
Do you think GAY couples should adopt children???

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Hello gang. I am at work and have only had time to read a few posts but I thought I'd add my two cents to this one:
1. I personally believe the majority of men and women who claim to be gay did not choose to be so. I believe they were born that way. However, younger kids may think it's "cool" or a new trend and might jump on the bandwagon and "choose" to do so. I am Christian but unlike a lot of Christians who criticize gays and lesbians, I do not feel it is my place to judge anyone, it's Gods. Because I believe gays are born that way, I do not feel it is a sin. Yes, I have read the part in the bible that says...blah, blah, blah....the bible is open to interpretation. Some people may interpret it as a sin. I do not.
2. I'd rather see a child grow up in the care of a loving and stable couple than see them live the first 18 years of their life in foster care. Personally, I feel our current foster care system is more damaging to a young child than being cared for by a gay couple. The American Pediatric Association has made it legal for gays to adopt. Just like any other heterosexual couple wishing to adopt, these couples must undergo extensive reviewing, ect. before they are allowed to care for a child.
My two cents:)Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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>hey billvon, how would you know this? Have you personally done a metaphase
> spread on Jamie Lee Curtis's chromosomes, or do you know a reputable source
> that has?
Nope, just the one article from the Baltimore Sun. I have seen no other evidence for or against, beyond the circumstantial (i.e. she wanted children and adopted; XY women generally cannot get pregnant.)
-bill von

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I don't believe people are born gay..

You've said that at least once before in this thread. There is no reason to repeat yourself each time someone says that they believe differently.
I think by now we all pretty much know where everybody who has chimed in stands on this issue....
pull & flare,
"But our reality is in fact entire illusion!"
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If my son comes home with another man and says he loves him he is in BIG trouble.

Please remember that when you were a child, you didn't wake up one morning and decide to like girls. No...it was just part of you...it wasn't a choice. The same goes for gay children. They live for years feeling like there is something wrong with them because they are not attracted to the sex society says they should be. This feeling can even go on into adulthood. Today society is slowing learning more acceptance for homosexuality and that is allowing gay people to feel safer coming out (if they ever do), that is the only reason we see more of it today then we did in prior years. Homosexuality is not a choice...the only choice gay people have is to either live a lie their whole lives and never come out because society forces that upon them (how would you like to be forced to live with only a man your whole life?) or to come out and be treated as half a person without the same rights as the rest of society.
Please remember, we didn't chose our sexuality.
Tee :)

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I don't believe people are born gay..
I believe it is something they learn to be or something they grow into by circumstance.

That's a hard one really. I believe that, for the most part, they ARE born gay, or not. Like someone said earlier, it's a hard life, why would you choose that? However, I have known or known of some people that I wonder if circumstances kind of 'lead' them in that direction. Only they can know if they were unhappy being straight and found where they truly belong (after they 'switch' so to speak) or if they were so unhappy from a relationship they are scared so are trying something they consider 'safer'. A woman I know of dated men as a teenager and young woman, then later decided she was gay. She'd been sexually abused in the past by a family member and had always been scared to let a man touch her. These sorts of circumstances are deeper and individual. Then there are people whom I feel truly do feel attraction to members of both sex. Even some gay people think THEY are wrong and should 'choose sides'. I, personally, have been attracted to both men and women. I wouldn't have cared where I found my soulmate. If I was physically attracted to them, mentally attracted and stimulated by them, and truly loved them, it wouldn't have mattered to me if they were a man or a woman.
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I wasn't aware their was a rule about responding in a like manner more than one time..
You keep pointing that out to me. If I want to respond to every post in here I will.. Unless there is a rule that says I can't?? I'm not abusing anything.

Basically, it is just rude. We shouldn't have to have "The Official Dropzone.com 10 Commandments" or something. Our community depends on people being civil to each other. Some things you learn by watching before posting, and others you learn when a moderator gently mentions them to you. By the time a moderator asks you something in a non-gentle fashion, you've probably annoyed many more people than that by the same behavior.
I'd humbly suggest you try learning from Lisa's comments rather than bristling at them in a uselessly hostile manner.
Of course, I'm not the website owner, nor a moderator. This is just my $.02.

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You keep pointing that out to me. If I want to respond to every post in here I will.. Unless there is a rule that says I can't?? I'm not abusing anything.

Rule? No. Common courtesy? Hmmm...
You are abusing not only HH's bandwidth, but many others time - time that could be spent reading other threads and posts rather than reading your opinion _again_.
pull & flare,
"But our reality is in fact entire illusion!"
-Gregory Benford

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>There are allot of reasons that someone could decide to be gay? Fear of rejection
> by the opposite sex? Tired of shit from the opposite sex? Experimentation?
Well, all the above could be applied to you to explain your attraction to women - fear of rejection by men, tired of shit from them - all of which drove you to choose women over men. Is that the case? If you'd had a slightly different set of circumstances in your upbringing, would you now be gay?
-bill von

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Tired of shit from the opposite sex? Experimentation? I'm sure I could think up a few more?

Oh my..have you seen the way some gay people treat one another!? I've actually read an article by a woman who talked about how catty and hateful gay women can be to one another. Unfaithful a lot of times, devious...and I know gay men who are very harsh with their critiques and treatment of their partners.
And experimentation doesn't make you gay :)
New pin jewelry!

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Fear of rejection by the opposite sex? Tired of shit from the opposite sex? Experimentation? I'm sure I could think up a few more?

I HIGHLY doubt that those are reasons that someone would "turn" gay. I have one friend who is openly gay, and he will say that its not something he just all of the sudden "chose" to do. He did not wake up one morning, and decide he was going to be gay. That is a rediculous theory.
"If I could be like that, I would give anything, just to live one day, in those shoes..."

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