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Everything posted by ryoder

  1. Stephen Colbert has drawn a comparison to "Groundhog Day" (1993). LOL!
  2. Keep up the good work, Elmo! WaPo: Hackers leak email addresses tied to 235 million Twitter accounts Although it sounds like the leak may have occurred in 2021.
  3. More bad news for the poor little fella: Andrew Tate’s Very Manly Car Collection Is Seized by Romanian Authorities
  4. ryoder


    Wait...are you saying if I fill a glass with ice cubes and water, it won't overflow when the ice melts???
  5. This suggestion might be worth a shot:
  6. I think the House needs a "3 strikes and you're out" rule.
  7. NYT: Brazilian Authorities Will Revive Fraud Case Against George Santos A 2008 court case had been suspended because Brazilian law enforcement officials could not find Mr. Santos.
  8. This dude must be a RINO: 'He needs to go:' Ex-chair of California GOP calls on George Santos to resign
  9. The best part of the Andrew Tate story was his arrest yesterday by Romanian authorities acting on a clue that he was in the country:
  10. Any member of Congress can be expelled with a 2/3 vote. And it has been done in the past: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsion_from_the_United_States_Congress
  11. Not completely: The Hill: Incoming GOP congressman from NY calls for full House ethics investigation into Santos
  12. ryoder


    It depends on how the jamming is being done: a) Sending an RF signal spoofing data from a satellite transmitter. Sure military use might be immune. b) Sending a simple carrier signal to overpower the received satellite signal. When you can't even receive the signal, codes don't matter. And due to the distance from the satellites, it would not be difficult for a ground transmitter to overpower it.
  13. ryoder


    You are mis-reading the data. Green indicates no jamming. The lack of green/yellow/red inside Ukraine means they have no data for that area. The data comes from ADS-B, and they are not getting that with Ukraine being a war zone.
  14. This seems like a valid question: Daily Kos: Is George Santos A Citizen?
  15. ryoder


    Well, a JDAM uses GPS guidance, and Russia is already doing significant jamming: GPSjam.org: lat=51.96518, lon=37.11849
  16. That sounds like something from a Mel Brooks script.
  17. ryoder


    Russian sausage tycoon Pavel Antov dies in Indian hotel fall Reports in Russian media said Mr Antov, 65, had fallen from a window at the hotel in the city of Rayagada on Sunday. Another member of his four-strong Russian group, Vladimir Budanov, died at the hotel on Friday. Late last June he appeared to react to a Russian missile attack on a residential block in the Shevchenkivskyi district of Kyiv that left a man dead and his seven-year-old daughter and her mother wounded. A WhatsApp message on Antov's account described how the family were pulled out of the rubble: "It's extremely difficult to call all this anything but terror."
  18. Steve Schmidt (of the LIncoln Project), posted that it was political malpractice that the Democrats didn't discover and expose Santos during opposition research.
  19. Here are the channels I follow which have a science/engineering slant: The Action Lab - Short science experiments. driving 4 answers - Bosnian dude covers automotive engineering with outstanding explanations. minutephysics - Short physics topics. Practical Engineering - Civil engineering, often analyzing disasters. Real Engineering - Irish dude covers assorted engineering topics. SmarterEveryDay - A must see for anyone interested in engineering. The dude gets invited to places the public can't go, e.g. a USN sub on active duty at the North Pole, probably owing to incredibly friendly, knowledgable personality. He worked as an engineer for the defense industry, and last I knew was working toward PhD. Steve Mould - UK dude covers assorted engineering topics and does his own experiments. Technology Connections - If it is something you encounter in your daily life, he covers it. Tom Scott -UK dude covers assorted topics, and some involve engineering, in his travels Tech Ingredients - Dude has huge home lab and probably spends more money than any other channel, doing incredibly complex experiments involving chemistry/engineering/physics, often with his adult sons. He is cagey about his identity, but after watching all his videos, I finally figured it out. He is an MD. Veritasium - Physics PhD with Australian background. Physics/engineering topics. SciShow - Short topics on cutting edge science, with a new video almost every day. Applied Science - Only occasionally puts out videos, very lab focused. 3Blue1Brown - Purely mathematics focused. The most pleasant speaking voice imaginable, and the most amazing moving graphics to show the concepts. The math prof I wish I'd had in engineering school.
  20. Well, obviously you must not be an alligator!
  21. 35 musicians who famously told politicians: Don't use my song I counted three in that list who were not GOP, (and one of the 3 was French). Appears to me the GOP is especially fond of "free" music.
  22. Sandy was my jumpmaster on jump #1 at Austin Lake, MI.
  23. OK, it is a de-centralized Ponzi scheme. JPMorgan chief calls crypto a ‘decentralised Ponzi scheme’ I don't think the creator intended it to be, but in practice that is all it is.
  24. A Ponzi scheme is neither a currency nor an investment.