
Do you think GAY couples should adopt children???

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Well, to be more specific about my own beliefs, I believe everyone falls somewhere on a spectrum as far as gay-straight. Most are at one of the "poles," some are farther towards the middle. The way you're raised will NOT affect where you are on that spectrum, but it WILL affect how much of your sexuality you openly express.
Anyway, people are obviously still free to debate my opinion on it, cause that's what it is, opinion. I probably could have pointed it out more explicitly as an opinion in my earlier post for the sake of intellectual honesty...

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"True.. But it's our job as parents to raise our children according to our belief system. If my son comes home with another man and says he loves him he is in BIG trouble. I will uphold my belief system where my children are concerned. I will do just that because I believe my belief system is the right one. That is a gift that we have as parents. The gift to shape and mold these little people into better people than our parents did us."
I can't believe I'm replying to this thread. Well, I just wanted to say, that I think that you're coming at this from the wrong angle. How do you expect to "mold these little people into better people than our parents did us" by using your "belief system"? That's like a robot trying to make a paper airplane outta sheet-metal. I think we need to raise our childern to be objective, and intelligent enough to find and make the right decisions on their own. IF your belief system is right AND you believe in it SO strongly, then an intelligent, objective young person should see no fault with it, and wholeheartedly agree with you. But I will raise my children with the freedom of choice, by NOT imposing my belief on them. And if I do well enough, they should turn out just fine.
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When did you choose to be straight?
I don't understand your point. What makes you think I'm straight?

Because I don't know a single gay man or lesbian who would have said, "This has yet to be proven. Alot of scientists have done studies on this and there is still no conclusive evidence one way or another. Tremendous amount of opinions though."

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Because I don't know a single gay man or lesbian who would have said, "This has yet to be proven. Alot of scientists have done studies on this and there is still no conclusive evidence one way or another. Tremendous amount of opinions though."

Well, then you are calling them all liars. It is fact that it has not been proven. Like I said, various scientists have varying opinions but there is no conclusive evidence that being gay is natural or that it is a choice.
My sister dated men her entire life, married a man, was happy, got sad (due to his drinking), got a divorce (at 35), and is now a lesbian. Was she born that way? I don't know. No one else knows either.

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>Well, to be more specific about my own beliefs, I believe everyone falls
>somewhere on a spectrum as far as gay-straight. Most are at one of the "poles,"
> some are farther towards the middle. The way you're raised will NOT affect
> where you are on that spectrum, but it WILL affect how much of your sexuality
> you openly express.
I agree and disagree. Your open expression of your sexuality is, in many ways, your sexuality. It is what defines you externally, and determines what parts of it you develop. None of us are slaves to our passions - if we were, we'd all be in jail for rape, assault and robbery. We choose which of our passions to allow expression, and often sublimate them into socially acceptable activities. I would not call most men rapists, although most men have an urge to do just that, the control of which is what makes adolescence so difficult. Similarly, I would not call someone who lives their life as a heterosexual, and has a relatively happy relationship with a woman etc. gay even if they had an "inner leaning" towards homosexuality.
That being said, I think there's still way too much pressure to be "normal," to not come out due to fear of riducule and non-acceptance. Even here in this thread we see people expressing the sentiment that if you're gay, the only way you should be allowed to adopt is if you hide it. This leads people to not express their sexuality in any besides the normal ways, which is too bad, because I think that leads to a lot of unhappiness - or, at least, leads to someone who is not as happy as they could be if they did express it.
-bill von

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I might agree, but single parents can adopt kids, and that's an even worse environment, since they will likely see other people at some point in the child's life. Starting out with two parents who agree to raise the child together is a better environment than starting out with one.
I don't agree.. A good parent does not subject his child to a significant other until THE ONE is found.. And if the child is exposed it is as friends. At least an attempt should be made to do this so the child doesn't experience separation.
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Third: You still haven't answered my original question. Perhaps I didn't ask the right one?

OK, I chose to be heterosexual when I was sixteen and had my first sexual encounter with a woman. Does that help?

Your sisters husband's alcoholism didn't make her a lesbian.

I didn't say it did. I said that it was the reason she got a divorce from her husband.

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I will love my son no matter what. But I have confidence knowing he will not come home when he is 40 and do this.. If he does I will probably have a heart attack right in front of him and scare him straight..
Someone said something about kids being born gay?? This is bullshit.. I'm sorry.. Brain stem size doesn't have a damn thing to do with sexuality.
Feels like a Rhino attack to me? I remember saying at the beginning that no one had to agree with me :) Semper Fi .....
http:// www.aahit.com

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Don't worry.. I've seen much, much worse..
In a few states Gays are allowed to get married

You have no idea how I was brought up...and what I have seen.....Dont make statements like that with out knowing..
and I have for sure seen much worse due to my job.....

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"mold these little people into better people than our parents did us" by using your "belief system"?
I expect to do this by learning from what I did and did not like about how my parents raised me. I am setting the example. The example for him to stand for his beliefs and value system. If when he is 40 part of him doing that is telling me he is gay and he met a man is how it happens.. That will be unfortunate and he will know of my disappointment.. Will I still love him.. Hell yes..
Bottom line.. The kids are the important thing.. We can all agree on this. The issue I was curious about was "should gays adopt" The principal of the thing..
I am impressed by the composure and the scope of the answers to the questions.. Good job guys!!
Semper Fi .....
http:// www.aahit.com

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rhino attack?
strikes me as an attack on the recently popular notion of equality and tolerance, which is the intellectual property of the people who hold it. Therefore we with the aforementioned beliefs are as much attacking you, as you're attacking us. course, it didn't start out this way, but through each side defending it's stance, this is what it's become.
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