
Do you think GAY couples should adopt children???

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Other than that child molesting thing?

Yeah, other than that. But really, he was a great dad. He never molested or did anything but be a great dad to his own kids. He just had some 15 and 16 year old 'boys' on the side. It was sad really. His kids are still messed up due to the trauma they went through when they found out.
Now, does his sexual preference preclude him from being a good dad? Not directly, but Indirectly his actions harmed them immensely. Where am I going with this, hell I don't know. But I do think there is more to this than just 'yes' they should be able to adopt and 'no' they shouldn't.

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When I used the word 'normal' I was refering to non-gay parents.

So are you saying "gay" people are not normal???

it's still NOT RIGHT to the great majority of god-fearing humans.

Another reason I don't like bible thumpers...
"There's nothing new under the sun"

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So are you saying "gay" people are not normal???{/quote] Yes, in the context of my post I am saying that 'gay' people are not normal. They are not like the majority of parents (ie male and female couples) therefore they are not the norm. You sure are quick to assume that I mean something negative when I use that word.
***Another reason I don't like bible thumpers...

For someone that spouts some much liberal PC 'accept everyone for what they are' rhetoric I find your attacks on 'Bible Thumpers' to be fairly ironic. Let's stick to posting about the thread and not attacking people's beliefs. If you disagree with an opinion state yours and move on.

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Hmm...what to say. This is what happens when you can't play on dz.com all day...I'm so far behind! :) Billvon..thank you so much for saying most of what I would've said had I been here, only much more intelligently.

The reason I brought up gay marriages is b/c you can't have a messy divorce or custody battle if the State you live in doesn't recognize your union........My opinion is gay marriages should be addressed before gay couples have the right to adopt children. I don't have anything against gay marriages. I am just trying to point out the obvious.
Same thing as happens when a hetero couple breaks up or divorces. A messy court case and custody battles. This problem is not unique to homosexuals, and marriages (at least here in CA) are no assurance that a couple will be together for any length of time.

Exactly. It's a mess and a sad deal regardless. Marriage doesn't change any of the legal process...legal parents by adoption or biology will have rights that must be worked out.

If my son comes home with another man and says he loves him he is in BIG trouble.

So he just won't tell you and you lose a son when he avoids you altogether. How sad.

But some are far better off in the system than bouncing from gay couple to gay couple. The system provides consistency and stability in some cases.

Just how much have you actually seen of the system??
It's all pretty much been said already. However, after working for the police department, then working in the social system, specifically with children in paternity issues and such, while also working with children foster care and such, I've seen so much sadness. It's really an amazing concept...someone has sex, then either on purpose, or not, there is a child. All it takes to be a genetic parent is that you provide either the egg or the sperm. It's beautiful, and frustrating both. It takes so much more commitment then getting laid to be a true parent. I, personally, think that all children will go through a lot in their lifetime. No matter what you come from, whom, where, there will always be something the kids will find to torture you with. I had the most normal parents ever growing up, but that didn't make life 'easy' for me automatically. That's silly. As long as a child has someone there who loves them unconditionally and provides for them, they are one step ahead of many.
In a world of hate and anger, love should be appreciated in all its forms. My children will always know that no matter what they do or whom they love, it will never change what I feel for them.
New pin jewelry!

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when it is aimed at a person on the forum is not conducive to a calm debate.

Nothing was aimed at any one person.....He jsut said he didnt like bible thumpers.....so what.....he didnt call anyone out!! I dont like them either or do I agree with there beliefs...but then they dont agree with mine ......doesnt mean I dont like the person ...no.....just dont care for there beliefs.....not a big deal.......Anyone that worships god..GREAT!! Anyone that doesnt ..GREAT......

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Absolutely not. I don't care how frickin mainstream the media and the vocal minority makes it out, it's still NOT RIGHT to the great majority of god-fearing humans

I so respect you for framing this by talking about what you feel, and what you believe in. This debate really is about emotion, and it's about beliefs. People tend to be pretty set in their beliefs, too.
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I hope he's trolling, but I don't think so.
People who have opinions like his make me incredibly angry. The minute I saw the subject of this thread I couldn't help but feel my heart sink, because I knew this debate was comming.

Go ahead and get angry.. I started a thread based on an event that is actually unfolding in our country. Rosy Odonnell.. I think that is her name. Have you been paying attention?
Semper Fi .....
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So are you saying "gay" people are not normal???
No being Gay is not normal.. You know the whole penis/vagina thing..
Another reason I don't like bible thumpers...
I don't think he asked for your acceptance.. Nor did anyone else. There is a difference between beeing a bible thumper as you say and a christian. You don't have to agree with christianity. You are allowed to have your own opinion.
Semper Fi .....
http:// www.aahit.com

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So he just won't tell you and you lose a son when he avoids you altogether. How sad.
You didn't read all of my posts..
Just how much have you actually seen of the system??
I have seen more of it than I would care to. At least being in a system in the hopes of finding a good family is better than being stuck in one you will never like.
Semper Fi .....
http:// www.aahit.com

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care to expound on the differences between a "bible thumper "and a "christian"? Oh wait never mind....I Do Not want to even go there........legalistic unh huh no way.....do Not talk politics or religion.....nope no way don't do it!
It only takes a little pixie dust......

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What difference does it make?

If you post once in response to several posts it takes up much less space on the page... not to mention that you won't have to repeat yourself over five or six posts.
pull & flare,
"But our reality is in fact entire illusion!"
-Gregory Benford

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I got home and there were 44 more.. I picked the ones that stuck out and responded. I like to respond to the person so they can see their name on the response. That way THAT person knows I am talking to them..
Next time I will cut and paste into a word doc and put it all in one post nice and neat. :) Semper Fi .....
http:// www.aahit.com

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So after watching your posts I have learned this. Make a new thread and then post a response to everyones answer. If you have two answers do not include them in one post but have two seperate posts to their one answer. Then if someone posts something that you think is interesting make a new thread about it. Post a response to everyones answer. If you have two answers do not include them in one post but have two seperate posts to their one answer.

I am quoting myself. I figured it out a long time ago. Please do us a favor and lock this thread Lisa!

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