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Everything posted by ryoder

  1. Another action in the fallout of the case: 'Cloud of dishonor': Memphis Police SCORPION unit disbanded after Tyre Nichols' death
  2. At this point, I'm wondering what his reaction would be, if you show him the Queen of Diamonds.
  3. I hope you are sitting down for this: Devolder/Santos/Ravache (or whatever his real name is), may have lied about the source of his campaign money. Mother Jones: We Tried to Call the Top Donors to George Santos’ 2020 Campaign. Many Don’t Seem to Exist.
  4. ryoder


    So even Russia's inflatable tanks don't work? Ukraine says Russia's putting inflatable tanks on the battlefield — but the decoys deflated
  5. Here is an article discussing the unusual charge of "aggravated kidnapping" in the arrests of the officers. Legal Analysts Call Attention to Unusual Charge Against Memphis Officers Who Fatally Beat Tyre Nichols — Kidnapping
  6. Did you see the interview with the ex-BF of Santos? When asked if he thought Santos might resign, his response was something like: "He has always craved fame and power; He would never resign."
  7. That is a good start: California Bar Slaps Trump Lawyer John Eastman with 11 Disciplinary Charges for ‘False’ Election Fraud Statements
  8. 6 weeks ago they probably would have laughed you out of the building, if you asked if there was any circumstance in which a drag queen could hold a seat in the House.
  9. That dog has his own Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigger_(dog)
  10. Four Oath Keepers convicted of seditious conspiracy in Jan. 6 attack Good.
  11. Same could be said for "Blazing Saddles"(1974).
  12. Well, shit! We were all sworn to secrecy, but now you've gone and let the cat out of the bag. :-(
  13. Judge sanctions Trump, Habba nearly $1 million for ‘completely frivolous’ Clinton suit Looks like another fundraising campaign is needed to get his marks to pay for it as usual.
  14. No, no, it's genius! He is setting up a defense that he is too senile to be held accountable!
  15. There are "sore losers", and then there is this crackpot: NYT: Republican Ex-Candidate Arrested in Shootings Targeting New Mexico Democrats
  16. Wanna see my picture on the cover ♪ Wanna buy five copies for my granddaughter ♪ Wanna see my smilin' face ♪ On the cover of the National Geographic ♪
  17. ryoder

    Alex Jones

    In a van...down by the river, would also work.
  18. ryoder


    From the "Rep Jack Kimble" parody account on Twitter: Must be tourism season in Brazil
  19. The clown show does provide good meme material:
  20. The universal adoption of ranked-choice voting would enable the viability of candidates outside the two entrenched parties, thus weakening their duopoly.
  21. When I graduated from college, I owed an amount equivalent to $27,322.96 (inflation-adjusted to 2022 dollars). My starting salary at my first permanent job was double the salary of the job I left to start college. I paid off that loan in 4 years.
  22. Now Matt Gaetz is trying to get our hopes up: Matt Gaetz Threatens to Resign Over McCarthy’s Speaker Fight
  23. I would expect all the Dems and a lot of the GOP (who won't admit it publicly) would love to see the wackjobs frozen out of all the committees.
  24. The sane members of the GOP should make a deal with the Democrats to elect Liz Cheney. Regardless of her policies, they could be assured she would leave the 20 wackjobs hanging out to dry.
  25. Seen on Twitter: The Republicans finally found an election they can re-do over and over and yet they still can't win.