
FBI investigates Russia-Trump connection

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Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump sent alarm rippling through Eastern Europe after he said the U.S. would only defend NATO states attacked by Russia if those nations “have fulfilled their obligations to us,” his strongest comments to date on the military alliance’s future if he enters the White House.

Uh, yeah. Why is this unreasonable? It's their culture. If it means something to them, well bottom line they better be willing to die for it. Put heat to the pot, and it really becomes simple. Why should we die for a culture that's not even willing to die for itself? Nation states matter, more than ever right now. And western democracies need to accept the Judeo-Christian principles that ultimately produced the society in which they currently live.
We are all engines of karma

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There is a real benefit to them to get Trump elected.

You have an active imagination, and it's not serving you well right now.

Putin can do what he wants in the middle east right now, and no one who is elected in this cycle is going to have any material impact on that.
We are all engines of karma

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Bullwinkle: I'd like to apply for a job as an usher?
Boris: What experience have you had?
Bullwinkle: I've been in the dark for most of my life.

Just got back from getting a towel to wipe up the beer I spewed out of my nose with this. ROFLMAO...
We are all engines of karma

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Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump sent alarm rippling through Eastern Europe after he said the U.S. would only defend NATO states attacked by Russia if those nations “have fulfilled their obligations to us,” his strongest comments to date on the military alliance’s future if he enters the White House.

Uh, yeah. Why is this unreasonable?

Doesn't matter. The bottom line is that he is saying that he would not defend NATO members against Russian attacks if he felt they didn't deserve it. You're going to have to twist yourself up like a pretzel if you want to deny that.


If it means something to them, well bottom line they better be willing to die for it. Put heat to the pot, and it really becomes simple. Why should we die for a culture that's not even willing to die for itself?

Hint: He's talking about money.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You're full of shit, with all due respect. So with your political posts, don't take you seriously. That will never happen again.

What the fuck are you talking about? How can you seriously sit there and say the Russians wouldn't prefer an isolationist, anti-NATO President? You're losing credibility fast with this one.

- Dan G

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Somehow I am beginning to suspect that Trump is a shill for Hillary.

Hillary is such a loathsome piece of shit that there is no way in hell she could prevail over any but the most unpalatable opposition.

Enter Donald Trump.

If in advance Clinton, Inc. struck a deal with The Donald whereby he agreed to throw a wrench in the Republican party in return for endless sweetheart deals after her coronation, they could not get more bang for the buck.

A turd in the punchbowl he is, so nobody expected him to do as well as he has.

If he really screws the pooch such that Hillary assumes the throne, that would support my suspicion.

If he screws up and wins, that does not completely negate the idea that his initial goals were quite different.

The good news is that this political season is good for losing weight. Thinking hard about either candidate is enough to make one retch.

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You're full of shit, with all due respect. So with your political posts, don't take you seriously. That will never happen again.

What the fuck are you talking about? How can you seriously sit there and say the Russians wouldn't prefer an isolationist, anti-NATO President? You're losing credibility fast with this one.


the Trump Russian bs it just a re-direct tactic to try and suppress the DNC's anit gay, anti black, and jewish, anti women, anti latino anti Sanders emails.

Along with the emails that show they were purposely putting out false stories to trash Trump (colluding with the media). As well as favoring one candidate (Trump was right, the Democratic primary WAS RIGGED!

Unfortunately for them (and you) some people are still paying attention:)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Well, no. They think Trump would respond less aggressively to a Russian attack on another country. They might be forgiven for thinking this, since he has said he would not necessarily support NATO allies who were attacked by Russia.

So, when it comes to politics you expect people to take you seriously with these kinds of posts? I always thought you were just yanking chains and playing word games.

So what do YOU think Trump said about supporting NATO?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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And western democracies need to accept the Judeo-Christian principles that ultimately produced the society in which they currently live

Complete bullshit.

Yes, western society lived through a dark age when other human civilizations advanced far beyond them. It was only with the enlightenment and the beginning of embracing science that our society gained some level of preeminence.

In other words, we began rejecting the church and that was the key to progress. It still is.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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Somehow I am beginning to suspect that Trump is a shill for Hillary.

Hillary is such a loathsome piece of shit that there is no way in hell she could prevail over any but the most unpalatable opposition.

Enter Donald Trump.

If in advance Clinton, Inc. struck a deal with The Donald whereby he agreed to throw a wrench in the Republican party in return for endless sweetheart deals after her coronation, they could not get more bang for the buck.

A turd in the punchbowl he is, so nobody expected him to do as well as he has.

If he really screws the pooch such that Hillary assumes the throne, that would support my suspicion.

If he screws up and wins, that does not completely negate the idea that his initial goals were quite different.

The good news is that this political season is good for losing weight. Thinking hard about either candidate is enough to make one retch.


Wonder what the voter turnout will be when voters have to decide on which of the two turds is the least smelly.

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>Uh, yeah. Why is this unreasonable? It's their culture. If it means something to
>them, well bottom line they better be willing to die for it.

So I am full of shit, and you won't take me seriously - but now you agree with me that Trump intends to do that.

>Why should we die for a culture that's not even willing to die for itself?


1) We agreed to.
2) It is in our best interests to prevent one country from expanding and taking over our allies.

>And western democracies need to accept the Judeo-Christian principles that
>ultimately produced the society in which they currently live.

Bullshit. All they need to do is live in peace with us - and that is all we should ask them to do. You would not want Taoist principles forced on you; do not demand others accept what you would not.

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Why should we die for a culture that's not even willing to die for itself?

With all due respect, that is uninformed. Neither you nor Mr. Trump have any way of knowing what other countries citizens are willing to do when threatened and attacked.

You need look no further than recent American history for examples where the locals were victorious against an unpopular and superior foreign force.

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And if there were any doubt that there was a Russia-Trump connection:

Donald Trump asked Russia to help "find" the missing emails from Hillary Clinton's private server during a Wednesday press conference here at his Florida resort.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," Trump proposed from a podium at his Doral Resort. "I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."

Perhaps he will promise them a bonus as well for hacking into US sites.

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And if there were any doubt that there was a Russia-Trump connection:

Donald Trump asked Russia to help "find" the missing emails from Hillary Clinton's private server during a Wednesday press conference here at his Florida resort.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," Trump proposed from a podium at his Doral Resort. "I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."

Perhaps he will promise them a bonus as well for hacking into US sites.

Maybe they will find the 20 MILLION emails lost by the GWB administration while they're about it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>Maybe they will find the 20 MILLION emails lost by the GWB administration while they're about it.

It would be fun to see the republican's response to a request from Clinton for China (or any foreign country) to hack the IRS servers to see if they could find Trump's tax returns.

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If it's found that Putin is behind this will he then be fired and given a position on Trump's campaign?

I don't give a damn which "side" you are on....this is funny. 100% spot on.

Oh the left will spin it "not as important" ect, ect........

Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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Somehow I am beginning to suspect that Trump is a shill for Hillary.

For some time I was convinced that Trump was self sabotaging his campaign (starting with the attack on the "Mexican" judge born in Indiana) because even he never took the campaign seriously. It was his change to ham it up for several months and do little work. But like Boris Johnson, suddenly his side was winning and now he has to go through with it. Saying stupid shit like he had all along is an effective way to ensure losing.

Except that it isn't. Between a weak opponent and hordes of fans who absolutely don't care what he says, he keeps sitting around. I'm not sure how he gets enough women and Latino votes to win, but the campaign refuses to die.

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... Between a weak opponent and hordes of fans who absolutely don't care what he says, he keeps sitting around. I'm not sure how he gets enough women and Latino votes to win, but the campaign refuses to die.

Bolding mine

It's not that they don't care what he says. It's that they actually like it.

The racists and the bigots and the sexists and the xenophobes have been hiding under their rocks and in their caves for years.

They knew perfectly well that if they expressed their hatred for (insert racial group, religious group or women here) out loud and publicly, they'd be roasted severely for it.

Then Trump comes along and calls Mexicans" Criminals and Rapists." He proposes banning all Muslims from entering the country (apparently even citizens who have traveled abroad). And when Megyn Kelly criticizes him, he goes after her, implying she's attacking him because of PMS.

All of the scuzzbuckets out there stood up and cheered.

I doubt the "scuzzbucket demographic" is enough to get him elected, but between them, the people who really hate HRC and the morons who fall for the rest of his con job, not to mention the "gangster/mafia demographic" (look at his history in NYC and Atlantic City and tell me he's not involved with them), then he actually may stand a chance.

And, especially after his speech and the RNC and the issues with Russia, that scares me rather seriously.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Somehow I am beginning to suspect that Trump is a shill for Hillary.

Both may be a shill for Gary Johnson. :)
Which also likely would be good for Russia too.

Putin and company are strongly in the "Anyone but Hillary" camp. :D:D:D:D
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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