
Do you think GAY couples should adopt children???

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He can't because he has no clue as to what he is talking about.....I think he is trolling on this thread...

I hope he's trolling, but I don't think so.
People who have opinions like his make me incredibly angry. The minute I saw the subject of this thread I couldn't help but feel my heart sink, because I knew this debate was comming.
It's so frustrating to read the opinions of someone who doesn't seem to listen to what other people say or feel. It must be nice to live in a world where there are no different opinions to consider.
Rhino: I must know ten children of gay couples. They range in age between 8 and 16. By and large they are some of the most stable and well-balanced children I've met. Some of the older ones are starting to have heterosexual relationships. I've never heard any of these children complain about having to explain their parents lifestyle choices. I have personal experiences with a lot of these kids because a few of my best friends from College were gay, and through them I became involved in the gay community.
To say that children of gay couples are jaded simply shows that your thoughts are rooted in stereotype. You simply must not paint a whole group by the traits you've seen in a few individuals. In addition, I actually doubt you've personally observed these traits. From the rest of your comments I suspect you've fabricated them to "prove" your point.
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
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>ummmmmm.....well.....how about this definition. A normal father has a penis.
> And not post operative.
Careful with cut-and-dried definitions! Jamie Lee Curtis adopted a little girl, and so far, their family seems to be doing just fine. Would you call her a normal mother?
-bill von

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Careful with cut-and-dried definitions! Jamie Lee Curtis adopted a little girl, and so far, their family seems to be doing just fine. Would you call her a normal mother?

Please read my other posts. When I used the word 'normal' I was refering to non-gay parents. I was not trying to define anything else. I don't know anything about Jamie Lee Curtis other than she is HOT! :D

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You know I was talking to my friend Desdamona the other day. The runs boat station and bait shack down near boomstown. And she told me that human beings are flaud individuals. That the cosmic bakers took us out of the oven a little too early and the is the reason where as crazy as we are.
-Jimmy Buffett

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>When I used the word 'normal' I was refering to non-gay parents. I was not trying
> to define anything else. I don't know anything about Jamie Lee Curtis other than
> she is HOT!
Ok, so you think she's hot, and you're a heterosexual? (yes, this is a trick question)
-bill von

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Thats a tough question...I guess I can see both sides of the pros and cons ,,but i would think that the it would be better for a kid to be accepted and loved by two people than be thrown around in homes in his/her childhood life.....Hell I dont know ..I see some issues with it but then I dont............................the ???should be should skydivers be allowed to adopted....HELL YEAH!!! Someones gotta pack them chutes;)

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ummmm, biologically she is not. She has BOOOBIES! Anyway, check out this link
There was a very interesting paragraph on that page, and I think it applies equally to this discussion. Here it is:
--begin quote
It is a telling commentary on the skewed importance we give any matter relating to sexuality that this rumor exists at all. Numerous children come into the world less than perfectly formed, yet no stigma is attached to those who require surgery to repair a malfunctioning heart, a disorder of the digestive system, or almost any other condition unrelated to gender. Yet when the question of sexuality is raised, it's all whispers behind hands and meaningful looks.
--end quote.
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
AIM: andrewdmetcalfe
Yahoo IM: ametcalf_1999

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>ummmm, biologically she is not. She has BOOOBIES!
Yes, her phenotype is female, it's just her genotype that's male. The default sex is female - if anything goes wrong with that 26th chromosome during development, the child is born anatomically female. Several Olympic atheletes have been disqualified because, although they look female, are genetically male.
I don't think it's a big deal, since who the person is is a lot more important than what their genes say. Still, I like to use it to prod some of the more virulent homophobes that I've met, who claim that they would never be attracted to anything but a 100% woman, and would _certainly_ never be attracted to a transsexual, even one who is, anatomically, female.
-bill von

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I was going from an article in the Baltimore Morning Sun by William Beeman:
Sunday, March 17 1996
. . .The medical term for persons of ambiguous gender is "intersexual." Estimates of the numbers of persons who may be born intersexual ranges from 1 percent to 4 percent of all children born today, according to Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling of the Division of Biology and Medicine at Brown University.
As a result, there are perhaps millions of XX males and XY females living in the United States today. These are cultural males with male genitalia who are genetically female, and cultural females with female genitalia who are genetically male. The film star Jamie Lee Curtis is one well-known individual who is genetically male, but phenotypically female.
-bill von

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Huh??????? You're not making any sense!!!!!!

Umm.....ok. Maybe this will help you?
No he visto nada de esto, pero uds. no deben escribir cosas personales de otras personas.
Hope that helped you. I don't know any other languages. Those are my only 2.
Perhaps I should jump on the 'ol translations.com.
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Still, I like to use it to prod some of the more virulent homophobes that I've met

Well, since you used it on me I'm assuming you placed me in the homophobe category. Is this just because I think a stable family made of a male father and a female mother is preferable to homosexual parents? That is kind of a stretch and very un PC of you :D.
I am not a homophobe. That attack has become kind of like calling someone a 'racist'. It is used to immediately place people on the defensive.
I don't have anything against homosexuals and think they can make great parents. I had a best friend who's dad was a male child molester, but he was a great dad until they threw him in jail! So obviously your sexual preference doesn't necessarily mean you can or cannot be a good parent. (BTW....He never molested his own kids). Like I said earlier, I don't think gay couples should be outlawed from adopting but I also don't think it is the preferable environment to raise kids in.

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>Well, since you used it on me I'm assuming you placed me in the homophobe
I'm sorry, I misspoke before. I should have said that I used it to prod people, and it really bugs the virulent homophobes. Nothing you've said indicates you are such a person, and I didn't mean to imply that you were.
-bill von

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it's still NOT RIGHT to the great majority of god-fearing humans

No offense, but that depends on who's God your talking about. Mine wouldn't care (assuming there is a God).
"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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