
Ever Had a DZ Refuse to Let You Jump? Why??

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I've seen two people get permanently kicked off a DZ. One was for yelling at the owner's wife (oops) and the other was for physically bullying someone -- on the climb to altitude.

I've seen someone blacklisted too, but that was politics.

I'm thinking all of these are permanent, with no slack.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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WHooOOSH! :) Man! THAT went right over my head! :$ EXplain, please?

It's a story about someone who reads here. Hoping they would step up with a chuckle story, but didn't want to give them up. Their choice. Wet t-shirt contest not appreciated by the locals. No sense of humor, I guess.

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Have you ever had a DZ refuse to let you jump or Black-List you to other DZs? Why?

How did you handle that situation?


Not yet but I have visited Dz's that really diddn't want me to jump my rig. The reason they diddnt want me to jump my rig is they weren't to familiar with the wingloading on my main's and reserve's. Normal for my dz, but not for smaller ones I guess. They let me jump it, but let me know they usually wouldn't let someone that was a regular there. Anyone ever hear of this also?
Oh yeah I have seen a few people kicked off my dropzone permanently, most of them for BAD Habbit's. One of them got in a drunken argument with a closed Manifest after dark, about not letting get on a load.

Just curious....

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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i have had had 2 dz's not let me jump.. on in nv and you can guess which one it is ( took place in '99) and one well known one in arizona (not eloy), one in az told me that people from the dz i got trained at weren't good jumpers and that i would have to sit through thier fjc to beable to jump there (they wern't gona charge me)

"i have no reader's digest version"

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>Have you ever had a DZ refuse to let you jump or Black-List you to
> other DZs? Why?

No, but we've 'black listed' a few people. One experienced jumper (not a JM) who took his girlfriend (a level 4 student) on a harness hold jump. Two students who simply could not skydive safely, in fact couldn't even comprehend the risks involved. When they are likely to try their antics at another DZ (like the non-JM with the girlfriend) we call local DZ's to warn them. Generally they ground the jumper as well.

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I think current count at the DZ is 10+ kicked off and another few the DZ would'nt care if they ever returned. The DZ is a no drug DZ.. one offense and your outta there forever. Assult the DZO's kids and you can kiss your jump career good bye there. I watched 2 last year get kicked for 1)still being hung over midafternoon and being really lazy(DZ staff that just stumbled awake) and 2) for issues that don't need to happen on a DZ.

I like the DZ for its stance on stuff like this.

I've been denied at one DZ for having a reserve out of date by 2 days. On a calendar by 3 months I still had 2 days but they actually counted the days out to see when it expired since I was close then wanted big bucks for me to use rental gear. I had other issues with this DZ. The other 12 DZ's I've jumped at are really cool places...
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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When I lived in Japan the jumping cost was high ($65 per), so when i did jump i just had to let it all out.

One day i was filming a 4 way RW team with a freefly suit on. I've filmed them before, so it was a suprise to me when i got low on them. So i stuck to the center and waited for breakoff.

Well they are about as cheap as me so they sucked every last bit of altitude they could out of the jump. They broke off at 2500', i was about 1000' under them. I turned over at 1200' and picked a handle (i really only had one parachute to use at that point)

Like an idiot, i threw out the main, luckily it worked. Got canopy at 600' and had a 21 sec canopy flight.

Got booted for that, and later for swooping the runway. I've calmed since then!!!


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I have been refused a a couple of times...

Always for the same stupid reason to....

Get this shit. Cause I didnt have enough $$$ in my account... Cheap bastards wouldnt let me go in the hole... hehehe j/k. ;) They arent bastards, I love my manifest ladies.


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one in NV and you can guess which one it is ( took place in '99)

Aaaahhhh yes, Skydive L-s V---s... Been there and walked out after asking for a refund on my jumpticket. After I watched the ASSHOLE (DZO) treat employees like shit and tell me to land out five (5) miles on a concrete hard dry lakebed, when his own reg's state that C license and above land across the street. SCREW THAT! Now you can't even jump there unless you trained there, like anyone who knows this guy would want to:P
33 States, 54 DZ's and counting:)

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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clay, kreg,

you guys are gona get it in the end..... i'm trying to decide on what color/combination i want on my brand new custon container(gona be a racer) now the onlything people are gona be afraid of is that i'll look too cool.....lol.......to bad my jumpsuit is still gona be a second hand mechanics suit from the airforce....i say spend it where it counts....and that's in a shiny new container not on a suit i really don't need for how i want to fly.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I have never been banned from a DZ but there was a one year period were i was not very welcome to a particular DZ. Things have improved drasticaly and I have regained good status with this DZ.

The event that caused this involved: A runway, a taxi way, a tow truck, several higway patrols, local police and sherrifs, crown royal, beer, broken runway lights, and me somewhere in the middle:S

It is now just one of those stories nobody ever gets tired of hearing except me...:P

Just for the record I did not get arrested. Close but the worst was being sent home the next day and not being really welcome for about a year...

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>Have you ever had a DZ refuse to let you jump or Black-List you to
> other DZs? Why?

No, but we've 'black listed' a few people. One experienced jumper (not a JM) who took his girlfriend (a level 4 student) on a harness hold jump. Two students who simply could not skydive safely, in fact couldn't even comprehend the risks involved. When they are likely to try their antics at another DZ (like the non-JM with the girlfriend) we call local DZ's to warn them. Generally they ground the jumper as well.

What do you mean by a harness hold jump? Like an AFF type jump?

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I remember YOU!!!!:S:S:SThat was the look you had, right?:S:S:S.
I remember the scary sight of our packer, Tony comming staggered into there with blue X-Mas garlan wrapped around him at 1:45am:SB|:S:P

If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Hey SUNSHINE at the C-130!


I remember YOU!!!!:S:S:SThat was the look you had, right?:S:S:S.
I remember the scary sight of our packer, Tony comming staggered into there with blue X-Mas garlan wrapped around him at 1:45am:SB|:S:P

If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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