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Everything posted by Merrick

  1. Here are a few shots that our 9 year old daughter took this weekend.... she actually didn't do to bad!
  2. Oh I hear ya man, I've just recently got back in the air from the same break! One metal plate, 7 screws, and 6 weeks later & I was back in the air! I was only on my crutches for 10 days, then they put me in a walking boot thing for 4 weeks. I was only out for about a month & 1/2 before I got back up... just remember to do your exercises, & don't jump or do anything that you're not ready to do... it'll be over before you know it! "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  3. I think what Fab was saying was that the AFF JM was probably talking behind the jumper's back... making them sound like they're stupid for being upset or giving people the impression that she's no fun to jump with. The sort of thing that happens when only one side of the story is told. I've heard of other people doing this, but it was done to others with 1000's of jumps, so they weren't really dipping into their comfort zone.... if you were pulled past your comfort area, the JM crossed the line... this should NEVER be done with a low-timer, or anyone that's not comfortable going low.... I agree with Mike, if someone were to do this to me, I would pull my pilot-chute out & shove it in their face.... then, I'd confront them on the ground. If they got all pissy (like in this situation) I would make sure that the DZO & S&TA hear about it! "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  4. Do you know Zennie at all (serious question cuz I don't know)?? I can certainly see the satirical humor in it if you guys were good friends or something.... but if you're not, surely you can see why so many people got offended by the shots you took against him (jokes or not). Technology isn't responsible for the narcissist attitudes, they exist & can be triggered by certain situations or comments. If this truly was a joke, just remember next time that it's very difficult at best to relay tone of voice, sarcasm, or anything else you may see as satirical through written media... which, unfortunately is all we have available here. Peace Brudda! "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  5. Merrick

    Too much T & A?

    Good Idea you Tattoo Kisser! "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  6. Merrick

    Too much T & A?

    Wife Stalking Rat Bastard List: - freeflir29 - jfields - lazerq3 - Slappie (added as of 12:09pm cst) - skreamer (instigating rat bastard) - skreamer - skreamer - skreamer - skreamer - skreamer "Operation Mellons" has been thwarted... you have all been surrounded, you will be punished, & your punishment shall be severe!!! Oh to live in your powerless hell!!! ROFL - I probably couldn't get Lisa to send me a 170, I doubt she'd let a 46 slip by with my name on it! "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  7. Nope, they're hard housings.... I had a rigger look at it when I first noticed it & he said it'd be OK, and it hasn't gotten any worse, but in all reality we should probably get it checked out again just to be sure. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  8. Merrick

    Fear Of Flying

    Well DICKforshort, you're just a complete ass-hole aren't you?!?! Re-read the thread, this had nothing to do with skydiving.... and how bout posting some of those Pulitzer Prize winning photos that you've taken, or that Gold 42nd Street Website award you just received. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  9. If the story's not complete bullshit, a friend of ours actually did landed in the prison by our DZ. He landed, was rushed by guards, & detained for over an hour trying to convince them he wasn't trying to smuggle anything in. LOL Ladies & Gentlemen... give it up for's very own.....MikeFarmer!! lol "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  10. Congrats' on the coach status Jason, and welcome back! I remember seeing that pic as well.... actually, I think Pam posted a wedding pic of us on the same thread. now that you're back, stick around... things have gotten quite interesting around here. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  11. Hmmm.... Pam's Mirage has shown significant wear in the stitching that holds her cutaway cables under her mudflap. I'd be kind of interested to know what causes this myself. The rig only had about 35 jumps on it when we bought it, and the rig hasn't been in any type of malfunction that I'm aware of. Anybody have any ideas? "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  12. Yeah clay, I've heard this too... I've actually heard that it's even getting a little dangerous to load them above 1.1:1, especially if it's an older f111 canopy. Now, I know you're a future Pro Blade champion with all the swooping & what not.... I don't want to be labeled as the canopy Nazi, but my opinion would be not to go any smaller than a 170 ZP canopy for a while. The landing characteristics are WAY different on a ZP and it will be like learning to land all over again, so loading your first ZP canopy at like 1.47:1 will probably be more than enough for a looong time (may even be too much in a lot of people's eyes). All that speed that you build up on your riser landings on your f111 is already going to be there, and then some, on any ZP canopy.... just a thought. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  13. I don't think so wildblue... not YET anyway. That post had almost 1500 views & about 100 replies. Now if you're talking post to reply ratio than yes, I believe it has been de-throned! lol "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  14. This coming from the guy from Marry-Land. LOL "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  15. Hey Kel.... F**K OFF!!! LOL Not all of us are as wonderfully spoiled as you are!! "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  16. Merrick

    Its in!!!!!!

    For someone that doesn't drink, acclimating to the "beer rules" took a lot for me at first. I remember on my graduation jump the DZO told me to bring back a case of Corona, to which I said, "Oh, so you don't want any of that cheap domestic shit huh?" & he politely returned with..."I don't know, was this your CHEAP ASS SKYDIVE!!!" lol Sort of put it all into perspective, so now I willingly buy everyone a round or two while I stick to my Mt. Dew! lol "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  17. I agree, I used to wear my glasses under my Z-1 all the time & never had any problems.... and now that I have contacts, I even wear my sunglasses from time to time as well. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  18. LOL - get your minds outta the gutters guys... with all the talk of threesomes, chicksomes, and big-ways this isn't anything like that. Pam made me the coolest T-shirt for my birthday and I thought you guys would appreciate it. I don't know where she got the quote, but I thought it was funny as hell.
  19. Merrick

    BIC course

    Wait a minute... sorry I paniked everyone, I think I just misunderstood it... it says are able to attend.... Sorry, my bad! LoL Damn girl, didn't expect you to post something before I could get back to work & get my head screwed on straight! lol "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  20. Merrick

    BIC course

    Directly from the 2001 updated SIMS manual section 3.1;D.2: Sorry baby.... told ya! lol "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  21. Holy shit dude!! Talk about some throttle control.... the guy doing the Sterilizer (legs over the handlebars) is awesome!!! What are you trying to do Brandon, torture me?!!?..... Ahhh the memories.... LOL Sportbikes are evil, they have their own spirit, that somehow possesses you once you hop on! Got my old GSX-R up to 175 a couple times (that's mph)... and wheelies are a good idea on the highway, away from traffic, but a very bad idea on main street in Small-town America in front of the Highway-Patrol! Doh! Surprised I'm not still paying for that one. LOL "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  22. Guess that makes me a chick! I don't know why, but I've never been the "Call you in the morning guy." I would never have sex with someone that I don't care about... it's just way intimate, and way to much of myself to share with just anybody. Sure, I've had that Ex-girlfriend f*ck, but I swear it was an accident! lol I really don't get the sport f*cking, and I don't imagine I ever will.. but to each his/her own! Yeah, I fold my panties before I put them away! "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  23. BWAHAHAHA - I think you have some real issues Kel... besides, I'd be the ugliest Marilyn Monroe impersonator that you've EVER seen! lol Plus, "wearing women's clothes is grounds for divorce!" Now try & guess who said that... probably the only kink she's not in to! lol Kris... you ARE a Pimp!!! LOL Didn't know you had it in ya! As for the cheating issue, yes it is cheating, UNLESS... the other party is FULLY aware of said 2 - 3 - 4 - big-way (whatever), AND agrees 100%!! However, if they don't agree, or aren't committed to it & you carry on anyway, it is def cheating... and I'm not talking about this half-hearted commitment, where one party agrees just to make them happy because it's what the other wants.... those people deserve whatever misery they're put thru! Be COMPLETELY honest up front, let the other know where you stand & it's all good. However, you can find yourself at a stale-mate, if you say the relationship's over if I can't do that, & they say it's over if you do.... well then you're just screwed!! lol "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  24. Yeah, I don't really get it either food, our DZO is a die-hard mirage dealer... He swears they're the best thing introduced to skydiving since the airplane, and I've heard nothing but good things about them, that is until we had to deal with them personally. I'm not going to get into the whole situation again, but for the most part - we got screwed! Yes they did get the job done, and yes we did get the rig back before we left for Quincy, but that was after calling them several times a day the week before. Granted, Pam was very upset that they were cutting our Quincy deadline so close, but that wasn't even the issue. It was all the bullshit excuses we received while her rig was NOT being fixed. As far as handling issues graciously, I disagree... we tried talking directly to Bill, but was always diverted to a secretary or receptionist or some such. When asked what the problem was, one of the ladies that works there (sorry, don't remember her name) says, "I don't know what the hell their problem is, and it's starting to piss me off.... basically because it makes me look bad!" that's a direct quote... How's that for bending over backwards. Once this was made public on the forums (simply by sharing the facts of the experience), it apparently made Bill very upset. Upon hearing about this from a third party we tried calling, and Pam emailed several phone #'s where she could be reached if he would like to discuss it further.... consequently we never heard from him.... so forgive me if I disagree. Everyone here has simply stated their experiences, there has been no bashing, or slander, or anything else negative - aside from the facts of the experience. I'm certainly not trying to dissuade anyone from buying a mirage... I've said it a 100 times before, I Love the Mirage, I think it's the best container on the market... and the ONLY reason I won't buy one is because of the service we received.... Please, no one base your decisions on the few bad experiences you've read here, I believe that no company can be perfect and will make mistakes... but I also believe that it's our right as consumers to make our OPINIONS & experiences public. You think that everyone only says good things about PD, what about Icarus? You don't think that they've received some horrible reviews lately? So where are owners of Icarus, why aren't they getting defensive over what's been said about them lately? Hell, even if I lost my Dytter & L&B said that they'd given out too many recently & wouldn't replace it, I would post that as well.... but I guarantee that it wouldn't persuade anyone not to buy from them, simply because of the incredible service after the sale reputation they've already established! It would be just one bad experience opposing possibly 100's of good ones. Respect is earned, not freely given.... Mirage has a VERY respectable product, and their service may be incredible otherwise, so don't let our experience be a deciding factor in whether you buy one or not.... if you don't - fine... if you do - great, you're getting an awesome rig. I apologize that I was so long winded, & I promise this is all I have left to say about the matter.... I'm finished with it. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  25. Oh no Sangiro... whatever shall you do!?! And it wasn't even your article, how funny..... guess there's a lot of rediculously invalid "warnings" being thrown around here lately.... eh Skymedic?!?? LOL "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"