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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2022 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I think it is telling enough that people are being asked to define woman, but nobody has been asked to define man.
  2. 2 points
    I have been doing several hundreds of jumps on it now and am very happy with it. Answering questions below durability? No problems, so as any other rig I have owned. comfort? Top notch. This could be the very best feature of the rig. Came from an Icon rig, Aurora is soo much more comfortable to wear. In the air, the deployment flying a wingsuit is a breeze. You can also place the PC in multiple positions, so put it where you like. Personally I put it next to my back, so around the corner towards my back. There it lies well protected and super easy to grip. The neoprene collar up around the yoke is in fact removing air travelling btw the rig and your back - when going fast aka diving. Gives you a more calm ride, at speed, especially at competitions. ease (or not) of packing main container? Packing, you have to learn it, but for me it was quick. Packing is much easier this way I find. Relaxed, spend much less time deflating the canopy, it doesnt matter too much as you will form the bag, once it is closed, with your knees does your rigger swear at you when its time for I&R? No, its just a Jav... harness configuration (rings at lateral / leg strap junction or other)? Tie downs (hip connection) are adjustable which is not needed really. So I got advice from Sunpath after complaining about them moving having to be adjusted every jump, to let my rigger stich them on a preferred setting. Done. Happy now. other? In general I am not a big fan of the Javelin reserve container system; I take issue with the "weak" reserve PC. I like a stronger spring really - get the hell out there. The weaker spring is okay if you are blasting downwards at terminal speed. In a wingsuit situation you are in a different situation completely and so I would have liked to see Sunpath acknowledge that fact. I spoke to them about it of course. Anyway, if Sunpath announces an upgraded and stronger one, I shall order one.
  3. 1 point
    It’s not a crime if you’re taking your own country back. He’s a rich white dude — it’s his country. He just thinks he deserves it Wendy P.
  4. 1 point
    I believe that she was attempting to give an accurate legal answer, since she was being interviewed for a legal position, rather than a position as a writer or grammarian. I mean, if someone asks me what master and slave mean, I am going to give a very different answer at an engineering interview than if someone asks me that in a history class. Even though they are "simple" words.
  5. 1 point
    Note that all of those rights are really just extending equality under the law to people who had been discriminated against based on perceived gender. If the people with power were just to recognize the innate equality for both rights and responsibilities of humans these enumerations of subsets of them being "granted" would be irrelevant. That these enumerations aren't irrelevant is telling. Wendy P.
  6. 1 point
    I think that any ruling by a judge on what constitutes female or male (or man or woman) would have to take into account the specifics of whatever case they were being asked to judge. Therefore, it really is asking the candidate to say how they would rule in a case, and that's off-limits. Cases are supposed to be judged on their own merits, as circumscribed by the rules of evidence and the rule of law. Also, as far as whether it's harder to define man, well, men kind of personify the legal standard, and everything else is compared with them. It's good to be king. Wendy P.
  7. 1 point
    then you have to define 'female' Women are sometimes born with the wrong chromosomes. Men as well. People are both with some, parts of, parts of both, none or both sets of genitalia. For anyone to say that you are either 'one or the other' is a denial of the reality of the world. And rather narrow minded. So if you then attempt to write policy and legislation based on 'one or the other' then you will eventually exclude parts of society That only addresses the biology, i.e. 'sex'. Someone said earlier that it has nothing to do with 'gender', which I agree is societal. Perhaps government (nor society) should be in the business of defining sex or gender, or marriage, or a whole bunch of other things.... Oh that's right, then we would be insulting the christians, who I believe are the primary drivers behind all this bullshit anyway.
  8. 1 point
    Jesus I hope none of you ever complain about gas prices. I’ve got a petrol powered estate car big enough to camp in the back of and I get over 50
  9. 1 point
    If only cars of the same SIZE crashed into each other, you'd have a point. As it stands, you don't.
  10. 1 point
    Brother, you need an intervention. Now, back in the real world Ketanji Brown Jackson is now Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson by a vote of 53 to 47. Now, I'll let you rant about Kavanaugh some more but when you're done please tell me why I shouldn't consider each and everyone of those 47 no voting Republican US Senators to be racist, sexist assholes.
  11. 1 point
    But if a cleaner energy source / car / construction method / lifestyle isn’t absolutely perfect then it’s no better than the dirtiest. Surely this is obvious!
  12. 1 point
    Clearly the production of energy is not without negative side effects. More than 76,000 coal miners have died of black lung since 1968, according to statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor. The Deepwater Horizon spill likely harmed or killed about 82,000 birds of 102 species; about 6,165 sea turtles; as many as 25,900 marine mammals; and a vast (but unknown) number of fish.
  13. 1 point
    Perhaps there should be a software change to SC to allow negative ratings for misinformation. "In the Sovacool study cited above, it was found that wind farms are responsible for 0.3 bird deaths per gigawatt-hour (GWh) of electricity, whereas fossil-fuel power stations are responsible for 5.2 fatalities per GWh. and Brent's favorite
  14. 1 point
    That's silly. None of them were white.
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