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  1. 2 points
    You’ve never had one. You’ve only had that when the media called it. Your side is arguing that isn’t valid. As usual Republicans are talking out of both sides of their mouths. Mainly because they stand for nothing. They have no backbone.
  2. 1 point
    That's going to be a big purpose of advocacy. We need more accountants, pilots, mechanics, etc, working on this -- testing out scenarios, crunching the numbers, visiting Magnix, monitoring the news, etc. Then that way, I can shut up, and let everybody's numbers speak for themselves. P.S. (edit) One thing to keep in mind is that jump capacity scaleback, if any, is likely temporarily minor. For a "trial" it is probably only 1 electric jump plane at a major dropzone such as Perris or Deland. Preferably 2025 intead of 2030. By the time a whole jump plane fleet goes electric, it would be long into the 2040s or beyond where there is no longer notable capacity compromises.
  3. 1 point
    I agree that the apparent savings is quite significant. However, I don't think it's as simple as you present it: Yes, maybe you can take fewer jumpers up and still profit on the load. However, that ignores other factors I have already mentioned and simply being revenue-positive on the load is not enough. For example: how many additional planes would a DZ need to buy, house, and maintain in order to meet their current jump capacity requirements? Maybe with such dramatic savings on fuel it will make sense to work around these factors. However, that doesn't go without saying--you need to show it.
  4. 1 point
    I don't mean this as a dig on you too badly, but when I was driving in this morning it struck me as a quintessentially American response to say "You mean I should go through the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask, washing my hands and paying attention to my surroundings!?!?!? Fuck that, just give me an unproven injection!"
  5. 1 point
    Sorry just couldn't help myself.
  6. 1 point
    "stop the steal" is what they call themselves. A punchy new name is normally one that someone else calls them; it could be considered mildly derogatory, but there are extra points if the group takes it on themselves. I'd submit Election Deniers. Wendy P.
  7. 1 point
    Fun quotes from only two years ago: Kayleigh McEnany: Democrats are being sore losers. They refuse to acknowledge they lost the election, so what do they do? They cry "malfeasance! Criminality! Wrongdoing! Fraud!" FOX anchor: Democrats, more so than republicans, seem to have a problem conceding defeat. Either the election system broke down, or some mystery votes are hiding somewhere. Gingrich: You have a whole series of democrats who have said bluntly "if our candidate doesn't win, they stole the election!" FOX News: The dems just want to make America suffer. It's like losing the World Series and then demanding an extra inning - a day later. FOX News: The democrats are refusing to accept the declared results of the national media. So how do they do this? Lo and behold, they find missing ballots! Hannity: Ramping up election conspiracy theories, accusing republicans of outright stealing the election! Kinda rich. You know what? Sounds sore loser-ish.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Robert, Your posts are too long for an internet forum. I doubt I'm alone in just reading the first few sentences and then moving along. Just a thought.
  10. 1 point
    I don't really care about cool... more functional. I used heavier-duty fabric to repair seats and knees, and nylon tape of various widths (i.e. what's in my sewing box) to reinforce the gripper attachments. It's worked so far; I'm on my second jumpsuit in about 1200 jumps. I do have a backup jumpsuit, but it's really, really, pink. Wendy P.
  11. 1 point
    Close votes generally trigger recounts. As far as the mail-in ballot, well, there are states that do virtually all of their ballots by mail -- and their citizens are happy with that. Early voting used not to be a thing; now nearly every state has early voting. Each state does their own thing as far as voting is concerned (including voter suppression, now effectively without the Voting Rights Act to mess with them), and as a country that's how it's been done since the beginning. Now all of a sudden all these states-rights folks, who scream bloody murder if you mess with some state's right to have whatever law about abortion or gun control, are screaming bloody murder for the federal government to effectively take over (i.e. validate and/or recount) elections. Because they trust that a Trump Administration-selected group will come to the "right" answer, because, after all, it's inconceivable that their little bubble-generated certainty that Trump would be re-elected in a landslide is actually wrong. Wendy P.
  12. 1 point
    To a degree, you're right. But Trump is making baseless claims about fraud. The FBI has repeatedly said there's not fraud (FBI Director is a Trump appointee). EVERY lawsuit claiming election fraud has been dismissed. EVERY ONE. Your question about Republicans being denied access to the vote counting was proven to be false. Trump's own lawyers admitted in court that the R observers were there (which is why that suit was dismissed). This level of BLATANT lying is something the media has aided & abetted for the past 4 years. They've finally grown some balls and said (more or less): "We aren't going to be a vehicle for your lies any more". That's not 'censorship', that's responsible journalism.
  13. 1 point
    It's like they said: "Let's design a canopy as fast as the stiletto that only creates half the lift". They succeeded. It's a baby that never should have been born. It excels at nothing.
  14. 1 point
    I agree completely. I was disappointed in the Pulse for these exact reasons. My Pulse 170 opened quite quickly though (compared to my Nitrons and Samurai) and always on-heading. Sold it and never looked back. NSCR-2376, SCR-15080
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