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Everything posted by ryoder

  1. Upon further consideration, I think having generals like Rommel could have good for Trump. ;-)
  2. Also: War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
  3. Yes, he would prefer to have the generals of the team who took 2nd place, rather than have the generals of the team who took 1st place. Also, from Ron Filipkowski on Xitter: Trump: Any jewish American who doesn't vote for me should have their head examined. Also Trump: I wish I had some Generals like Hitler had.
  4. Two members of the TN GOP to the Tennesee Bureau of Investigation: "That's a nice little bureau you got there; Be a shame if something happened to it." Two key GOP lawmakers threaten 'political fallout' if TBI continues investigation of Millersville police GOP: "The party of law and order"
  5. All he really needs is the coffin he sleeps in during the day.
  6. ryoder


    I think it is safe to say that Melania is now much more fluent in English than Trump.
  7. ryoder


    So trump "working at a McDonalds" was a staged event at a closed McDonalds:
  8. ryoder


    More fiction from Trump fantasy land:
  9. ryoder


    WTAF??? Listen to the Babbling Fool make a statement, then contradict himself in the very next sentence! (Around 1:55).
  10. Heather Cox Richardson talked about this in her Oct 13 letter, and referenced a book by Eric Hoffer. I read this book long ago and consider it possibly the most important book I ever read for understanding how autocrats operate: Heather Cox Richardson: Letters from an American - October 13, 2024
  11. ryoder


    Now this is how you do a campaign ad against Trump!
  12. I'm reminded of a joke from the era of LBJ's "War on Poverty". A reporter asked some rural hick what he thought about it: "I don't know much about it, but I can tell you if he comes around here, he's in for a hell of a fight!"
  13. ryoder


    This is a head scratcher; Why would he try to pay to silence a story that is already out there??? Maddow’s bombshell reporting: Trump trying to pay Stormy Daniels to be quiet again Link in the story to video of Chris Hayes interview with Rachel Maddow.
  14. Up and coming Republican sheriff of Clark County IN: Noel led Holcomb’s (IN governor) campaign in 2016 and was part of his transition team. He also served as chairman of Holcomb’s reelection bid and, prior to Holcomb, attended President Donald Trump’s inauguration in Washington, D.C. on a personal invitation from former Gov. Mike Pence, who was Trump’s vice president. So where is he now? Oh, my! Former Indiana sheriff Jamey Noel sentenced to 15 years in prison as part of plea deal The extent of his theft, and what he spent it on is incredible!
  15. ryoder


    Oh, you're just envious of the great pay and plush working conditions he provides his employees. ;-)
  16. ryoder


    A good summary of how Musk became rich: Elon Musk Owes His Success to Coming in Second (and Government Handouts)
  17. ryoder


    Well, to be fair he was half white, so were were dipping a toe into electing a black president.
  18. So he must be an immigrant??? New NRA Chief Once Tortured a Cat to Death
  19. ryoder


    Here is how it works for BikeForums; This is the "Banned Users" thread in their "News & Announcements" forum: Bike Forums -> News & Announcements -> Banned Users
  20. ryoder


    I would prefer prison first.
  21. ryoder


    S&P500 just closed at record high. It is up 22.61% YTD. Won't someone stop this madman Biden!!!
  22. ryoder


    Now this is funny; Trump denies it happened; Kremlin confirms it did. Kremlin refutes Trump denial on sending Putin COVID tests
  23. ryoder


    From Stephen Colbert last night, (and Harris really was on his show). ;-)