
Do you pack your own rig?

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There's only one other person that I trust to pack my main, and he pack my reserve too. (and yes Patrick, it's the same packer I take to the Convention every year)
I broke down once in Florida and once in Texas and used a packer. Never again, even after I told them what to do[:/]

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LOL, we don't have packers at my home DZ, so when I'm at home, I have to.

Because of that, whenever I go to a bigger place (like Eloy), I pay a packer to do it. It's one of the little luxuries I allow myself. Besides, like Zenister said, whenever I'm at Eloy, I'm either training or trying to jump as much as possible, and packing for myself just takes the energy out of me.
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The last time I packed for myself I had a mal. Soooo...I'm not real eager to pack for myself again! Especially since I don't know exactly what I did wrong.

I packed for myself enough times to get my "A" way back, then a few times here and there...but that's about it, sadly enough. I'd ask someone to teach or re-teach me and I'd attempt a few times but then give up.

I need to get on the wagon. I'm wasting potential jump money!

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I ALWAYS pack mine just because I'm anal and know EXACTlY how I want it!! I remember whan I started jumping I couldnt imagine packing my own chute and now I dont want anyone to pack it but me... the F$CKed up part is that I'll let my 3.5 yr old daughter pack my pilot chute...hey she does a good job!!!

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I always pack my own rig. If I cannot make the load then it was not meant to be.

The reason I like to pack my own rig is because this way I know who to blame when it is ASSES UP!!! Another reason is that a few of us in Texas back in the mid 90's worked on the Psycho pack and got really smooth openings. Finally I now have a Replaced Hip and need a nice soft on heading opening every time.

Many people these days pay to have their rig packed because they have forgotten how. It is pretty sad actually. I must say I am disappointed in myself in that I only know a couple of ways to pack. That would be Pro and Psycho. Their is always the most popular "TRASH" but that is for special people. :ph34r:.

Honestly though there are many people out there who have forgotten how to pack. This is not good. You must stay current on everything to be truly current. Just my thought.


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Interesting question, over the years i've asked jumpers who had a reserve ride who packed the malfunction? most of the time they said a paid packer. some thing to think about. i've got over 3000 jumps and 1 reserve ride and would never consider letting some one else pack my chute.

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I've seen packers with a track record of about 1 mal every 200 packs. but people seem to put that aside and that attitude has always concerned me. but it's there life and there money and besides allot of people think i'm crazy and maybe i am?. my next project is to set up an in flight tow system behind our casa.

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I'm just learning to pack -about 6 jumps on a new saber, half were my pack job. at this point I would not want to pack for anyone else. I believe I should pack my own canopy just to take a look at wear and tear. I think I should be the person responsible for the maintenance too. blue skies


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I almost always pack for myself. I have never packed a mal (knock on wood) and one time I let someone else pack for me and they packed me a pilot chute hesitation/in tow. I didn't have to chop it but I was already stripping the velcro away from my cutaway handle when poof it opened. I trust myself more than I trust anyone else but there are a few people I would allow to pack my rig. I'll usually buckle if I am too busy on back to backs or the weather is just too humid and hot. It is rarely a laziness issue for me.
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Unless I am in a competition, or back to backs...Or tandems.

I pack my own...I did 19 team jumps last camp and packed everyone of them.

I think that eveytime you get a license...you should have to pack your main, and spot the aircraft.

It is a real shame that a lot of people don't know how to pack. It instills confidence in your gear.

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I pack only when I have to. Why?

I do about 10 AFF dives a day at about R250 each (+-$30) which adds up to about $300 a day. During the time my rig spends being packed, I am usually briefing or debriefing a student. Were I to pack my own rig I would save money, but probably compromise my service to the student, and maybe even do fewer dives.

I took a week to learn to pack, and 7 years to learn to be an AFF Instructor. I prefer doing AFF to packing.

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Okay, I know I'm horrible for doing this, but I rarely pack for myself. I can make up many excuses as to why I shouldn't pack for myself, but I know better, and I should learn to pack well. With the amount of jumps I have, it's scary knowing that I really just can't pack at all. Even after hearing everybody's little "tricks" to get a canopy into a bag, closing it all up (the two things that I just can't do while packing), I still have so many difficulties with it, and I get so frustrated (I turn into a psycho bitch while packing). Packing takes some of the enjoyment out of the sport for me. I had a great time at Rantoul...you know why? Because out of the 60+ jumps I made, I maybe packed 10 times...and that was with my F-111 canopy...something I could pack in less than 10 minutes.

I envy the people that can pack in 5 minutes. If it took me only 5 minutes, I'd probably pack for myself more. If I didn't get so frustrated trying to get my canopy into the bag, I'd probably pack more.
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The only occasions in which I do not pack it myself are:

1) A boogie. Time is usually short and it saves me time to chat with old and new friends, comment on jumps and activity and enjoy the whole boogie atmosphere. In this case I only give it to a trusted packer, the only two times I didn't I got many line twists that made me sweat!

2) In normal activity when a trusted colleague and friend offers himself to pack for me (I sometimes do for others).

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90% of the time i pack my own. I teach packing every now and then and will jump my students pack jobs if they wont. (of course i do watch that pack job closely!)

I feel more comfortable jumping with my camera if i did the pack.


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Not just no but HELL NO, lol :P perhaps Im a dumbass for not doing it and yes Im sure it would have saved me some money by now but I dont really care... Ive always hated packing did it for about the first 100 jumps and now its like um no thanx I still break a sweat S-folding it and stuffin it in the bag, however maybe I answered the poll incorrectly. If I had to then yes I would but under normal circumstancesw I try my damn'dest to avoid it at all costs.

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