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    ecole de parachute de chateau d'oex
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  1. the only ones I've seen doin it in my short skydiving life were australians form skydive interlaken (i think) which were jumping at our dropzone. I feel it's strange, maybe because I never self portrayed myself in a jump... but seen a funny vid with a passenger puking ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  2. yeah, high speed stall. already happened to anyone ? with frontal cell closing ?? was "easy"to do with paragliders back in the days... ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  3. let's hope this discourages a bit our russian friend. ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  4. students can't jump in england ?? ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  5. I can testify, it is worldwide, thanx to globalization ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  6. Skydiving. If no sex possible, you can kill kittens If no skydiving possible, jumping from your bed or a chair is a lousy ersatz ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  7. in case of high wingloading or radical move (hookturn), is there any risk of a dynamic stall ?? ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  8. it seems to me if you manage to build up a good speed progressively, it can be very efficient and less dangerous as a radical hook turn. ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  9. and i'm not sure the Kanji sign is on it... which is a really cool design... ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  10. this thread will soon be on fire. if I were PD or his dealer, I wouldn't sell it. wasn't there a project of black/red listing dealers who would sell such gear to newbies ?? ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  11. maybe the best advice. If he got it he'll jump it. So you're doing the best thing possible, trying to bring him alive back on earth. ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  12. and such a difference in wingloading and performance... oh yeah, he has a jump or 2 on a Xfire2 169. That's an intermediate step ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  13. it's not me... i'm jumping a saphire2 139 loaded at approx 1.2. Would love a higher wingloading and a faster canopy. BUT... I want to do all this for a long time. Already had a close call. Don't want a second one. ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  14. russia and bank are 2 words which might not be very compatible... ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579
  15. all in all, 1.4 and 1.6 is not sooo different... only 0.2 difference ---------- Fumer tue, péter pue ------------- ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579