
Who has the HIGHEST cutaway ratio?

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Alright, in honor of the thread asking who has the most jumps without a cutaway, I want to ask the opposite question... who has had an absurd number of cutaways, considering thier jump numbers...

Jim West has the most cutaways of anyone I know, with over 75 in the course of something like 10,000 jumps.

BUT, I think Randy Connel has him beat by ratio... last I talked to him I think it was 19 cutaways in 2,000ish jumps.
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I'd venture to guess there are a number of students that had a chop on their first jump and never jumped again for a ratio of 1:1.

Also, if you just jumped intentional cutaways and had mals every time...you could in theory have a ratio of greater than 1:1.

Finally, to get completely silly, if you were on your first jump and accidentally hit the cutaway handle on the plane and as a result had to land with the plane...you'd have a ratio that approaches infinity!

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I'd venture to guess there are a number of students that had a chop on their first jump and never jumped again for a ratio of 1:1.

Alright, smart-ass:P. Let's assume for a moment that we don't count those people.... I'm really wondering about people who have a lot of jumps (let's say at least 500).

Although, on your topic, I do know of a guy who had malfunctions on jumps 1 and 3!:o
"Some people follow their dreams, others hunt them down and beat them mercilessly into submission."

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I went 4968 in 19 years 6 months on my own gear I packed.I did have 15 tandems that I didnt pack were cutaways and two of those were back to back. I only had one on a P.C. none on my Delta 11 none on rags.Now we are getting down to nitty gritty 30 plus on Ropes and Rings Para Planes. My Unit # 26 and I parted company 20 plus times.The only ones with RSL's were the Tandems

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Beats my 3 from 95 on a Pintail.

In deLand in about '92 when the South African (can't remember if it was 4 or 8 way) team was training, they all had Pintails. We used to make it a point to be out of the packing hangar as the Otter came around on jump run so we could catch the mals as they happened. It was a regular event, no fewer than one a load. Sometimes more. Mike in manifest would announce it. Ah, Pintails. Thanks for the memory jog.

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I'm trying to calculate my ratio, but my calculator keeps giving me a "divide by zero error" every time I try to figure it out.

You either need to make some jumps or take a math class.:P

I've got about 11 in 5030, or 1 per 457. One of those was packed by an idiot with 10 in 1000, I found out later.:S

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