
Do you think GAY couples should adopt children???

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OK pal, I'm glad you know everything there is to know about the universe. I do not have to decide if he is telling me the truth, because I can trust that he is. This guy was my best friend for years before he "came out," and although I do not see him much anymore, that doesnt mean he's not still one of my best friends. I do not appreciate you making my friend out to be a liar, when in fact you obviously do not know him.
"If I could be like that, I would give anything, just to live one day, in those shoes..."

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When you say something to me I have the right to respond..

Why not add something new to the discussion rather than repeating the same thing you said a few posts back?

Give me a break...

Give us a break. If you don't have something new to say, don't say anything.
Beating my head against a brick wall hurts. I'm going to go take an Advil.
pull & flare,
"But our reality is in fact entire illusion!"
-Gregory Benford

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>Nice try.. Nope.. Not gonna play this one...
>Men are disgusting.. Women are beautiful..
Odd how you demand answers from others about their sexuality - and even claim you know their sexuality better than their friends do - but refuse to answer questions about yourself. Be careful lest such a tactic be applied to you.
-bill von

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Now that I consider a personal attack.. If you want to insult me and call me a know it all pm me and I will gladly respond to your lack of being able to be an adult.

Although that was not meant as a personal attack, I apologize for making it sound like one to you. I have no reason to "attack" you, and if I did, trust me, I would do it through PM. And how does that post qualify me as "not being able to be an adult?"
"If I could be like that, I would give anything, just to live one day, in those shoes..."

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I started the thread.. I'll post as many damned times as I want.. pm me if you have a problem.. I'm not suppose to respond to you calling me a pain in the ass.. ??? funny..
How many times did the author of the my girlfriends boobies post? Your not giving him a hard time? Hypocrite..
I hope that isn't worse than calling me a pain in the ass.. If any of you are tired of reading so damned much get back on the fucking subject..
Semper Fi .....
http:// www.aahit.com

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>Men are disgusting.. Women are beautiful..
I find that some woman are extremely beautiful and I am not afraid to tell them so! I am confident enough in my sexuality that I don't have qualms about expressing those thoughts. The interesting thing here is that many woman really appreciate that coming from another woman. For the most part they understand that there aren't any sexual connotations attached to the statement and it was said in all sincerity. Geez maybe we shouldn't take ourselves so damn seriously.
It only takes a little pixie dust......

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