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Everything posted by Merrick

  1. Bwahahaha.. Pam's Cat does that.... loves the shit out of those things. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  2. Yeah, like your cat doesn't give a shit one way or the other..... the pet-whore! lol "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  3. Althogh I don't really agree with you on the Jim Carey movies (unless all you've seen is the pet detective movies), I do agree that Tom Green is a complete moron... Ahhh Drew, you coulda done so much better! lol I know there are some, but I can't think of any movie titles that I actually despised... I'll have to get back to ya. lol "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  4. Nobody likes a kiss-ass! LOL "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  5. No worries JT, I've said all that I need to say... There are very few personalities on this forum that I could do without, and 3 just happens to be one of them. I knew that waay before this thread.... now, there's no sense wasting my energy on it. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  6. Oh yeah, Pam just got your check yesterday JT. And what's with the censorship? Is there a list of words that are bleeped out.... My original post said "C U N T" but when I posted it it said [bleep]. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  7. Doesn't matter what the fuck that was all about!!! You're lucky that I don't get your narrow ass for that one you disrespectful little BITCH! BUT, just in case you're wondering.... Lou's much more dangerous than I am! "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  8. lol - that's nothin man, a student (I think AFF II) about a year or so ago at our DZ chopped & pulled his reserve because he thought the slider was too loud!LOL There's the occasional joke about installing slider mufflers on the student canopies now. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  9. What, you would have called after seeing that "1-800-COCAINE" or "1-800-CRACKHD" bumersticker?! LOL btw: here's a short story I wrote about my first skydive, it gives a little background as to how & why. "My First Skydive" "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  10. Hmmmm..... You sure?!?! LOL Ya know, it doesn't take Pam near as long when I take the rubber off! "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  11. Merrick

    For the men

    Hmmmm.... Would you like a Handbasket with that trip Kris! "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  12. AWESOME Kris, Glad you guys had a good time!!! It sucks so bad that we couldn't make it down! Next time we're there man. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  13. Yeah Kris, I think I was one of the original test monkeys for those skymasters when Mike had gotten just a few demos. After looking back at my log-book, that's what I predominately flew on my student progression, I would pout or whine when I'd have to use a Manta or that damn Falcon. LOL The skymasters flew great (both the 260 & the 230 I flew).... they had much crisper turns, and a LOT stronger flare than the mantas I'd been introduced to earlier. Didn't even realize they had collapsible sliders until this summer sometime (Dammit), not that it would have made a huge difference. LOL I transferred to my own Canopy (a Sabre 190) at jump # 16, I graduated on #14 (IAD progression), and the last student canopy I flew was the 260 skymaster... I had absolutely no problems downsizing straight to the Sabre.... Consequently, Pam used predominately Mantas on her student progression & she is just recently starting to REALLY figure the landings on her Sabre out.
  14. Bwahahaha... Ask Pam about the tat I got in Jamaica. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  15. ROFL - From the pics I saw Brit, it looked like you 'hit' the pond pretty damn good!
  16. Bwahahaha.... that's not nice! To me it just felt like someone dragging a hang-nail over your skin... Over, & Over, & Over, & Over... you get the idea. Afterwards it sort of feels like a sunburn, but no worse... and if the guy slaps it & says he had to "set the ink" Knock him the fuck out, he's a lying bastard! lol Aftercare, just do whatever they tell you, and after it heals, put lotion on it every day, it will keep the color looking great for much longer. I have 4 tat's, two that are 8 & 9 years old, they still look awesome compared to my buddy who got his done at the same time! "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  17. ROFL, is that right.... Well, real MEN wear underwear.... Denim Chafes. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  18. Sorry, I keep forgetting to reset the LCD on my camera before recording these, the originals aren't that dark.
  19. I took the following quote from a recent thread that might explain the very reason you formed this opinion. The thread was the one about the Safire VS Sabre2's, but since Sabre2's are basically the same as Hornets (from what I understand) I figured it would apply here too. Take it for what it's worth, I haven't had a chance to check the validity of it yet. Obviously if the Safire is 5-10% smaller it's going to turn crisper, have a more powerful flare, & all around fly better/faster than a larger canopy. Like I said, I don't know how much truth there is to it, but I remember reading it somewhere else before, so it can't be all wrong! If you do want to demo some canopies, one thing to know about PISA is that they don't have any sort of demo program. They do however have a 100% money back guarantee, so if you don't like it you can return it. No, I'm not a spokesman for PISA, I've just been thinking real hard myself lately about getting a Hornet that's all. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  20. Tehehehe.... speaking of, "Hold my beer & watch this shit!" Here's a few vids of a typical 'socked' day in Oklahoma (only a mile from a private prison I might ad ) Oh, and the mystery pilot is my very own Pammi (there was no way in hell I was going to do this..... Until she did it! LOL) "First 1/2 of flight" "Last 1/2 of flight" For all you Base Buffs, That's a Unit 230 we're flyin there. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  21. Merrick

    Another site?

    Hmmm... I'd have to say Motorcross &/or Road Racing. "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  22. Damn Will, when'd you start packing at Hinton? lol "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  23. Actually, there's a 24 hour chat on Slappie's webpage (but it's usually those clingy Houston people in there)... go to: "Slappie's Chat". "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  24. Dude, I thought I was going to see E.T. come out of a few of those pics (3rd & 4th from the bottom of the list)..... seriously, awesome pics man! "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"
  25. Well, obviously I'd fight until I hit the ground... but in the very unlikely case that I KNOW I'm fucked - like I pull my main & it flys off above, hit the reserve & it does the same - I'd strip down naked & head for the peas!! "Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"