
worst month of my life..

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It's a long rant, so only read it if you have the time (and you care to listen to someone bitch about his life)

One month ago my cat (yoda) got out of the appartment, and got hit by a car. His legs where completely busted. I had the choice, put him to sleep ($25) or have the vet go ahead and do some extensive reconstructive surgery (saying he'd be 100% okay again). GREAT!! The only downside was that the operation (and future consults) would charge up to about $900.
Well...you either love your pet or you don't....and I do...so I went ahead and did it.
byebye $900....so no I was broke.
2 days later, I'm driving to work on my big shiny motorcycle, and some idiot in a mini-van cut me off, he made about every fuckup someone could make in trafic. I was doing about 30 mph and all of a sudden this idiot shows up from my left side, only 2 or 3 meters in front of me. I had to throw my motorcycle in a 90 degree skid, and managed to mis his van. I almost managed to stop, but when I was almost standing still I coulnd't hold it. I twisted my ankle and my motorcycle was damaged bad (the whole left side of my bike is ruined)
The guy who caused the accident stopped his car, looked back...and DROVE ON...the bastard.

Luckely I someone else saw it happen and wrote down his licence plate, but he'd still denying, and the whole thing is taking ages due to the tons of paperwork. My bike is still busted ($2500 damage, according to the insurance guy who checked it), and it will take at least 3 or 4 more weeks untill the paperwork is done, and they finaly start fixing it (IF the guy is found guilty..which..to me...is a 100% sure case)

Because of my busted ankle and lack of transportation I had to cancel the first 5 days of my (first) skydiving holiday, and I spent those days at home with my foot up on the couch (sprained ankle) while the sun was shining in a clear blue sky.
Luckely I could drive along with someone later that week and my ankle was sorta okay, and I got 4 days of jumping in.

My girlfriend was away for 2 months (on holiday with a girlfriend) while I was at home.
We've been together for 5 years, living together for 2 years. I was madly in love with here (2 years before we became a couple already).
I was sooo happy she was coming home.
But when I came home..no hug...just a friendly 'hello, we need to talk'.
She hung up a whole bullshit story, which basicly came down to 'i've never loved you like you loved me...you're nice, but I don't want you anymore...but you are sweet...' and then she wanted to tell everyone how 'we' came to the dissicion to call it quits...what do you mean WE??
The past few days have been realy shitty. Walking around the house, acting 'not to manly', basicly sobing like a 6 year old.
I realy put everything I had into that relationship and was madly in love...and she just says...welll....it was nice..but i never realy loved you...
That feels like a stab in the back..

I had to work again fryday (i had a few days off) and I went there on my sisters moped...pathetic..I know :) I come home...walk upstairs to feed my cat, and want to walk back down to take the moped back to my sister...and some f*cking idiot ran away, while the engine was only attached with one boult he couldn't loosen. HE TRIED TO STEAL THE ENGINE???!!!

I just had anough of it all.
I quit my job on fryday, found a new job emidiately (one I like) and after she took some of her stuff out of the house I went skydiving.

I only made one jump, and for me it was the jump that I concidered a fresh start to my life...

Instead of lame shit for the house and food (who needs it anyways) I'm gonna buy myself a rig next month when my paycheck comes in, and this saterday I'm taking the written exam for my A, and hope this shit ends right here right now, cause I don't think I can handle any more stuff going wrong...:-/

Just needed to get this off my chest...if you've read it so far..thanx for listening :)

I'm an Athlete?

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I only made one jump, and for me it was the jump that I concidered a fresh start to my life...

An excellent attitude!

The guy in the mini van? Make his life hell. If the cops/judge/insurance company don't do it for you, Haydukery may be in order ;) Tell the ex to get the rest of her stuff out of your house and your life.
Buy that rig - Top Ramen is cheap and filling. ;)

And try to smile. It will get better; always does. Hang with your friends, make some skydives, and make the most of your fresh start on life.

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Thanx....trying to keep smiling is the hardest part...:(

The only thing that made me smile last weekend was the worried look on my moms face when I came by and sayd "I've had anough of this...I'm going skydiving"
She was truly concerned about me not pulling :)
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Isn't skydiving great!!!!!! One jump and it makes you feel better already. Hey, things can't get much worse, so they have to get better. It always help to 'vent' a little too, so feel free to vent anytime.:)

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Well...you either love your pet or you don't....and I do...so I went ahead and did it.
byebye $900....so no I was broke.

For what it's worth - I salute you for the above. I'd like to think I'd do the same in your place. Good luck with the rest - hope it all comes out well.


I realy put everything I had into that relationship and was madly in love...and she just says...welll....it was nice..but i never realy loved you...
That feels like a stab in the back..

Well there's plenty of fish in the sea, if not at the DZ. Before I got married, I actually could see something positive in a breakup. Go out there and conquer the world - it's yours after all.

PS - I'm sincere in my first remark about the Yoda incident. Now get some mileage from it! Chicks dig that kind of story :ph34r:


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I've learned the hard way that as long as you think things can't possibly get any worse, they will. Some people just have a tendency for things to build upon each other, snowballing downwards.

All the way down you pass hundreds of offramps, but we usually just aren't smart enough to see them, or see them as we pass them by. The people who deal with this stuff well, are the people that are smart enough to see the offramps BEFORE we pass them by.

To a lot of us, skydiving is exactly one of those offramps. Jumping from an airplane can completely liberate your mind, help you put things into perspective, and cleanse yourself of all those issues.

Enjoy your skydiving, and I know things will turn around for you.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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B|Just think, down the road from now when everything has happened in all the right directions and you are holding your nice new "fill in the blank" liscense, a cold beer on Saturday night, hanging out with a bunch of like minded people (read: skydivers) things will be as close to perfect as they have ever been.
I am sorry to hear of all the junk that you have had to go through. I like to think that if we never experience the trials and hardships of life, that if we had never been required to struggle through and fight or way to the top again, we would never really appreciate the really great things, the great times, and more improtantly the great people that we each have in or lives. Keep swinging, good guys DO finish first.:)

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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Well...you either love your pet or you don't....and I do...so I went ahead and did it.
byebye $900....so no I was broke.

*sigh* a man who likes cats?????/ Didn't think they existed ;) Good on you!



Well there's plenty of fish in the sea, if not at the DZ. Before I got married, I actually could see something positive in a breakup. Go out there and conquer the world - it's yours after all.

Must say I agree with meatmissile on this one - I may be single again, but trust me, I am having way way more fun, and living life the way I want to, without having all sorts of "issues" hanging over me. (besides, the ex was a whuffo - say no more;)).
It hurts now, but the sun rises every morning, and it does get better.

Keep smiling


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A little late....but, dude, hope everything is looking on the up and up as each day passes by. Bravo on kitty, don't worry about the motorcycle and the moped, both are repairable/replacable...and I hope the bastard is found guilty. Glad to hear you're still alive after such a close call. Congratulations on the new job!!! And hopefully, as time passes on, you'll heal from such a breakup, although it won't be easy, skydiving and friends (and kitty ;)) are great distractions.

{{{{{{{{SENDING GOOD VIBES}}}}}}}}

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One day, you will realize that this was the best month of your life.

The month you were saved from a doomed relationship. The month you realized that the things you care about(ie your cat) are what really matter. The month you realized that a new rig is more important than eating

Methane Freefly - got stink?

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wish ya the best from now on. i'm planning a trip back to europe (the continent not that damned island acros the channel) next year and the first jump is on me, since i never did make it over to rotterdam to jump with ya when i was stationed in germany.......

looking forward to your next video.... got the others on my computer and watch em everynow and again....even showed the family one to my friends......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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So, what are you going to tell her when she calls in a month or two and wants to "get together?"

I have a suggestion, but it's quite vulgar and would be a bit "uncomfortable" for her. (A lot like the back of a Volkswagen! ;) Think "Mallrats"!!!)


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Life's a bitch sometimes, but soon miss Fortuna will smile to you again and make you happy...The best part of being depressed and in that deep dark place is that it's so wonderful when the luck turns again.
Rember, it can't rain all the time!
May life smile to you again...
Lot's of happy thoughts :):ph34r:B|;)

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One day, you will realize that this was the best month of your life.

The month you were saved from a doomed relationship.

I sure hope I can look at it in that way in a few months...cause at the moment it feels like shit....
But aside from feeling shitty it does help that I have a lot of things to focus on. My new job, Skydiving...and ehm.....skydiving...

That's about the only thing that brings a smile to my face at the moment. That I'll be able to jump as much as my bankaccount is willing to let me..:)


The month you realized that a new rig is more important than eating

That's something I already knew quite some time ago, but my gf just didn't get it...:)


If stupid didn't hurt, we wouldn't learn

Damn...then I'm probably one of the smartest motherf*ckers walking around at the moment..

And just looking around, listening to friends also helps to put things into perspective..
A friend of my niece just found out her 6 week old baby has cancer in her blood, and the child only has a few more weeks to live..that must realy hit you like a kick in the face. When you hear something like that it realy makes my problems seem small and silly. I wish her and her partner all the best..I can't imagine how hard it must be on them..

what are you going to tell her when she calls in a month or two and wants to "get together?"***

I'm already practicing that head-swinging 'talk to the hand' routine I've seen a million times on Jerry Springer...:)
But seriously....If I where to listen to what I still feel for her (can't help it) I would say yes, but I'm happy to say that the past few days I've managed to look at everything in a more logical way (instead of just reacting emotional) and it does sorta make me happy that it all ended now, and not 10 years down the line with 2,5 children, a stationcar and a golden retriever in the backyard...

Just venting to people realy helps..and thank you all for your good advice (and the laughs) and just listening. I'm still a long way to go from being my happy self again, but I have no doubt that I'll be okay (and keep pulling my ripcord every once in a while, just to make my mom happy:)

Special thanks to zennie...I'll message you later today....

I'm an Athlete?

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I'm already practicing that head-swinging 'talk to the hand' routine I've seen a million times on Jerry Springer...:)

was that in english or dutch???? mn that would be wierd if it was in dutch........

"i have no reader's digest version"

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was that in english or dutch???? mn that would be wierd if it was in dutch........

Neeh...all in English...but it would be fun to have Jerry Springer dubbed in Dutch...:)

And if your around here...just howler and we'll drop by a few clubs in Holland :)
I'm an Athlete?

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I kinda know how you feel. My fiance left me a few months ago. His excuse was 'he was too busy to be tied down' and 'he didnt think I could handle bein at the dz all the time'(I was a newbie..about to start AFF).Not to mention he left me with over $4000 worth of debt from my credit cards he decided to party on. Oh well. Shows what he knows,b/c I know for a fact that I'm at a dz alot more often than he is.LOL! Too bad I had to find a new dz b/c I didnt feel comfortable around the jerk!But all is well and I love my new dz sooo much more than the old one.

Besides, I've gone back to school,got a new job *possibly* and have continued jumping without the slug!May he rot in hell!

I hope things get better in your life!Best wishes!:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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*sigh........ I am truly sorry for all of your woes, and I don't think I can add much to what has already been written except to say this......
There is always someone worse of than you,and people bring us either lessons or gifts. Be glad for both becuse they give you the OPPORTUNITY to grow.

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