
Drugs on a dz

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>If someone's so fucked up/drunk that its noticeable, their friends will stop
>them boarding a plane.

Unfortunately, history has proven they won't always stop someone who is drunk enough to kill themselves.

>The users are polite enough to use away from those who may be
>offended by it . . . .

History has shown this not to be true either.

>and don't push their beliefs upon others. To have (usually uninformed)
> non-users try to tell the others what to do is every bit as offensive as
> listening to a whuffo expound their ill-informed opinions about the
> stupidity of jumping out of planes.

Or as offensive as a 3000-jump S+TA who doesn't jump a Velocity 90 telling a 100-jump wonder that he can't jump a Velocity 90? Should the S+TA back off because the 100-jump wonder has more experience than the S+TA (who jumps a boring Blade 108) with the Velocity?

People do drugs and alcohol and skydive. Sometimes it kills them. Sometimes it puts others at risk. History has, unfortunately, shown that their friends will not stop them before they kill themselves. That means that people like S+TA's, DZO's etc are going to get involved; they're the next level of protection, as is always the case when individual jumpers won't police themselves. If we're lucky it stops there.

Want to avoid having other people decide what's good for you and what's not? Then we have to prove we are capable of doing it ourselves. Don't jump impaired, even if you are 99% sure you are fine with just two beers or one line. Don't tolerate it when your friends do. And accept it when other people tell you you're too fucked up to jump, even if you think they're not experienced drug users and thus can't judge an experienced coke user like yourself (or whatever your drug of choice is.)

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Or as offensive as a 3000-jump S+TA who doesn't jump a Velocity 90 telling a 100-jump wonder that he can't jump a Velocity 90? Should the S+TA back off because the 100-jump wonder has more experience than the S+TA (who jumps a boring Blade 108) with the Velocity?

No. I used the word 'uninformed'. It's more like the old guys who have racked up 2000 jumps, but who still jump foils deriding the new, younger guys who jump HP canopies without really knowing what they are talking about.


Want to avoid having other people decide what's good for you and what's not? Then we have to prove we are capable of doing it ourselves. Don't jump impaired, even if you are 99% sure you are fine with just two beers or one line. Don't tolerate it when your friends do. And accept it when other people tell you you're too fucked up to jump, even if you think they're not experienced drug users and thus can't judge an experienced coke user like yourself (or whatever your drug of choice is.)

I'm not sure whether this is the generic 'you' you are using here, but if you mean me, then you presume too much.

1. I have never used coke, either at the DZ or otherwise.
2. I only ever jump straight and sober.*

I'm not advocating jumping whilst impaired, I'm just saying I think people have created a 'problem' where none really exists. The use of drugs on the DZ hasn't changed in decades (or, if some of the posts from old-timers are to be believed, its actually improved in this respect) but all of a sudden people are calling for 'solutions' to a situation that has been around forever.

*nowdays at least

nothing to see here

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i think all it`s about respect. if u respect someone and u know he/she isn`t confortable seeing others on/doing drugs u dont do near her/him. jumping on drugs is a stupid thing if someone want to do it do it but i`ll not jump with him/her. drugs after jumping hours can be ok if u respect others choices and opinons. why alchool are accepted at the dz?: because all the people love to drink a beer or 2,3,4 after jumping. if alchool will be illegal u`ll jump on dz`s where a beer after jumping will be forbidden? we talk here about legal things? how many things we done in our life that were illegal... a lot. i heard about some DZ`s where BASE jumpers are not welcomed because what they do is illegal and can affect others... here we come back at respect
do on ur own or with ur friends, don`t do things that can affect others, live ur way and dont forget the most important things:
2. have fun
3. always respect others choices

PS sorry for my silly english

"jump, have fun, pull"

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When it comes to hard drugs, I'm a big ol' prude. Drugs were cool when I was in high school because people in high school tend to be insecure. Grow up, people. Drugs are not cool. It is not cool to fill whatever void you have in your life with something so empty.

Whoa, do you need a ladder to get on to that horse?

Not all people do drugs like your high school friends did "..because it's cool"

Some people like drugs. They enjoy the actual experience the have on them and they like to hang out with other people who feel the same way. Who the hell are you to judge their character or moral fibre?

I don't know why someone would take drugs and skydive and I don't condone it. But how about getting down from your tower on people's personal life style choices or make it a separate post.

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Who the hell are you to judge their character or moral fibre?

I just make observations.

I observed that at certain places, it's not a big deal if someone jumps while they're high. It's just "a part of the sport."

I have observed skydivers chasing after popular/world-class skydivers and giving them the good drugs so that they can be cool, too.

I have observed people who use drugs as a bonding experience, and that's sad. I'm confident enough in myself to get close to people with communication...not drugs.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I have observed people who use drugs as a bonding experience, and that's sad. I'm confident enough in myself to get close to people with communication...not drugs.

Well goody for you! Some people can do BOTH

So what exactly is your beef with this thread? That people who enjoy and have access to "the good drugs" get to know "world class" drug using skydivers faster or better than you or that there are people "you've observed" doing drugs and skydiving?

Seems like two rather different subjects. One is a whine, the other a valid point for discussion.

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Seems like two rather different subjects. One is a whine, the other a valid point for discussion.

Jumping while high is bad. We all know that. It seems that the more lenient a dropzone is with heavy drugs on the dz, the more likely that skydivers jumping high is going to occur. Also, the more apparent drugs are on a dz, the more people are just going to look the other way and consider it a "necessary evil" that people will jump while high.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I think you're making a HUGE leap there. Most DZs are pretty tolerant of acohol use/ abuse after hours, but that doesn't mean they are tolerant or accepting of people jumping drunk or otherwise impaired! Why is it you feel that the less than legal drug use (alcohol is a drug, legal or not!) is any different? I'm not condoning it, just questioning the "holier than thou" attitude.

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but that doesn't mean they are tolerant or accepting of people jumping drunk or otherwise impaired!

No, but like I said, it's easier to spot someone who has been drinking. It has a distinctive smell, and you can't really cover that smell up with mints or brushing your teeth. Plus, like I said, a small breathalyzer is cheap, and it's easy to test anyone in a snap. Plus, I wasn't informed that jumping while drunk was common, so that's why I'm not addressing the issue.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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but that doesn't mean they are tolerant or accepting of people jumping drunk or otherwise impaired!

No, but like I said, it's easier to spot someone who has been drinking. It has a distinctive smell, and you can't really cover that smell up with mints or brushing your teeth. Plus, like I said, a small breathalyzer is cheap, and it's easy to test anyone in a snap. Plus, I wasn't informed that jumping while drunk was common, so that's why I'm not addressing the issue.

You can just as easily detect someone on drugs, simply by the way they are acting.

Sniffing or rubbing their nose, talking a lot (mcuh more than usual), seems very antsy ... probably on coke

acid, mushrooms, ecstacy, etc....just look at their eyes, that'll give it away.

pot, you can smell ...

of course, they could be dead sober, and it could be a false positive. then again, some OTC drugs will show up for alcohol on a breathalyzer. Speaking of which, what's the BAC you allow for alcohol. If you use any presence of alcohol, there will be a lot of false positives. If you use the standard BAC driving limit, you can still have a few beers and be under that limit.
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First of all, alcohol and nicotine are both drugs, though legal. Alcohol can be a seriously dangerous drug, especially if you're jumping or driving home, and it can even kill you if you drink too much of it. Smokes kill more people than all the other drugs and booze combined, but it usually takes thirty or so years.

I think a DZ has every right to ban drug use altogether and kick people off who are found using, even after hours. I have no problem with people who want to smoke pot, but they should "get a room". Reason is that the drug laws are so stupid that the Feds can come in, shut down the DZ and sell off the assets under the RAVE Act. It's a bad law that stinks, but until we get the Nazis out of Congress (and the White House) we'll just have to live with it.

Back in the seventies there was far too much open drug use at DZ's and I've personally witnessed a number of fatalities in which the victim was stoned beyond any doubt. Those bad old days are the reason why places like Perris have drug testing for their staff. As a libertarian, I hate drug testing in general, but I can see an operation like a commercial DZ as a reasonable exception. If jumping out of an airplane can't get you off you've got problems that drugs won't help.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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See, I think, if you are addressing a General Issue, and not a specific problem at a specific DZ (which you claim to be) jumping after drinking is probably a much more common occurrence. And I'd also guess its far less common now than it was 10 years ago, which is a step in the right direction. What was once acceptable is generally frowned upon now. Maybe that's naive, but that's based on my own personal observations from my time in the sport, and conversations I've had with some of the folks that have been in the sport way longer than me!

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Ahhhh.... makes sense. I thought it was a loadfull of whacked out skydivers licking the windows on the way to altitude or something...

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Windowpane's weren't just around in the 1970's. :)

Sure it was. The original 'windowpane' referred to acid on a paper carrier, 4 hits that could be
slpit 4 ways. Usually had a faint line to divide the hits, looked kinda likea windowpane.


Tomorrows history lesson will be the Bufo Alvarus (Sonoran Desert or Colorodo River Toad) and modern social prediciment.


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Windowpane's weren't just around in the 1970's. :)

Sure it was. The original 'windowpane' referred to acid on a paper carrier, 4 hits that could be
slpit 4 ways. Usually had a faint line to divide the hits, looked kinda likea windowpane.


Tomorrows history lesson will be the Bufo Alvarus (Sonoran Desert or Colorodo River Toad) and modern social prediciment.


I think he meant they were around in the '70s and beyond. I seem to recall them in the '80s. I think.

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I have observed people who use drugs as a bonding experience, and that's sad. I'm confident enough in myself to get close to people with communication...not drugs.

I havent read this whole thread but I am sure you have gone to plenty of clubs and bars with your friends and "bonded" using alcohol as a helper. Alcohol is just as much of a drug as anything else. Don't let your liquor store tell you otherwise and dont tell someone you are better than them because you only use "legal" drugs.

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Windowpane's weren't just around in the 1970's. :)

Sure it was. The original 'windowpane' referred to acid on a paper carrier, 4 hits that could be
slpit 4 ways. Usually had a faint line to divide the hits, looked kinda likea windowpane.


Tomorrows history lesson will be the Bufo Alvarus (Sonoran Desert or Colorodo River Toad) and modern social prediciment.


I think he meant they were around in the '70s and beyond. I seem to recall them in the '80s. I think.

Oops, I read it as windowpane wasn't around in the 70's.

Damn flashbacks :$


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