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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I wouldn't worry about it too much. In AFF, you have the parachute on your back on the ground to practice. You also spend a lot of time on the ground practicing everything. Then on the AFF jump you do 3 practice pulls while the instructor assists you in finding the pilot chute(not ripcord). AFF1 is largely about demonstrating a good falling position, altitude awareness and landing safely. I learned at perris and my instructors actually pulled for me at a higher than practiced altitude because we were slow at setting up and then drifting. I was frustrated when I landed because they pulled for me but then they explained it. If they pull for you it's a concern for next time but it isn't the end of the world.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    You are correct, I should have said, the trade war is slowing the growth rate of China’s energy demand. The point is that China’s reversal on renewables has nothing to do with our current trade dispute. Do you really think if we dropped the tariffs and INCREASED the demand for Chinese goods that their energy needs would decrease?
  4. 1 point
    The US has reduced CO2 emissions more than any country on the planet, by far. (Thanks to fracking and natural gas) We are leading by example.
  5. 1 point
    Many of us civilians also went "huh"? You're simultaneously claiming that the upper echelon guys need to stay out of it while also ignoring that they guys directly involved want Trump to stay out of it. This sailor is going to get his Trident back with a big asterisk on it because his shipmates don't want him to have it.
  6. 1 point
    Well yeah. I mean, who wouldn't? ;-) BSBD Nate. Enjoy that big way in the sky.
  7. 1 point
    They're business folks; long-time skydivers (yes, there's a former world champion in the mix) who run an aircraft business as well as a DZ, and have honed dropzone operation to a fairly fine science. I jumped at the Houston one until we left in 2015, and know the owners. If you visit Houston, you can meet them, too. They're business people who happen to be dedicated skydivers (well, that and ex-skydivers), not skydivers running an operation on the side for fun. That means that the prices aren't the lowest, but yeah, the aircraft business means that their planes are always in good shape, and the pilots are qualified, and the student operation is run by qualified people. They don't like surprises, and surprises often seem to come from cutting corners. Wendy P.
  8. 1 point
    Bryan Woodruff sent two emails last night. I will spare you the details since it would ruin your holiday....
  9. 1 point
    Yes, they fall under the USPA licensing and regulations. Repack every 180 days
  10. 1 point
    An' you know he heard that Dinah Moe Hum Then he called his fixers And they offered her a sugar plum And she got incentivized to Say she never did that three-sum
  11. 1 point
    More of a "throw it up and see what sticks." Trump is one of the best practitioners of this. "So I heard that Biden kills kids." "Where did you hear that?" "It's what everyone is saying. It's disgusting, that he would kill kids! Who can support someone like that?" When it proves to be false: "Hey, it's just something I heard. I didn't say I believed it. I really got you going, didn't I? Shows how the lame stream media is all lying liars, that they would report I said that." If by wild chance it proves to be right: "I knew 100% this was true due to my very big and good working brain. I know better than the lying lamestream media!"
  12. 1 point
    Is that because you are looking for unbelievable news? Go here: https://www.npr.org/ or here https://www.bbc.com/news These are sources that are nearly always factual. They may not say the things you want to hear though.
  13. 1 point
    Hi Wendy, And IMO for the better. One only has to read 'A Civil Action' or see the movie to understand what a world w/o regulations would result in. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Civil_Action Jerry Baumchen
  14. 1 point
    You get there’s a difference of scale though, right? On one hand quid pro quo could be seen as the basis for ANY negotiation. But ‘I’ll save your seat in the Senate by the exit if you bring me a latte’ is a little different to ‘dig up dirt on my political opponent in our upcoming election and I’ll continue sending you military aid’, don’t you think??
  15. 1 point
    Most Trump supporters will deny being racists. But they are willing to tolerate racist behavior and don't see a problem with that. How is that different from being racist? Racist is as racist does.
  16. 1 point
    Right, but (as could become the case here) the President could be indicted at State level, try the defence that he is immune, and see that defence rejected by the courts. The Justice department would then need to reconsider their position. Aside from that, I liked that the judge commented on Trump’s use of personal attorneys to argue Executive privileges. One of the most insidious parts of the whole shoddy affair is the normalisation of sending personal cronies to do State business. It’s bonkers that Trump thinks it supports him that Zelensky mentioned Giuliani first in that phone call. Giuliani is a personal employee of Trump the private citizen. He doesn’t work for the government. He is not White House staff. He has no accountability or responsibility to the US taxpayer, and no ethical oversight from any branch of government. His only responsibility is to advance the personal interests of DJT. So what the fuck is he doing out there?
  17. 1 point
    from the article "The president’s allusions to violence are palpably dangerous. They will give cover to crazies who crave violence, as other intemperate words of his have done." This right here is the really scary part. There are plenty of nut jobs out there who will think they are defending the president by answering his calls for violence.
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