
Do you think GAY couples should adopt children???

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That's like asking "should people kill fetuses?" Sorta odd way to ask about abortion. I think a better question would be "should there be a law against a gay couple adopting a child?"
To answer that one - if they meet all the criteria that any other adoptive parents meet, then there is no reason they shouldn't be able to adopt. The objective is to get unwanted children into loving homes, and excluding one part of the possible parent pool because of homophobia doesn't make a lot of sense.
-bill von

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There are enough perfectly screwed up heterosexual couples that the gender of the "parents" is the least of the issues.

IMHO the only sexual preference that would inherently disqualify someone from parenting is pedophilia.
Then again, if Zennie were king, you'd have to get a license to have a kid. :P
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I think that if little hairy mountain troll people can have kids so should gay couples............

Hey, that's a good point. Still waiting to see what the originator of the question's opinion on the issue is...
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I have mixed feelings about the issue..
I would tend to say no it isn't o.k. Kids have a hard enough time growing up without having to explain why they have two moms or dads.. That is a thought process they shouldn't have to deal with until much later in life.
I think it is even better for a child to be adopted by one parent than a gay couple.. It's easier for a child to explain "my dad or my mom" adopted me than the alternative..
I have talked to kids raised by Gay parents in the past. They tend to be jaded. Some are some aren't. Some only know that as their way of life so they thing it is normal.
Do I agree with it? No I don't agree.
This is my opinion.. No one has to agree...
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yes. Probably do a damn sight better than some of the "straight" people I know. What does the sexual preference of a person have anything to do with the ability to be a good parent? Furthermore......kids need to be loved and there are tens of thousands of them that need a loving home.
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Rhino that is a good point. It will be hard for the kid to explain to others. Other people generally will not be as understanding. Especially kids. I have no problem with it but I could imagine I would not want to be in that situation myself............
It is a tough question:P

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