 80 cubits by 40 cubits. Noah: Right ... What's a cubit?
  9. I read an article yesterday describing it as initially a flop, that eventually became a cult classic. For me, the first time I watched it, it just resonated in a way very few movies ever have. After renting the DVD from Netflix 3 times, I bought my own copy of it.
  10. I'm considering that name for my new Rocky Horror revival show!
  11. Well, kale is a cultivar of wild cabbage, and we all know cultivars are the work of the devil.
  12. Don't forget about floods!
  13. A priest and a lawyer died and went to heaven. They were met by Saint Peter at the gate, who told them he would be giving them some transportation to get around in. He gave the lawyer a big white limousine. The priest was given a bicycle. The priest said "wait a minute" you gave the lawyer a limousine and me a bicycle. Why is that? St. Peter replied, oh we get a lot of priests in Heaven, but this is the first time a lawyer has made it.
  14. Do you need to hire them yourself, or are there public defenders?
  15. No, Javascript is enabled. I just tried a couple different browsers, and the images are showing. Now I am puzzling over why Firefox is substituting the word "Image" instead of displaying it. ETA: OK, figured it out. For some damned reason, running Firefox with "Always use private browsing mode" enabled, does that.
  16. You reference attachments, but there are only the words "Image".
  17. I don't think this post came out as intended.
  18. Years ago John Stossel did a report on climbing obesity rates in the US. Then he did interviews with people about obesity. Over, and over again, they were blaming genetics. Then he showed the historical obesity rates of the previous 30 years, and asked: "Have we genetically changed that much in 30 years?"
  19. Smoking is the perfect analogy, because the processed food industry has spent decades perfecting the optimum combinations of salt/sugar/fat to make junk foods as addictive as possible. An excellent book on the topic is: Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us - by Michael Moss
  20. Sumo wrestlers are actually an outlier when looking at weight-to-health, due to their rigorous daily exercise regime: Sumo wrestlers eat up to 7,000 calories a day, yet they aren't unhealthy
  21. He also sounds right-wing when talking about the pandemic response. But other than that, he is definitely not a part of the group who self-applies the "conservative" label.
  22. And Mr Pillow is not happy! The HIll: Mike Lindell says he will sue McCarthy for sharing Jan. 6 footage only with Tucker Carlson
  23. How about a viewpoint from an unhappy camper at the top of the heirarchy, rather than the trenches? NYT: Russia’s Top Paramilitary Chief Accuses Army Command of Treason
  24. I'm shocked! Shocked!!! Trump pays his legal bills??? NYT: Trump Spent $10 Million From His PAC on His Legal Bills Last Year
  25. I expect by now, if you were to open up any Russian nuclear warhead, it would be empty except for a certificate entitling the holder to one share of stock in M&M Enterprises.