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DB Cooper

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Jo claims Duane had a change of heart and ceased
him criminal ways, once he met and married her!
But reading Jo's description of Duane's anti social
background, could Duane abrutly stop being a
criminal, just because he became married? It's a legitimate question.

Jo has already confirmed he did not cease his criminal ways; i'm not sure how much he did, but we know from her that he at least stole coats etc from restaurants ...while she was with him. This might be "minor" compared to some of the other things he did, but if someone stole my coat i'd sure as hell lay theft charges.

I agree with yours above. But if I had said this Jo
(and others) would only say: "Oh Baboon is wrong.
I never said that, He didn't commit more crime. Just
a little crime, for old times' sake, like a child stealing candy".

So a lot is wrong and a little is acceptable. And Jo was
the poor-suffering wife tolerating but not liking any of
it (and Sluggo says Jo hasn't "presented" her case

In the meantime Duanes' small "Spok Ears" are
very distinctive and present themselves.

In a world like thsat you could leave raisans out of
Raisan Bran and nobody would miss them or care
but go on discussing breakfast anyway, until the
cows come home to roost and lay eggs!

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Jo relates an astounding amount of material about Duane including a rather extensive synopsis of his criminal and anti social background. It is more than enough to catagorise Duane as an anti social personality.

:(One cannot be a sucessful insurance salesman and run an award winning team and be antisocial. Not one person that knew Duane Weber would say he was antisocial. He was just "secretive" and seemed to be a man with no past. I have never depicted Duane as antisocial. He was well like and love by those who knew him. An antisocial person would never have been able to lead a team and to obtain the highest award his company gave to any man. In 1987 in the Islands at an award banquet - Duane brought a confernece room to tears - a man who took NO credit for what he accomplished, but told them the team and his wife should be the ones up there accepting that award. He got a standing ovation - first time ever anyone ever took an award with that kind of speech.


Jo also says in these early pages (once again) that Duane was "seriously" ill with kidney disease (as Pasternak reported). (Nobody in these early pages
bothers to ask Jo how a person seriously ill with kidney disease hijacks and parachutes out of an airplane!) But Jo herself documents Duanes condition, then denies it a hundred+ pages later!

:( I never liked the statement that Doug made in that article, but journalist take literary liberties. Duane was very strong and healthy until 1986 (All he took was medication for high blood pressure). He was a strong swimmer (Atlantic Ocean) and then from 1988 until 1992 even on diaylsis in the Gulf. He loaded and unloaded heavy furniture until 1993 when the diaylsis made his bones brittle. In 1971 - he WAS not sickly - he had been diagnosed with Polycistic Kidney disease which is heretitary - and he did not go on dialysis until 1990. He did start having problems with his legs in 1987 which is what put him out on disability with the company, but did not put him down. In 1988 he stopped drinking and that made a big difference in his stamina - but the disease was on the move.

1971 until 1986 - you would not have known there was one thing wrong with him. I have talked extensively with co-workers and friends and family from the time period 1971 to 1976 and not one of them will tell you that his disease impaired his activities. He was very strong and very active. I have explained before that this disease was a progressive disease and moved in stages. From 1971 until 1986 - he was fine.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo claims Duane had a change of heart and ceased
him criminal ways, once he met and married her! But reading Jo's description of Duane's anti social
background, could Duane abrutly stop being a criminal, just because he became married? It's a legitimate question.

:|There were 2 incidents prior to 1982 - when Duane did somethings I found out about after the fact. I was packing to leave him and he promised never to do something like that again. I did NOT know that he had a 16 plus yr criminal background or I would have been gone. I am sure there were other incidents - but I was not aware of them. I believe I have stated all of this before.


Was Duane criminally active after his marraige to Jo? Jo has always claimed 'no' but reading her own descriptions of
Duane's serious social maladjustment, one is forced
to wonder ... because Jo herself has set the stage for it being a serious question .

:o:o I set the stage for nothing. Is not any of my life with Duane private? Yes, I have left somethings out, but because of individuals such as yourself who take it upon themselves to twist and turn everything I say - I have had to leave things out. Do you not think that I have NO pride left? I guess not - I never told my own daughter some of the things I found out about the man I was married to.

Perhaps you need to clarify what you mean by SOCIALLY MALAJUSTED. A socially malajusted person is not a leader and producer and friend to all. I saw this man give when he didn't have it to give - because he wanted to please others. He was very astute as hiding what needed to be and saying what had to be said...pehaps that is how one survives in prison. He was a person always in charge of the circumstances.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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In the meantime Duanes' small "Spok Ears" are
very distinctive and present themselves.

The avatar you claimed I spoofed - well I did - guess what I had to make Duane's ear smaller. Perhaps you need to take a picture of Duane and I don't mean the distorted picture used by the media. If you know anything about photography then you know that the closest thing to the cameral lense will appear larger than it actual is.

Also remember that a close haircut and weight loss make ears seem larger. MOST important remember that you are working with an artist's rendition of a suspect...there were guideline for composites in 1971, but no computers.

In the 60's girls where known to tape and glue their ears.. I don't know if Cooper did this, but maybe you need to look at the possiblilities if you REALLY think the ears are such an issue.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo claims Duane had a change of heart and ceased
him criminal ways, once he met and married her! But reading Jo's description of Duane's anti social
background, could Duane abrutly stop being a criminal, just because he became married? It's a legitimate question.

:|There were 2 incidents prior to 1982 - when Duane did somethings I found out about after the fact. I was packing to leave him and he promised never to do something like that again. I did NOT know that he had a 16 plus yr criminal background or I would have been gone. I am sure there were other incidents - but I was not aware of them. I believe I have stated all of this before.


Was Duane criminally active after his marraige to Jo? Jo has always claimed 'no' but reading her own descriptions of
Duane's serious social maladjustment, one is forced
to wonder ... because Jo herself has set the stage for it being a serious question .

:o:o I set the stage for nothing. Is not any of my life with Duane private? Yes, I have left somethings out, but because of individuals such as yourself who take it upon themselves to twist and turn everything I say - I have had to leave things out. Do you not think that I have NO pride left? I guess not - I never told my own daughter some of the things I found out about the man I was married to.

Perhaps you need to clarify what you mean by SOCIALLY MALAJUSTED. A socially malajusted person is not a leader and producer and friend to all. I saw this man give when he didn't have it to give - because he wanted to please others. He was very astute as hiding what needed to be and saying what had to be said...pehaps that is how one survives in prison. He was a person always in charge of the circumstances.


So what you are saying is Duane was a reincarnation of Jesus. And you are Mary Magdelene, or Mother Mary?

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I have been doing some research for a couple on “media types” and I stumbled across some articles that indicate (to me) that the “smokejumper” hypothesis was pretty thoroughly investigated (and dismissed) by the FBI as soon as a few hours after the hijacking.

Training at the CPS camps also involved jumping and was the beginning of the smokejumpers.
These originals were - CPS and excons and only a few service trained in the early 40's. From 1943 to 1945, 250 American consicientious objectors trained and performed duties as firefighters at CPS camps - you didn't have to be a jumper to be exposed to this.

Some were ground fighters and these usually built the towers the jumpers learned on. Others where trained as riggers. By 1945 - as the war ended they hired the veterans. The veterans were resentful of the CPS's and excons and the status they maintain prior to 1945..

"By 1945, as the war ended and CPS camps began to close, some National forest Service officials briefly considered offering more permanent jobs to these seasoned workers."

"If these men had been retained, they would have been supervising or instructing returning verterans who would have resented them"

Can anyone verify that the FBI checked those individual prior to 1945. Remember the other workers regardless of how meanial their job was that would have been exposed to the jumpers - from 1945 to 1949. A lot of the records from the 40's didn't even exist in 1971. All the FBI could check was current employees and jumpers.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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To all:

I have been asked by some to explain my views on MKULTRA in more detail. In response, I thought I'd make a general post.

Here we go:

The essential question is: Was DB Cooper part of a training program to develop sleeper agents to terminate high value targets in missions that carried extremely high risks? I.E.: assassinations of Brezhnev, Mao or Castro? Was the CIA training agents to run ops that were so dangerous - that had so little probability of survival - that they had to first train them not to care about living, yet still function at a very high level?

That scenario calls for MKULTRA. How else do you "turn off" the desire to live? You can't just deaden his brain so that he doesn't feel or care - he still has to function at a very high level. You need a precise, "surgical" psychological impairment, and one that you can control.

Further, it would be best for all concerned, especially the agency, if these agents could be kept on ice until needed. Short of suspended animation, the best place to keep these guys would be in jail. Next best, a military psychiatric hospital, and third, well-kept and well-oiled in a rugged, special-ops military unit. Also, a cave in the Yukon or the William O Douglas Wilderness. Or minded by a drunk grandpappy in the Ozarks, perhaps.

Barb Dayton is a superb example of a person who functioned at a very high level operationally, but whose desire to live, to feel, to love, was deadened. She was a perfect candidate for this team, even if she wasn't DB Cooper, specifically. Dayton gives us a marvelous view into this kind of persona, one that I think DB Cooper shared many key components. To whit:

1. DB Cooper came from nowhere and returned to nowhere. (Could that "nowhere" be a form of total social isolation, a prison cell, a cave, a military base, a hospital?) (Group isolation, as in hillbillies, i.e.: "Deliverance-type" of group isolation?)

2. Fearless. High sensual tolerance thresholds, i.e.: cold, wet, discomfort - jumped with loafers and a thin raincoat. People with severe mental illness often have remarkable tolerances to heat, cold and physical pain, ie: walking naked in the snow and, not only not feeling the pain of cold, but the body continues to thrive- i.e.: no frostbite, burns, etc. Plus, immune to fears of death.

3. Remarkable calmness. "I think you'd better look at that note, Ma'am." etc. It was as if his anxiety circuits were switched-off.

4. Unusual behavior: childlike response to seeing the money.

5. Barb had remarkable confidence in herself and her ability to learn complex tasks instantly by watching or deducing. She detested books and academic learning. She learned everything in her life by doing. She called books "blocks of wood." I imagine that she could have fearlessly jumped out of a 727 after only a few prior jumps, and I think she basically lived with the mantra, "seen one parachute, seen 'em all." I don't think Barb would have cared a lick whether she jumped with a Para Commander or a NB 8, and I think she was numbed to the severe jolt when her chute opened.

I think some of the posts on the DZ might make a crucial error by assuming that DB Cooper was like them- that he felt what they feel, and thought like they do. I think that is incoreect. The physiology and psyche of people with personality disorders is remarkable different than "normal" people.

6. Confidence. DB knew his plan was good. He believed in his plan, and had confidence in his ability to execute it. DB Cooper knew he was smart, and I infer that he had lots of prior experiences figuring out complications at a moment's notice. I think DB Cooper and Barb both "flew by the seats of their pants" throughout their lives in all areas. Barb Dayton was the epitome of self-confidence, yet, she had an inner rage because she didn't fit in- i.e.: couldn’t get a commercial license to fly because she hadn't gotten a college degree. "What does that have to do with flying," she would rail to her friends.

I greatly fear DB Cooper is dead. Not because he died in the jump, but rather, he was executed because he was deemed too dangerous to be kept alive. In effect, DB Cooper was a guinea pig, a lab rat that was expendable. I hope not, because I want to meet him and get to know him, but I find it implausible that his possible puppet masters would allow him to live. I truly, truly hope I am wrong in this.

I sense that the people I call the Cooper crew; Christenson, Gossett, McCoy, Dayton, and Weber were the "B" team. The back-ups, or possibily the actual "A" team because they lived while the original team, DB himself and who know who else, died (I speculate a bunch of the other 20 hijackers who did a DB in the 8 months following November 24, 1971 might also be part of the A team). Maybe this "B," but really "Prime" team, was the operational team. They were saved until they were needed, yet, never called as it turned out.

This ties in with JM Wave and the massive CIA op to overthrow Castro.

Ironically, I have had a personal encounter here in Graham with what I consider a sleeper agent. His name is Daniel T. Tavares and he was the hit man on a double homicide that negatively impacted the Mitt Romney prez bid. Care to read about it? I can send you a synopsis.

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Bruce Said:

Barb Dayton was the epitome of self-confidence, yet, she had an inner rage because she didn't fit in- i.e.: couldn’t get a commercial license to fly because she hadn't gotten a college degree. "What does that have to do with flying," she would rail to her friends.

If Barb railed about that, or, if someone told you she railed about that, they are full of crap.

A college education is not a requirement for a Commercial Pilot’s Certificate. A college education is not a requirement for an Airline Transport Pilot’s (ATP) Certificate. Some airlines like to hire pilots with BS degrees in Aeronautical Science, but that’s their preference, not an FAA requirement.

Barb, most likely (my opinion AFTER reading the Foreman’s pathetic excuse for a book), just didn’t have “The Right Stuff” and the “stick-to-it-ness” (discipline) to obtain the certification.

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The Barb Dayton story seems devoid of serious pre publication fact checking. I wrote the authors questioning Barb's skydiving credentials and they claimed to have verified them by talking to one person.

Has any NW skydiver reading this forum ever jumped with Barb Dayton or even heard of her?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Barb, most likely (my opinion AFTER reading the Foreman’s pathetic excuse for a book), just didn’t have “The Right Stuff” and the “stick-to-it-ness” (discipline) to obtain the certification.

Don't put too much weight on "The Right Stuff" when it comes to either a Commercial or ATP. It's more about just having the time, money and inclination to do it. You don't have to be a super pilot to do either.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Barb, most likely (my opinion AFTER reading the Foreman’s pathetic excuse for a book), just didn’t have “The Right Stuff” and the “stick-to-it-ness” (discipline) to obtain the certification.

Sex change or ATP. Not enough $ for both.
Decisions decisions...

Barb's Cooper story has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, starting with allegedly not spending a penny of the money. The hijack was purely a self esteem thing. The money didn't matter at all.

Right. You bet. Sounds reasonable.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I know Galen Cook's suspect doesn't get much respect round these parts, but why rule out Gossett?

He had military jump experience, special ops training, was in financial trouble, knew the area, and had been stationed at Ft. Lewis. He sure looks a lot like the Cooper drawings.

Was there some Gossett fact that didn't line up with Cooper?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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For some reason (unpublished/undisclosed) the FBI has eliminated him.

I’m waiting for Cook’s book. I’ll risk $28 to see how he supports his arguments.

IF (note I said IF) he can support his claims, and prove Gossett was periodically visiting Ft. Lewis, that’s a pretty strong argument, especially if you buy Ckret’s “early jump” hypothesis.

All I know about Gossett is what I learned from Cook’s talk-show appearances (on “fringe” radio) and the article in a small-time, small-town “tabloid-style” newspaper.

So, as for me, right now, the score is:
He had military jump experience [proven)
He had special ops training [unproven]
He was in financial trouble [unproven]
He knew the area [unproven]
He had been stationed at Ft. Lewis. [unproven]
He sure looks a lot like the Cooper drawings. [True, but totally subjective]

Check back after the book is out.

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Bruce Said:


Barb Dayton was the epitome of self-confidence, yet, she had an inner rage because she didn't fit in- i.e.: couldn’t get a commercial license to fly because she hadn't gotten a college degree. "What does that have to do with flying," she would rail to her friends.

If Barb railed about that, or, if someone told you she railed about that, they are full of crap.

A college education is not a requirement for a Commercial Pilot’s Certificate. A college education is not a requirement for an Airline Transport Pilot’s (ATP) Certificate. Some airlines like to hire pilots with BS degrees in Aeronautical Science, but that’s their preference, not an FAA requirement.

Barb, most likely (my opinion AFTER reading the Foreman’s pathetic excuse for a book), just didn’t have “The Right Stuff” and the “stick-to-it-ness” (discipline) to obtain the certification.

Thanks, for the clarification on credentials necessary to become a commercial pilot, Sluggo.

I agree with you, Barb Dayton probably didn't have the stick-to-it-ness sufficient to complete her commercial pilot credentials, or a college degree for that matter.

She seems to have been implusive, but very savvy, so within a narrow spectrum she was very capable. That mastery may have colored her perception of herself. I'd bet she usually thought she was smarter than everyone else.

As for the Formans' book, The Legend of DB Cooper - Death by Natural Causes, you are certainly correct that it is an uneven piece of work. However, the recently published second edition is much better - more informatoinm, more concise, better focus, and has lots of helpful pictures and diagrams.

Further, as limited as the Formans' book may be in the larger literary sense, it is certainly a well-documented piece, and as such is an important contribution to the DB Cooper investigation.

Regardless whether Barb Dayton was DB Cooper, or was part of a "Cooper Team," this book, by revealing how Barb thought and acted shows us how DB Cooper may have thought and acted. The work gives us an important glimpse into DB Cooper's makeup, albeit, not a perfectly clear one.

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Greetings Three-Seven-Seven,

Let's be careful not to lose sight of what we are looking at, which is what Barb Dayton can tell us about DB Cooper.

As for the specifics of your question, asking jumpers to remember Barb Dayton is a bit off-target. First, Barb was "Bobby" when she was supposedly learning to fly and jump in the 1960s in California, which was pre-operation, 1969. By 1971, Barb was telling her psychiatrist that she had given up skydiving because "it was boring."

Further, it is crucial to remember that Bobby/Barb was a virtual loner, so she probably made a point of not being remembered by other jumpers.

In addition, it is unlikely she had a lot of jumps under her belt, and probably very little instruction, too. From her point of view, it didn't require much - just a simple, but not commonplace, gut maneuver to step out of a plane; then, pull a cord, and tuck and roll on the ground. Barb/Bobby probably didn't think it was much of a big deal.

As for her actual expertise, Barb took Ron Forman on a tandem jump in the late 1970s. They both made it successfully, so certainly in her eyes she was an accomplished skydiver.

That said, it would be wonderful to talk with someone who jumped with Barb/Bobby and give us more detail about her life.

Above all else, though, we have to picture that guy on the aft stairs of Flight 305, Nov. 24, 1971 at about 8:15 pm. Can any of what Barb did in her life tell us anything about what was going on inside DB Cooper as he committed his crime, what kind of guy he was, and possibly his identity?

And in another breath, does anything in Barb Dayton's life reveal anything about all the loose ends of the Cooper case? i.e.: death-bed confessions, McCoy's mysterious trips to Las Vegas, John C Collins/Duane Weber's night at the Portland Rode-Away Inn, botched evidence retrieval in Reno, red flags flying o'er the FBI, and 37 friggin' years....

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And in another breath, does anything in Barb Dayton's life reveal anything about all the loose ends of the Cooper case? i.e.: death-bed confessions, McCoy's mysterious trips to Las Vegas, John C Collins/Duane Weber's night at the Portland Rode-Away Inn, botched evidence retrieval in Reno, red flags flying o'er the FBI, and 37 friggin' years....

:)RODE-AWAY Inn. Love it.

Wonder how many caught that one? You just don't make mistakes like that one.

NO - Don't even ask! The video is not for public viewing and is part of a fruitful fact gathering investigation....ALL the FBI did was make a couple of phone calls. The FBI had 7 yrs to talk to this person, but didn't consider it significant until he walked into their Portland Office in 2008 and then it was only worthy of a phone call or two.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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NO - Don't even ask! The video is not for public viewing and is part of a fruitful fact gathering investigation....ALL the FBI did was make a couple of phone calls. The FBI had 7 yrs to talk to this person, but didn't consider it significant until he walked into their Portland Office in 2008 and then it was only worthy of a phone call or two.

"don't even ask"... and you say you are not a tease Jo? You can't stop it. It must be a personality trait.
It bothers me. If you have relevant Cooper evidence stop teasing and put it out there. Who cares what your grudge with the FBI is. Are you interested in payback or solving the case?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Your idea that there may be many "Coopers" who were groomed by the CIA to be robotic hitmen is amusing, but it sure dulls Occam's razor.

Why go to such lengths and take such risks? Wouldn't it be easier and far more reliable to use military trained assassins? Israel used to do it a lot, even outside their borders, until they hit an innocent incorrectly ID'd person in Scandinavia.

Barb Dayton jumped as a tandem master in the 70s??? That is an extraordinary claim indeed.
Show me proof.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo you Say you have talked to Duanes family and co workers are these the same people that won't talk to you and duanes family members that you have claimbed would not talk to duane. I have spoken to duane's co worker's. They have stated that there was no way duane could be cooper. Now as to you not telling your daughter most of these thing's.Is it because that you can't figure out what to tell her . or is because of the fact that you haven't finished the story your telling. Jerry

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For some reason (unpublished/undisclosed) the FBI has eliminated him.

I’m waiting for Cook’s book. I’ll risk $28 to see how he supports his arguments.

IF (note I said IF) he can support his claims, and prove Gossett was periodically visiting Ft. Lewis, that’s a pretty strong argument, especially if you buy Ckret’s “early jump” hypothesis.

All I know about Gossett is what I learned from Cook’s talk-show appearances (on “fringe” radio) and the article in a small-time, small-town “tabloid-style” newspaper.

So, as for me, right now, the score is:
He had military jump experience [proven)
He had special ops training [unproven]
He was in financial trouble [unproven]
He knew the area [unproven]
He had been stationed at Ft. Lewis. [unproven]
He sure looks a lot like the Cooper drawings. [True, but totally subjective]

Check back after the book is out.

Galen claims to have solid proof for the Ft Lewis connections and serious money problems. He is a lot more level headed and open minded than you might imagine from his association with that wacky AM radio talk show where he first learned about Gossett.

I don't think he is blindly dogmatic about Gossett. If he found evidence that ruled Gossett out he'd drop his thesis.

I do wonder what the FBI has that rules out Gossett. I get the feeling that they have something not known to the public that is quite useful in checking out self confessed DBCs and other Cooper suspects. I just can't figure out what it might be that can be used by the FBI to rule out deceased suspects. Maybe they have very solid DBC DNA evidence (good sample definitely from the hijacker) that they have not revealed. I don't know if they obtained a Gossett DNA sample.

I have a Jerry question. Jerry, if you had made the NORJACK jump could you have made it back to civilization, undetected and with most of the money?
Were the conditions so harsh that even someone with your training and experience might not have survived the night even after a decent landing?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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my memory ain't what it used to be...:P

Ckret, 11 June 2008:


Here's the scoop on the Cook suspect, for many reasons it can't be him but this one seals it for me:

The story Cook is telling is that Gossett said he jumped into Oregon not Washington. Gossett claimed he thumped the sides of the aircraft over the Vancouver area to fool the crew and jumped much later. Anytime someone jumps from the stairs in an unlocked state it creates a pressure wave. There was only one pressure wave and it was while near the Vancouver area not past Portland.

The money find is explained as planting it to throw off the investigation. There is no logical connection to planting the money at Tenas Bar to throw off the investigation. The year is off as well, the plant apparently occurred prior to 1974.

There's more but that's enough for me

Ckret (to Sluggo), 4 Aug 2008:

You have nothing to worry about, nothing in the story checks out. Even if it does you still have nothing to worry about, I am sure it tastes like chicken.

and then this from May 29:

This is no different than any other person that has been brought forward. Nothing directly connects him to the hijacking. He is dead so anyone can say anything about him and no one can go back to investigate if it is true or not.

I offered to compare prints and do DNA testing on the suspect Cook brought forward but he would not provide the suspects complete information to me. We went round and round for months and he always claimed the client/lawyer relationship prevented him from giving me the individuals name. Guess the real problem was a book in the making.

Now I am sure that at some stage Ckret said he did eventually get the prints and they didn't check out. I'll try different search terms later...
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Here’s what I have been led to believe:

Strands of hair from Gossett’s bandana (the one with the “Airborne Wings” (that you have seen in photos) and a full set of fingerprints (from some military document) were sent to the FBI.

The FBI sent the hair back (I believe) and suggested that Cook get a lab to run the DNA/mDNA and forward the results to the FBI.

I don’t know what they said about the prints. But, remember, the Bureau has only a partial (I don’t know which finger) print that they feel reasonably sure (read THINK) belonged to Cooper.

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this is what ckret said on prints (in response to a Q i asked him if they found any on the airstairs):

No fingerprints from the airstairs, in fact no fingreprints recovered from the airplane during the first evidence sweep proved to be of comparison value. On a second sweep some magazines were located in the area of where Cooper had been. These were processed and a few latents were recovered that are of value.

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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