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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Tom Kaye's 2022 CooperCon presentation.. sound is low, headphones help.
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    There was a question about the guitar I mentioned. This is the article. It mentions DB Cooper. There are some pretty solid researchers on the case. Here is one. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/10/16/entertainment/bachman-guitar-found-trnd/index.html
  4. 2 points
    Russia hit a maternity ward today and among the casualties was a two day old child. Your post suggests that they were forced to do this. That it is the fault of Ukraine for continuing to fight against an unjust invasion. So fascinating to see the different realities we exist in.
  5. 2 points
    The Republicans should be forced to carry Trump to term, even if it threatens the life of the Republican Party.
  6. 2 points
    No fighting on D.B. Cooper Day!
  7. 1 point
    Tom does a good job covering a very broad complicated history. I dont know that other people in my universe could do this, as easily. Tom is definitely the high lite in the Cooper case. I never expected that! Kudos to Tom Kaye. Tom has accompl9ished a lot with very meager resources. With humor I say: this has gone way beyond the original six months allotted! The comparison of the Cooper tie with the Boeing employee tie is interesting. Is the Cooper tie a tie actually worn at a work site or simply a tie somebody pulled out of a dumpster at an industrial site ? Tom says nothing about where all these particles were found on the tie: spread across the whole tie, in one confined area, in the knot area only, front of the tie only, particles found on the back of the tie ??? The difference is an open exposed tie vs a lab coat covered tie, vs a tie found in an industrial dumpster where the whole tie gets exposed? Tom needs to share his McCrone data with industrial-occupational health researchers/chemists - people who routinely identify and deal with classes of industrial particles and contaminants needing to identify sources by occupational groups. This is why I brought up the Dictionary of Occupational Titles years ago and the people who deal with occupational disease (by classes) using large lists of particles and substances grouped by industrial classes. Tom may be consulting with the wrong people waiting on someone to send him a breakthrough, which may never happen! Tom still insists that his diatom data says the Tina Bar money was "buried in the Spring". All the data says is the money "was exposed" to diatoms starting in some Spring - year uinknown. Tim is still clinging to his old data about the rubber bands. Tom never apparently talked to Pat Ingram about the bands. So that data is probably gone forever. I agree with Tom. There is something wrong with Palmer's identification of the strata at Tina Bar. In fact, I go even further and say Palmer failed to give the right interpretation for the strata he found. Specifically Palmer failed to identify the significance of the cross bedded layer he found directly below the bundles of money found above it. And it appears Tom hasn't seen the issue either, yet ... if ever. Cross bedded layers represent 'time'. The clock on the Cooper money at TBar runs from Nov 1971-Feb 1980, which means the cross bedded layer directly below the money represents what slice of time? Is that cross bedded layer above dredging layer or part of it ?
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Dr Edwards on podcast.. listening at 1.5x speed, going through the basics so far..
  11. 1 point
    I'm pretty sure that these licenses are meant for OEM installers. But there are plenty of resellers doing the dirty and selling them online for cheap. https://www.microsoftkeys.net/products/microsoft-office-2021-professional-plus-lifetime-license-key?variant=42261744386248&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAiAyfybBhBKEiwAgtB7fjejB82MGhnCW_AstBLBIs6YiuMBLZeS8JKCX6CPD0hNG0tx6VZD7BoCvbcQAvD_BwE
  12. 1 point
    So I guess if someone tries to rape your wife, you'll just tell her to stop resisting to avoid needless injuries or death.
  13. 1 point
    Let's not commingle Woke and BLM. Different.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    The Department of Justice has requested Mike Pence to testify. "Ah, to be a fly on Pence's head during questioning" -- credit YouTube comment.
  16. 1 point
    And there will still be tens of thousands who will vote for the moron, because . . . . stupidity.
  17. 1 point
    Same as ever. They'll push the fodder forward to die and will hope to hold the lines until spring. In the words of Joseph Stalin "Quantity has a quality all it's own".
  18. 1 point
    I'll raise you a Slim King and a bunch of other Russian apologists.
  19. 1 point
    NATO should be giving them everything they need, with no strings attached.
  20. 1 point
    Ukraine is doing exactly the right thing. They are harassing a retreating enemy that unjustly invaded their land, looted, pillaged and tortured their citizens, and now is dragging washing machines along with them as they flee. Negotiations will only buy time for Putin to attempt to rebuild his forces so they can attack again. While pacifism is an admirable concept, the school bully will always want your lunch money again tomorrow.
  21. 1 point
    If naught else, the war in Ukraine is a stark reminder of how Russians fight war. Human life, their own soldiers or their opponents civilians, matters not if they think killing either confers an advantage. If there was no other reason, that is reason enough to force them to stop their unwarranted aggression. I say let's give the Ukrainians NATO's longer range missiles, such as our ATACMS, and the freedom to use them as they see fit.
  22. 1 point
    Happy Thanksgiving, wishing you all good vibes and blessings. Here's the weather 51 years to the date: https://weather.com/weather/today/l/a98c381daaa0619a6a851824227104cef1fde6d16236a2a8cb1d8385f9bcef0d DB, I mean Dan, would have had it a little easier if he jumped tonight.
  23. 1 point
    Unquestionably. I view what has been performed thus far as an entry point to 1. identifying a possible suspect; and 2. then seeking out more “actionable” evidence.
  24. 1 point
    For better or worse, the way people write is the only means most of us have for gauging their intellectual worthiness. Even the act of going back and proofreading suggests a fastidiousness that might create confidence in the rest of their endeavors. When I see writing that looks like it was dashed off without thought, right or wrong I assume other aspects of that person's work might also be dashed off. I think there are some holes in the chain of assumptions needed to get to Vordahl. They don't start with analyzing the particle data; they start with the way the data was collected. There is an additional one in getting from the analysis to the suspect you favor. These are not minor. Starting with the suspect and going backward is going to yield lots of cool connections. He's a compelling dude! The trick is to make the particle information bulletproof, then make a bulletproof connection between it and your guy, and -- maybe most important? -- put your guy on a terrorist mission on that airplane, in November, 1971. Lack of attention to the detail needed to plug these holes makes everything else dismissable. I'm not saying he's not a great visual match--I think he's pretty good! The lip, the little dip in the hairline. But there is still 0 way of knowing if the particle profile means a single thing, and without that, you don't have a suspect. Just my two bits.
  25. 1 point
    Metallurgists. Plurals never take an apostrophe.
  26. 1 point
    There's a lot to unpack in that. Certainly one would assume a blank slide would be among "what they have." Anyone's necktie(s). Anything that has ever been on an airplane. And so forth. But also, inherent in that statement is an acknowledgment of the limitations of the results as a meaningful resource, until "they have" more. That acknowledgment would also be the caution against taking any of those results as gospel, until better data is acquired. Yes?
  27. 1 point
    New episode out now! DB Cooper’s taped confession with Vern Jones. Enjoy! https://thecoopervortex.podbean.com/e/db-cooper-s-taped-confession-vern-jones/
  28. 1 point
    From an email that I received: Kliff Keltner’s Celebration of Life will be held at Skydive Perris on December 3rd, 2022. Memorial skydives and an ash dive will take place starting at 11:00 with the celebration following. Please send me (Sharon) an email at [email protected] if you plan on attending so that I can make sure to have enough food and drink for everyone. I will be hosting the Memorial skydives and Marie Winther and Randy Scott will be organizing. Please indicate on your email if you would like to make a jump in Kliff’s memory as we would like to organize these skydives in advance. If you knew Kliff then you know how special he was. It would mean so much to him and me if you could join us in this celebration of his life.
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