
How bad is a bad spot!

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We gave out the Helen Keller spot award this weekend.

There was me and another jumper in the Cessna, we were doing a drifter run before the students went up.

Chucked the drifter at 2k, and did a circuit up to 3k for us to get out. The other was spotting, and he normally jumps where the pilot spots by GPS.

I was looking out the window thinking "Where are we going?" He managed to get us out on the wrong side of the runway on a crosswind jump run.

I dumped out the door and spent the entire time on my rears and ended up landing a couple of metres from the target. He went down to 25 and ended up about 300 m from the target.
Arching is overrated - Marlies

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I've landed 8+ miles pff the DZ on a normal jump and 20+ off after a balloon jump at WFFC last year.

Word of advice... get a birdman suit, spot has to be about 5 miles off then to be considered bad ;)
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It was on one load at Perris last summer, my buddy and I were first. Red light, door open, turn around cause of traffic ... green light, we got out. Oh shit - where are we? We estimated it was about 5-6 miles north of the Dropzone. We had a nice landing at the channel and some quad-bike dudes picked us up and another dude drove us with a pickup back to the dropzone, they didn't even notice we're missing :-(

Later on, after speaking to Jack G. he said the pilot accidentially hit the green light. They usually spot really well over there but I will never jump without spotting myself.


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hmm it really dependes on the surrounding area.

in vegas(jean)NV I could land just about anywhere and not have too many bad obstacles to deal with!

if I somehow landed 4 miles out..it would be just as bad as landing 3 ft out!.
(cept the walk back)
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Hmmm, if someone cann't make it back comfortably it's a bad spot. Of course I started when we spotted to LIVE. Had to be able to miss the lakes and the trees with the 35' T-10's! I consider it a really bad spot if not even the spotter cann't get back.;) Any thing over that is unexcusable. But as indicated by the poll, it's becoming expected.

But I've never minded a little demo practice.B|

Most embarassing spot?.... Being on a demo where we miss an entire airport with a 10000' runway in front of 200000 people. From a twin bonanza at 10,000'. No I didn't spot, and we never let the guy spot again.

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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I spotted a DC-3 load into the swamp (distance in the single-digit miles) at the Z-hills boogie once. I'm still not sure what demon was helping me to spot...

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I've landed 18+ miles off on a couple of CRW jumps. Nice practice demos! I remember when they did the CRW record in California in '94, one guy got a ride back to the airport with someone who didn't speak much English. They took him to the closest airport - and it was the wrong one!

My favorite though was during the DQ record attempts at Skydive Dallas in '97. About 10,000 feet the airplane pilot looks back and hollers at us, "Does anyone know where we are?" One of the locals looks out the door and hollers back, "That's the Red River - we're in Oklahoma - head south!"

Luckily we just needed to find the CRW formation to land miles off - but we did manage to stay in the state of Texas :-)

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I have a friend who, about 10 years ago, walked into a farmhouse after landing off.

When he call the DZ, the message came on to "first dial 1 when making a call outside this area code".

It was like 25 miles.

I can't confirm or deny the accuracy of this tale, though.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Spots are kind of tricky. If you end up in a Kingair with a fast jump run and a 4wayRw, 4wayFF and a couple of 2ways I find it hard to always put the group out on one pass. It all comes down to how much time is taken in the door. I have spotted for a large group on a Kingair, i climbed out frt float and watch the guy in the door not take his grip, as they were aguing with the guy I looked down and saw the spot just fade away. On an other note I have had the priveledge of jumping with Bobby V, he says he has never landed out, the world is his DZ.:)

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We just had the "best worst" spot ever... thank you Andy B|
It happens to all of us... but this one... well... this one is going to be really hard to beat!

good time ;)


Everyone is the expert!!! Those mysterious fluffy white things can be a hassle... so, I picked the wrong golf course!!!

Blog Clicky

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Actually at Quincy we always landed off. We were supposed to land at the racetrack 5 miles away (and usually we did) and we just hitchhiked back. Met all sorts of great locals - rode back in everything from dump trucks to 18-wheelers to cars. The whole group of us nearly died one time when a guy driving the pickup truck we were in pulled out in front of a dump truck as he turned into the airport. Missed us by 10 feet or less - no shit... Scared the heck out of all of us.

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I remember an "intentional" bad spot many. many years ago. A guy was strapped into an old static line (military harness) system with a T-10 round for his jump no. 100 at sunset. The guy was too exited to notice when they flew him at least 2 miles away from the DZ to drop him off (rural area with no traffic). The jump master pointed to the direction of the DZ before pushing him off with a big grin.

Poor guy came carrying the heavy rig and main a couple of hours later drained in sweat in the darkness while were drinking his beer... :D
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