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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Aside from this one, the only "mechanical MARD" (as they call it) that doesn't allow for release once it begins extraction with the main, that I know of, is Mirage's Trap. Are there any others on the market?
  2. 1 point
    I agree but that runs counter to supporting small business especially in the food and beverage industry. Social distancing and cleaning of everything make it hard enough for small business. Then you throw in WTF its time to party attitudes and everything goes back to zero. Meanwhile your next door neighbor has his life savings flushed down the toilet by indifferent stupidity.
  3. 1 point
    Then maybe you will like the new one today:
  4. 1 point
    Personally I do not believe Ron and his group are blind to Trump's faults at all. Rather, they are blinded by fear and hatred of liberals and the idea of social changes that they see coming. Trump is just the agent that currently is helping to slow down the change.
  5. 1 point
    Ron has never explained why he thinks his god would be in favor of an adulterer, sexual predator, liar, fraud, racist, self-aggrandizing narcissist and pretend Christian as leader of this country.
  6. 1 point
    You'll be happy with it's performance. The Colugo platform can't be beat.
  7. 1 point
    I don't live in PA but if I did I still couldn't claim further insight as to what happens with Biden. As the article states, it appears to be an event in which they invited 20 people and had them sit at a distance from each other as Biden delivered a televised speech. So, that's not what one would call a rally.
  8. 1 point
    For those who don't know it; Muskogee is now open again for skydiving. https://skydivecherokee.us/about-us Some of you may remember Mel. If you get by there take a selfie with Sabre Avenue - ya know, where the PD Sabre got its name.
  9. 1 point
    In IRM , AFF Instructor Rating course topic and in " KEEPING AN AFF INSTRUCTOR RATING CURRENT " part , mentioned : ' Renewing a higher rating automatically renews all rating below it ' could anybody please help me and clarify that what are the ratings that are below AFF instructor rating ?
  10. 1 point
    Yes, thats correct. Renewing your Instructor rating also renews your Coach rating.
  11. 1 point
    There used to be a distinction between an Instructor rating and a lower Jumpmaster rating, but the JM rating was phased out quite some time ago. Perhaps that now applies to a Coach rating.
  12. 1 point
    Agree with Betzilla on both posts. I rarely tack on reserves. On mains - whenever it needs to be done. Didn't know Aerodyne & Icarus requires. Good knowledge. Thanks
  13. 1 point
    I can't meet your comparison exactly... but I can get you close. I have three rigs I jump. Mostly I jump a Sabre I 170 and a Pilot 168. Sometimes I throw in the third canopy which is a Space (Alpha) 170. I load them at about a 1.3. I often jump the Pilot and Sabre back to back... My preference is the Pilot, but they are both great... so it depends on what you want out of it. The Pilot opens a little "sniveley" for me. I'm an old head and like positive openings... I've never had what the wimps call a hard opening on a Sabre... If you still have your shoes on, it wasn't hard! On no wind days the Pilot deffinately gives softer landings... the Sabre is a bit faster where they flatten out. Also, the Pilot seems less affected by thermals, or at least its smoother on the bumpy days. Both give me a strong flair, you just have to work it 'till you have the feel for it... I don't get on here much... if you have any direct quetions, feel free to e-mail...
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