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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Hi Sky, Your link had this response; it gave me a chuckle: My son has lived through four chancellors, three home secretaries, two prime ministers and two monarchs. He's four months old. Jerry Baumchen
  2. 2 points
    That doesn't matter. What matters is she owned the libs.
  3. 1 point
    Enforce the site rules about trolling then.
  4. 1 point
    The King needs to earn his keep. If he forced an election I think the people would support that even if the pols throw a hissy fit.
  5. 1 point
    It's expenses that go to running an office - but I haven't seen anywhere that the office has to be a non-profit. Tony Blair gets paid hundreds of thousands of pounds per speech but still claims the full £115k in expenses and I'm going to assume it's all part of the same operation. In that sense getting paid the money directly, or using it so you can keep the money you are being paid all shakes out the same in the end. And I believe it may end up being more than £115k because the government also covers pension contributions for staff being paid with it.
  6. 1 point
    For office expenses incurred while engaging in public life (which I assume mostly means paying the salaries of the people who write the speeches she'll be paid tens of thousands of pounds to give to various right wing thinktanks). I was wondering earlier today who would want Truss to be involved in public life anymore, or even how she deals with this. She's been a true believer in pure neo-liberal economics since she was a student activist, it's been the core of her entire political career, she finally lucked into the position of being able to do exactly what she wanted... and the free market slapped her down harder than if she'd been the ghost of Karl Marx. How will she deal with the realisation that her entire life has been a lie? Then I remembered it's 2022, so in a week's time she'll have convinced herself it's all the liberal media's fault, if she hasn't already.
  7. 1 point
    I took KK5-1 and added that square section for the mouth and the hair on top, not the forehead.... and the clothes.. The FBI made more tweaks but you can see how similar it is to the final sketch B. I am working on some alternate versions,, it is amazing how changing one thing slightly changes the overall look.
  8. 1 point
    And I hope Labour would immediately tell them to fuck off and stand as an Independent. None of these arseholes should be allowed to get away with pretending they've suddenly found a conscience when the only thing they're really concerned about is their own majority.
  9. 1 point
    I'm actually interested in hearing his justification for his conclusion, mainly: what his criticism of the papers were (methodology, equipment, sample size, etc?) what his criteria for "conclusive" was (p<0.05?) But I expect he won't be saying anything, for obvious reasons. As for the discussion I wasn't attacking him, I was just backing up my hypothesis (that he didn't read it) with evidence.
  10. 1 point
    Without glasses, I made this with KK5-1 and hair and mouth changed.. Sketch B is 100% based on KK5-1 as confirmed in the FBI docs. Sketch B based on KK5-1.. (with changes from witnesses)
  11. 1 point
    FBI files say right hand.
  12. 1 point
    It is. They started with sketch B and incorporated witness input, tweaked the hair and mouth area etc... I created this from sketch B.. FBI files admit sketch B was based on KK5-1 because it is.
  13. 1 point
    Seen on FB this morning: "Majority Of Britons Believe Keith Richards Would Increase Stability of UK as Prime Minister" -- Andy Borowitz
  14. 1 point
    Be fair - he might read conclusions. Absolutely no chance he understands them though.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    translation: Brent couldn't read the paper. Didn't make it past the title. edit: and also: as a consequence of the above - he doesn't have any idea whether they're conclusive or not.
  17. 1 point
    What really matters is that her voters are too dumb to know or care about the facts.
  18. 1 point
    I joined the local Conservative Party just so I could be among the few who got a vote for leader. The new leader instantly became the head of the provincial government with no need for a general election under our parliamentary system. Much the same way Truss became PM over in the new loopyland. If you want a say in who your leaders will be you need to participate.
  19. 1 point
    I really don't understand why Edwards keeps getting this wrong.. Sketch B was not a single sketch, it was a process with witness input that started with KK5-1 and ended with the final sketch B. Tina rejected the first iteration but agreed with the final one with everybody else.. Edwards completely rejects sketch B based on two errors. Tina rejected the first iteration vs sketch A but did accept the final iteration of sketch B. (Tina also misled and said she didn't see Cooper face) KK5-1 was and is the basis for sketch B, it is stated in the FBI files and I have done extensive analysis building a sketch from KK5-1 that closely matches the final sketch B.. Sketch B is based on KK5-1.
  20. 1 point
    I always knew that Henry Kissinger was the shifty type.
  21. 1 point
    I'd seriously consider re-registering as a Republican in order to vote for him over Trump in a primary. Wendy P.
  22. 1 point
    let 'em leave. then it is enforced as they can't jump at a uspa dz without being a member. if they choose to stay a member, they abide the rules. easy as hell. it also automatically enforces itself that way.
  23. 1 point
    Oops! We've indeed missed a longer version, Dom flying his Corvid2:
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