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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2023 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Fox needs to be sued into oblivion, those anchors need jail time for their actions as part of the conspiracy to overturn the election, and Murdoch needs to be deported.
  2. 2 points
  3. 1 point
    In London, Defendant 1 heard the crowds yelling at his car. He thought they were yelling "Ivanka, Ivanka"...
  4. 1 point
    They know full well their viewers don't care about the 'truth'. They only want to hear what reinforces their beliefs.
  5. 1 point
    speaking of that, perhaps we should get together with austrailia's governing body and exchange notes since they had a lot of tandem fatalities and we had the swooping fatalities it seems. isn't that what these discussions are for, learning from those who are doing better and emulating them?
  6. 1 point
    Hi Wendy, Re: he was bedridden with Parkinson’s and dementia. If you ever get to that point, you might just change your mind. I am a full supporter of Death with Dignity. Jerry Baumchen
  7. 1 point
    A boilerplate description of a suspect is used thousands of times. One of those times, a stray fact is included in it, that never appears before or after. One conclusion might be that that single instance was a simple error. How could so many different typists over so many years continue to miss the exact same fairly important item? Another conclusion might be that that single instance is somehow the only time someone mistakenly told the truth and revealed the contents of a double-super-secret document that has been intentionally hidden from everyone involved for 50 years. You appear to be on Team Cover-up. I am not sure why, but if that feels right to you, you're certainly welcome to that position. For me, it would be a bit like you one day misspelling your screen name as "Flojack." It's been correct thousands of times; I can safely assume the one variation is a simple mistake. For someone else, they might think, "AHA!! I knew his name was really Flo!! Finally he slipped up!!" I am very solidly on Team "mistake." In my experience, in general the world continues to work as the world works, with or without our overlays. There is nothing mysterious about this, unless you prefer to see mystery.
  8. 1 point
    Digesting this meal is going to start with nibbling at the edges. You may be right about the constitution. The next couple USSC rulings on gun may make that more relevant. Instituting every idea that BIGUN has suggested would likely be a couple big bites of the steak. Leaving most of this Texas sized meal yet to be finished.
  9. 1 point
    When have I said I'm not willing to give up any rights? (honest question) While I disagreed vehemently with the AWB when it was passed in 94, it really didn't affect me much. If they passed the exact same bill again, it wouldn't affect me at all. I'm not looking to purchase anything. If they enacted 'cradle to grave tracking' (mandatory registration) that wouldn't affect me much either. If it went way further than I can see possible (say mandatory turn ins like Australia saw), I would not be happy. But I'm not worried about that happening, not in my lifetime. Nothing I said was about my rights or what I would want to keep or be willing to give up. It was about what is realistic, what could actually happen, and what the consequences of introducing such laws would be (whether they pass or not). The rights I'm worried about losing are the ones the Rs have demonstrated a complete willingness to destroy. Like the right of a woman to choose what happens with her own body. Like the right for kids to be who they really are (note: this is one that I've been passionate about for a long time, but has hit home a lot harder is the last 6 months, since I found out one of my sister's children is transitioning from male to female). Like the right for libraries to have books that some people don't like much. The Rs have made it clear they want to rule, not govern. If the Ds shoot themselves in the foot with gun control legislation (pun intended) and put the Rs back into power, I'm seriously scared for the future. Not mine. I'm an "old white guy". I'd be (mostly) safe. But the women, the minorities, the marginalized, those that are 'different' would be in real trouble.
  10. 1 point
    Again. You keep knocking other people's shit while providing none of your own. Perhaps you and Jakee should get together and form a team for playing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kick_the_can
  11. 1 point
    Nothin' is quite like a group of jumpers dividing up into different disciplines and dissing each other as unsafe. I've been there many times myself. Be safe, try not to get hurt, and if you own the toys then you get to make the rules. Which will always be and must be a compromise of some sort.
  12. 1 point
    What a shitshow this whuffo thread is, right from the get go suggesting big turns be banned while advocating for the most dangerous turn of all - the 180. In Australia, we’ve had 9 tandem fatalities in the last few years and exactly zero swoop comp fatalities. Maybe we should ban tandems instead. We have a rule of 90s only on height loads while big turns and pond can be done on hop and pops (a ticket costs the same regardless of where you get out). You also need to have done a Flight-1 309 course before being considered for pond approval. As a result, almost every load does a hop and pop pass and we often have several passes of hop and pops and a small number going to altitude. We also have a large number of jumpers undertaking regular high performance canopy coaching. Do things properly and it can be done safely, don’t just ban things you don’t understand.
  13. 1 point
    President of the Inmates Association.
  14. 1 point
    A simple collision is unlikely to extract the trigger. Think of how difficult it would be to extract a Cypres control head from its pocket in similar circumstances. You might be able to extract the trigger if the collision involved snagging the RSL. I can't recall any incidents involving snagged RSLs on any system, so we should consider the probability of this happening to be quite low.
  15. 1 point
    Hi Joe, Attributed to Abe Lincoln: “He who serves as his own counsel has a fool for a lawyer and a jackass for a client” Jerry Baumchen PS) I have represented myself many times in Small Claims Court. I have yet to lose; although it was very rare to get everything that I petitioned for.
  16. 1 point
    I do believe that any person representing a defendant in court has to be a member of the bar, with a license to practice law. I don't think being paid or not makes any difference. I could be wrong on this, and welcome correction if so. Note: This only applies to someone representing someone else. Perfectly legal to represent yourself. Stupid as all hell, but legal.
  17. 1 point
    Marcel, Please try to understand that the idea of banning jumpers over 60 isn't resonating with me. Nor do I want to ban all risk. I banned swooping at my DZ for the reward of having a safer environment overall. It has been a success. It has also had the advantage of our seeing fewer rule breakers wander by. If you or anyone else wants to open a swoop only DZ, have at it and good luck. I mean that. So here's a little pearl to consider when you are getting ready to open and are pricing your product: low passes with swoopers costs the DZ money. If the pilot safely configures the aircraft to level flight and slows down as they should one or two swoopers (who expect cheap jumps because they are getting out low) actually adds 2-3 minutes to the climb to full altitude of even fast turbine aircraft. That's two or three minutes that cost +/-$20 a minute. Do that 10 times a day and that aircraft will fly two less profitable loads that day. Worse, if it's loads to 5K all day every one of those landings is a cycle or part of a cycle deducted from the life of many of the life limited parts that the aircraft has, those are like $20 per landing. So thank your stars that too many DZO's who like swoopers also suck at math. Joe
  18. 1 point
    Hi Nik, Try these people: Mark Lancaster Skyworks Parachute Service 2222 Buffalo – West Springs HiWay Buffalo, SC 29321 864-429-8428 [email protected] Paragone Rigging 4241 Sky Dive Lane Zephyrhills, FL 33542 813-779-0239 paragone-rigging.com Pete Swan 813 Harbor Blvd., Suite 188 West Sacramento, CA 95691 209-366-3712 [email protected] Jerry Baumchen
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