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Everything posted by headoverheels

  1. I say that Biden and Pence should get 90 days in jail, and pay a fine, like the woman on Honolulu who took a classified document home. Trump lied about having documents repeatedly, so should get more.
  2. And with that fine leadership example of criminal Lt. General Michael Flynn.
  3. The NEC doesn't require any GFI per ... They require GFCI's (just figured I'd be pedantic), and now AFCI's
  4. From way down the responses in that Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/MichaelA_Kellar/status/1615463969040510976/photo/1
  5. I didn't pray for the impossible. Mine was "don't let it be me who fucks up first."
  6. That would be funny. I wonder what the position pays, if you are not a member of the house.
  7. MTG won her 2020 primary against a much better candidate (by pretty much any standard or lack thereof). No DNC assistance required, and she had an easy general election win, and re-election. The strategy can only win in a purple district. Even leaning R or D districts are not likely to change. Look at how terrible of a candidate Walker was for GA Senator, and he still nearly won.
  8. Better than the other Republican house members put forth so far
  9. Actually the DNC strategy was effective in a few spots. I haven't seen anything to show that they supported Santos in the primary -- have you?
  10. So, they finally found the pizza parlor with ties to human trafficking. I wonder whether it has a basement.
  11. I wonder whether he will receive the same sentence as this Georgia fraudulent voter: https://www.sos.ga.gov/news/secretary-raffensperger-applauds-voter-fraud-conviction
  12. Biden responded to Trump's Major Announcement:
  13. From a YouTube comment: "Imagine paying $99.00 for a Trump superhero card, then complaining about the price of gasoline and groceries."
  14. Well, it appears that the Trump NFT images may have been alterations of stolen images, from such places as Amazon ads, Men's Wearhouse, etc. https://twitter.com/mattsheffield/status/1603642894224543744 Pasting old Trumps face on a body shape he hasn't had in 3+ decades.
  15. Maybe Putin will laugh so hard he will choke to death.
  16. Probably bought them all himself with campaign donor money.
  17. That might work, if every one else is head down.
  18. I thought for sure it would have been "Just the Two of Us"
  19. He had one for a boss. One of the reasons he craves a "traditional" culture.
  20. Probably a good thing you haven't. This was on Newsmax.
  21. e.g. Rob Schmitt, Erin Perrine.
  22. Yet, they already have been exploding (the exploding talking heads, that is)
  23. In heavily red Cochise County, AZ officials are refusing to certify the election, crying about the top seats (governor, sec of state, AG) going D in close races. They aren't saying that anything is wrong in their county -- just that they have heard things they don't like about other counties (Maricopa in particular). If they don't certify by next week, the Cochise County votes will not be included in the statewide tabulation. If that happens, a US Representative seat will flip from R to D, along with a state schools chief. Then we will really see some crying. Can you imagine being that R candidate, having won, and some dipshits cause some of your votes not to count? https://apnews.com/article/arizona-deadline-2022-midterms-certification-d6a1ea4020c26313a3124931c14b79fb