
How much did it cost you from start to finish?

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1250 dollars for AFF
55 dollars each for 2 coach jumps
15 jumps at 17 dollars a piece to meet A license minimum jump requirement
600 dollars for first rig (got a deal from an instructor at my DZ)
40 dollars for helmet
100 dollars for altimeter
10 dollars for goggles
20 dollar USPA license fee
at least 200 dollars in gas to and from the DZ
50 dollars for jumpsuit
1250 for a new cypres (dont have it yet but will)
=$3885 from first jump to A license with my own gear

Becoming a licensed skydiver with my own gear........priceless

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About $4,500 w/ static line and buying used (albeit very modern) gear. That was as of the summer of 2003.

Since then? Around $25,000 including jumpsuits, altimeters, helmets, uspa fees, video cameras, lenses, coaching, a second (new) rig, reserve repacks, canopy relines, and [of course] jump tickets. (not including gas, beer, various hotels, etc.)

Would I do it again? Absolutely. And since I'm planning on doing a 4-way team this year, coaching, tunnel time, video, and jumps may make this one of my more expensive seasons.

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$700-ish for student jumps ($125 FJC and first s/l, 6 s/l program jumps at $45, 4 "AFP" jumps at $75).
$900 for first rig (used - Racer SST, 26' NAA round reserve, Fury 220 main).
$400 for first jumpsuit, alti and helmet.
$150-ish for jumps between getting off student status and the A license ($12 to 10,500).

That's in 1990 dollars.

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21 AFP jumps + 2 Tandems - $2705
(note I repeated level 4, 5 times level 3 twice - so remove 99 x 5 and the cost goes down to 2200)
Tunnel time + coaching - $400
Trip to AZ tunnel - $500
1 solo jump with rental gear - $51
Total training & jump expenses - $3656

Altimeter - $100 (alti-2) + $150 (optima audible)
Gloves & Goggles - $50
Helmet (Oxygen full face) - $295
Balaclava - $20
Rig (Fully loaded Vector 3 + 2 new canopies) - $6700
Total Gear Cost - $7315

Miscellaneous - Beer & Gasoline - $500
(I have a SUV and 2 hour drive to the DZ one way)

Net result - empty pocket but satisfied soul!!

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$345 for 5 S/L s + 20 ffs and $1100 for the first rig. That was 1991.

Not much has changed at my home DZ. I am sure Lynn (wildfan75) will post how much it cost her. Check that out. She started this year.
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
AFB, charter member.

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$345 for 5 S/L s + 20 ffs and $1100 for the first rig. That was 1991.

Not much has changed at my home DZ. I am sure Lynn (wildfan75) will post how much it cost her. Check that out. She started this year.

It has changed a little, but given inflation, not that much.

$230 for 5 static lines
$500 for 20 free falls (including gear rental, "coaching" (if you can count having two World Team members and countless other with 1000's of jumps jumping with you and giving you instructing as "coaching"), and jump ticket)
So I got my class A license for $730 (and that was April to June of this year (2006) (I had no repeat jumps was as able to get my card signed off on in 25 jumps...no, that is a lie. I did it in 26 jumps. I should have done it in 25 but got talked into doing a four way instead of my check dive on jump 25. When three jumpers with a total of 17,000 jumps between them ask you to be on a 4 way, you really shouldn't say no.)

My rig was $1700 (all used, Vector rig, Silhouette 170, PD 160 and a Cypress with 2 or 3 years left on it).

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$3,762 on Jumps and Tunnell Time to get my A.

$3,268 on Gear (Rig, Jump Suit, Alti, Gogs, Audible, Pro-Tec)

So that's $7,030 to be fully equipped with my A.

Since then (Labor Day) I've spent another $1,300 on gear and another $1,100 on Jumps.

It's worth every penny!:)
- - -
I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.

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About $6500. Then it started getting expensive';) Had to start over getting the girlfriend lessons and gear.


Skydiving is more expensive and addicting than a heroin addiction - but you meet a lower class of people skydiving:P
"We saved your gear. Now you can sell it when you get out of the hospital and upsize!!" "K-Dub"


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$1300 for AFF
$300 in coaching jumps
12 jumps after AFF at $55 each (renting gear plus jump ticket)
Another 36 jumps at $23 each
$1900 for rig
$100 for helmet
$75 for altimeter

About $7163. That doesn't count 200 miles of driving per weekend for 20 some odd weekends roughly, beer and other various costs B|

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$345 for 5 S/L s + 20 ffs and $1100 for the first rig. That was 1991.

Not much has changed at my home DZ. I am sure Lynn (wildfan75) will post how much it cost her. Check that out. She started this year.

It has changed a little, but given inflation, not that much.
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$230 for 5 static lines
$500 for 20 free falls (including gear rental, "coaching" (if you can count having two World Team members and countless other with 1000's of jumps jumping with you and giving you instructing as "coaching"), and jump ticket)
So I got my class A license for $730 (and that was April to June of this year (2006) (I had no repeat jumps was as able to get my card signed off on in 25 jumps...no, that is a lie. I did it in 26 jumps. I should have done it in 25 but got talked into doing a four way instead of my check dive on jump 25. When three jumpers with a total of 17,000 jumps between them ask you to be on a 4 way, you really shouldn't say no.)

My rig was $1700 (all used, Vector rig, Silhouette 170, PD 160 and a Cypress with 2 or 3 years left on it).

S/L training + 20 FF's = ~$800

Free rig.

So, $800 to get my A lic Eh, maybe with beer and gas $$ it was more but that is pretty close

These two kids started this year (Jeremy got a few late last season). They will most likely make some if not all the local NSL meets and nationals in Chicago next year.

They are showing us all how it's done. It doesn't mater how much you spend, it's how you use the resources made available to you (free at our place).

If you have people willing to teach, suck them dry. The license means nothing. It's all about what you can do in the air and these two can already hold there own with anyone.

Be nice to people and spend some time at the DZ. Skydiving is about %40 osmosis.
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
AFB, charter member.

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How much did it cost you to start jumping, from AFF or whatever method, to having your own gear and having your A?

Over $40K because it took me over 1500 jumps and a couple of rigs until I got arround to getting a license, although my first 25 jumps (including AFF) and rig totaled under $3500.

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How much did it cost you to start jumping, from AFF or whatever method, to having your own gear and having your A?

2700 for rig and 1300 for AFF and that was this year ...Rig was ayear old and had 100 jumps on it ..Great deal ..There out there
Never give the gates up and always trust your rears!

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