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Everything posted by ryoder

  1. Guess who is embracing EVs? Amish communities are using a surprising new kind of vehicle to travel long distances: ‘It’s a lot quicker’
  2. Tonight John Oliver pointed out something interesting about that video of Kid Rock shooting the Bud Light: There is a second shooter to the right of the camera. There are 3 big muzzle flashes coming into frame from the right, and hitting the water to the left of the target. My guess is a shotgun.
  3. Guardian: Lachlan Murdoch drops defamation proceedings against independent Australian publisher Crikey Murdoch said he was confident he would have won but he “does not wish to further enable Crikey’s use of the court to litigate a case from another jurisdiction that has already been settled and facilitate a marketing campaign designed to attract subscribers and boost their profits”. Riiiiggghhthttttt; That must be the reason.
  4. Well, they apparently disabled his ability to create new threads, so his workaround is to grab a shovel and dig up old threads from the past.
  5. Interview with the guy. Unbelievable when he talks about his own politics:
  6. My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell ordered to follow through with $5 million payment to expert who debunked his false election data Bwahahaha!!! How the hell this fool was able to found a company, still baffles me.
  7. It seems it has been illegal since 1931. There is current legislation to remove the ban, which of course is being opposed by GOP: Michigan senators spar over unenforced penalty for unmarried couples living together
  8. Indeed! Looks like SpaceX needed more R&D. SpaceX Starship explodes over Gulf of Mexico after liftoff
  9. Just imagine the engineering advances Tesla could have made with $44B in R&D, instead of flushing it down Twitter.
  10. In a recent video, Youtuber Justin "Beau of the Fifth Column" King, had a couple concise comments about the MAGA GOP, (addressing the GOP base): 1) They don't want to represent the people, they want to rule the people. 2) Look at all the current legislation they are proposing; How much of it is designed actually help you? And how much of it is designed to hurt some other group?
  11. The caveat is that road damage is related to the 4th power of weight: (W1/W2)^4. So if Vehicle 1 weighs 5 tons, and Vehicle 2 weighs 1 ton: (5/1)^4 = 625. i.e. the 5 ton vehicle does 625 times as much damage as the 1 ton vehicle. Source: https://www.insidescience.org/news/how-much-damage-do-heavy-trucks-do-our-roads
  12. If justice had been done, Fox "News" would now be a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dominion.
  13. Hopefully, Dominion decides a public exoneration is more valuable to them, (and the country), than Fox's money.
  14. Well, it has become obvious why Thomas spent all those years on the bench, never asking questions; He didn't need to ask questions! His handlers had already instructed him in how to vote.
  15. Thanks to Justin "Beau of the Fifth Column" King for this link: https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/anheuser-busch/summary?id=D000042510 Bwahaha!
  16. ryoder


    Iggy Pop might take offense!
  17. ryoder


    LOL! I'm going to steal that line.
  18. And now defending Bud Light, we have...Don Jr??? Donald Trump Jr. Urges Right-Wingers to End Boycott of ‘Conservative-Leaning’ Bud Light
  19. Tonight Bill Maher was listed several country-western celebrities who have come out for the ban, then exclaimed: "Don't these dumbasses understand? Once you are rich and famous, you don't need to drink Bud Light anymore!"
  20. See the next-to-last item from the dropdown menu at upper right of page:
  21. Are you saying I can get into Tim Horton's without a reservation???
  22. From Heather Cox Richardson last night: The speaker of the Tennessee House of Representatives, which recently expelled two young Black lawmakers who have since been returned to office, is also in trouble. Judd Legum of Popular Information first chased down that speaker Cameron Sexton is living in Nashville rather than the district he represents. With more digging, Legum has turned up that Sexton apparently bought a $600,000 home in Nashville and hid that purchase, keeping his name off the documents and keeping his wife’s signature obscure. He has argued that he could legally continue to represent Crossville, his alleged place of residence, because so long as he has a “definite intention of returning,” Tennessee law okays lawmakers living elsewhere. But the purchase of a $600,000 home in Nashville seems like a pretty permanent abandonment of Crossville. Legum also notes that Sexton has been drawing $313 a day to commute back to his district while he is not, in fact, commuting back to his district. Since 2021, he has claimed $92,071 in expenses, likely enough to cover his mortgage. Source: https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/april-13-2023
  23. So an arrest was made today, in the Ukraine documents leak, and guess who is already siding with the leaker? Greene defends accused Ukraine documents leaker
  24. Ethereum and Bitcoin are just 2 out of 9186 cryptocurrencies: Today's Cryptocurrency Prices by Market Cap