
A DZ marriage proposal

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Good morning! I have some more good news for everyone. Yesterday was Bryan's 1000th jump and I was bummed out because I couldn't be in on the jump with him. They were planning a 10 way formation load with 2 cessnas and off they went. I was out in the landing area as they were all coming in and thought it was a little strange that Bryan was the high guy under canopy because he is usually the first one down but I just dismissed it. Then, as each of our friends landed they would run over to me, take a rose out of their jumpsuit, hand it to me and give me a kiss. Now I knew something was going on, so I looked around for Bryan landing and he came over with his rose, gave me my kiss, got down on his knee and asked me to marry him! (and in case you are wondering, I said yes :P) So I got to be part of his skydive after all.

And the even cuter part was that he has the ring all picked out but because nothing will fit my hands at this point of being 9 months preggo, he pulled out one of those candy rings with the big candy diamonds and asked me with that! lol lol

Just had to let everyone know! :)

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Exellent!! I am super happy for you two...B|

So when you have the baby you still will not be able to jump together. One on the ground baby sitting while the other gets to jump and visa versa. Though after 9 months of carrying around the baby in your belly I would think it would be more like two jumps for you one for him and so on;)


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That is so cool Tee, and definately more romantic than my proposal from Omri. Mine went something like "so Sunshine, when you gonna marry me so i can stay in the country?"


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Bending the knee as a beginning to an equal partnership is a bit excessive; do the ladies really require this sort of submissive display?

Ha ha ha...That's the best I've heard in a while. I feel so sorry for you guys, never knowing if you're being a gentleman by opening a door for a woman or whether you're being a chauvenist.

For me, I'm a feminist, but not the bra-burning type. I believe in equality of all people, genders and races. I'm an idealist at times and a realist at times. In this case, I feel it is simply a tradition and doesn't have some underlying submissive tone. To me, it's about praising the woman you want to be yours. Or vice versa, if a woman asked a man to marry her. Either way. But for most women, stand up, bend on one knee or do a hula dance, it doesn't matter. It's the question that matters;).
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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That's fantastic!! What a great idea for him to come up with. Good luck to you guys (you already have a step up both being skydivers and all) ;)

Keep us up on what's going on with that baby too! Make sure that guy of yours knows how to sign on DZ.com so he can give us the news straight away!

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Tee, that's fantastic, hunny!

The man gets brownic points for being so creative!

You girls should give us more credit... Look how many dudes responded here. See, deep down we all will act that way, and are very old school romantics.:D

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Bending the knee as a beginning to an equal partnership is a bit excessive; do the ladies really require this sort of submissive display?

If I end up proposing to a guy (stranger things havehappened...) I'll be going down on bended knee! YES I want my guy to do down on one knee, its not like I'm asking him to be on his head or something......heynow there's an idea.......!:D How could you propose in freefall?

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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