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Everything posted by headoverheels

  1. At last night's rally, Trump was confusing Harris' position on an issue with that of Nikki Haley. Also saying that she shouldn't be able to run for President, because she has committed crimes.
  2. Trump hasn't noticed that Obama isn't President.
  3. The 26th Amendment, signed by Nixon in 1971, lowered the voting age to 18 for all elections in the US. Some states already had that age. e.g., Georgia since 1943.
  4. From mine, most are inferior. A smaller number rise to mediocrity.
  5. For some reason, all of a sudden a bunch of folks who were fond of saying that we are a republic not a democracy have a problem with being a republic not a democracy.
  6. My understanding is that the Biden campaign can do absolutely anything they want to with the donations, except use it for personal gain/expenses. Give it back, give it to charity, use it to support candidates for any office as desired. I haven't heard whether the same applies for PAC money.
  7. Hunter Biden has filed paperwork to have his case thrown out, based on Aileen Canon's ruling. Soon to be followed by everyone who was convicted in a case brought by a special prosecutor.
  8. The governor will appoint his replacement. Not sure how quickly that can be put in effect, but maybe the same day.
  9. A 1mph misjudged crosswind component would turn an eye shot into an ear nick. Or a clean miss into an ear nick.
  10. Biden will stay in. He will win in November.
  11. I'm going with a simpler reason. He was finally gonna show that high school gun club that they were wrong about his shooting skills.
  12. I wonder whether the shooter's father will get his gun back.
  13. Anyone that watched the keynote speech of the 2004 DNC knew who Obama was, and that he was someone very significant. Obama's life was interesting. Maybe Moore's has been, but I had never heard of him until this week, and still don't know anything at all about him.
  14. Biden won the primary, and that wasn't an anti-Trump. He also won the general election. Harris has an excellent background and resume, much better qualified than the previous VP, but she has failed to distinguish herself while in office. I don't see any reason that she should be considered the default or even leading candidate, should Biden drop out.
  15. At age 70, I'm on my 4th car ever, a 2019. Never had one less than 11 year and my previous one 20+. Without a wreck or a blown engine, I will likely only get another car when they are truly self driving and I can't drive myself. Of course self driving cabs would be a more economic alternative to ownership, but I can't take it with me.
  16. This was 2004, but it could be 2024.
  17. Horses playing hockey? That sounds like a lot of horse pucky.
  18. Yeah, but Bobo won the primary, which means she is virtually certain to win the general.
  19. MPG is miles per gallon. Perhaps you mean miles? If so, that would mean that the ethanol has zero energy. It does have about 1/3 less per gallon than gasoline, but that results in closer to 3% reduction in MPG with 10% ethanol in the gas. I wonder whether the production efficiency has improved at all since that 2005 article. I seem to remember (from ~ a decade ago) that it had improved a bit, but still ethanol still required more input energy that the output energy obtained. If that energy is coming from fossil fuels, we are producing more CO2 while producing less net energy.