
Do you study skydive vids?

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Not your own, but team and commercial vids. Take into consideration I'm completely obsessive about the sport and my own flying. Take that, mix it with the fact that I'm a geek, and you get me sitting in front of a tv screen with vids like The Cloud's Edge, Olav, Flyboyz Party Mix, Evolution, etc. I study every dive dozens of times, analyzing body positioning, what they're doing to get the most out of their movements, etc. Am I the only one who has spent hours on end watching these movies 100's of times, studying every move, or am I just crazy??? B|B|B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Am I the only one who has spent hours on end watching these movies 100's of times, studying every move, or am I just crazy???

yes you are crazy....nobody does that!!!
Seek help..

But if you do find help...give'm my adress too....cause I too spend hours and hours going over that kinda stuffB|;)
I'm an Athlete?

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Am I the only one who has spent hours on end watching these movies 100's of times, studying every move, or am I just crazy???

nope j*, you aren't the Only one ~ some of the greatest fliers out there have studied videos day in and day out (either themselves or others) to reach their goals. i LOVE watching videos and studying EVERYTHING....even down to hands/feet & "okay-so-thats-how-to-exit".:D

i love watching 'worthless eye candy', cloud's edge, crosswind, chronicles, etc.... i am so amazed that we can fly with video-cameras to capture the moment - and learn sooooooo much at the same time! yaaaaaaaay!

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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I definitely do the same thing. I watch sequences over and over in slow motion too of all the videos I have. I also like watching canopies deploy in slow motion and trying to figure out causes of them spinning up or other malfunctions...;)

I think when Jesus said "love your enemy" he probably meant don't kill them.

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Ya know, it's amazing how different all these movies seem if you watch them in chronological order. For instance, if you watch The Art of VRW, you'll see some of the best flyers in the world still sitflying with their legs together, when we know now that a nice wide stance gives you the best control and stability. That's just one instance, but it's so cool to see the sport progress like that just over a few years. B|

Plus you kinda wonder if those awesome flyers look back on those vids and think to themselves "what the hell was I doing??" B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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All the top team 4-way videos I can find. And my team stuff I go over every few days. I was more serious about freeflying, I'd study those also.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I have something in the DVD/Video player constantly, to the point the girlfriend exhales loudly and goes into another room to read! (last night as a matter of fact).
Hell, I make my family and friends watch skydiving vids...and I rewind to check out exit position, transitions...whatever!

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I usually don't study them, but I do enjoy watching them. I usually just watch to see what looks cool, and if i could do it on my next jump video. I also like to watch them because it gives me good ideas when i make a skydive video, music that works or not etc.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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GK team leader John Hoover told me once that the best thing to do if you can't jump is to watch tons of video.....

I have like 30 tapes of 4way.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I'm still waiting for my copy of "fly like a pro" to arrive, the company I ordered it from didn't have it in stock, so it's taking longer than expected (which stinks cause I paid for the express delivery). Aside from that, I watch a bunch of the ones on the net that show either nice exits or nice landings so I can see how it looks when done properly.

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Yeah... all the time...

In fact, I have all the movies you listed! I think I'll pop in the clouds edge right now...

"I wanna do big way (pow...pow)"

Seriously though... I believe that watching these vids is great for your flying. Even if your just watching your mind is taking alot of notes, even if we don't realize that.

Everybody be safe,
Carpe diem

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I study as much good video as I can get my hands on. I've found this sport to be extremely visual in the sense that you don't get a lot of practice time so the more you visualize what you are attempting to do the better a chance you will have of actually doing it. I find the more video I watch the easier my visualizations are.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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